Under the Veil of Night

Forever Enemies?

Forever Enemies?

When Kanae returned back to the hotel, she saw that Taro was already there. From the man's expression, it was clear that he felt rather indignant. His dark face caused others to wonder which blind person made this young lady angry.     

"Taro, I'm back," Kanae greeted and laughed when she saw him.     

Taro turned his head and glared. "You're late. It's almost time for lunch. Kevin will surely return back very soon."     

"I know. That's why I returned back now."     

"You have to accompany me now! You abandoned me for that annoying person!" Taro put his hands on Kanae's shoulders as he leaned in. This way, his face was right before Kanae's.     

Kanae rolled her eyes when she saw his gesture. "Get off. Your hands are heavy."     

"Fine, but you have to keep me company this afternoon."     

"I'll only accompany you if President agrees," Kanae answered simply.     

Taro retracted his hands when he saw Kevin and the others standing not far from them. It seemed that they finished their work far earlier than what he thought. Well, it was perfect timing to ask for permission to take Kanae away.     

"Kevin, you've returned!" Taro waved his hand.     

Kevin nodded his head slightly. "Kanae, it's time for lunch."     


For some reason, she felt that Kevin's voice seemed rather restrained. It was as if he was forcefully clamping down on his feelings. For someone who seemed like an ice block on a daily basis, she wondered what could make this man so perturbed.     

Kevin was practically glaring at Taro. He thought that it would be fine to leave Kanae with him since this man didn't seem like the type to make passes on the nerdy type. Who would have thought that the first scene he stumbled upon getting back was that man flirting with Kanae? In his heart, he swore that he wouldn't let this flirty man get near Kanae anymore.     

"Hey, Kevin, can I join in on your lunch?" Taro asked.     

"No, just go with your girl friends," Kevin answered in monotone, yet his expression seemed to emit a deathly aura.     

Mike shook his head slightly when he noticed how Kevin's emotions fluctuated. At this time, he felt rather amused since he rarely saw Kevin get annoyed at anything other than the grave situation in the clan. He also understood why Kevin was like this. After all, he too would feel the same if he saw Misae flirting with other people…     

Unfortunately, it happened on too many occasions with her hobby of chasing after handsome guys.     

Neo frowned slightly. "Boss, shall I order the dishes now?"     


Taro was disappointed with Kevin's sudden refusal. Since this man already gave him a death glare, it would be unwise to stay here any longer. His brain quickly thought of an excuse to get away as fast as possible.     

"I need to make sure that my guards didn't follow after me. See you later, Kevin."     

Kevin nodded his head slightly as they returned back to their rooms and changed in more casual clothes before heading to the cafeteria. Neo already ordered a lot of food as usual because there were three gluttons at the table.     

"I think that I ordered too little," Neo's face scrunched when he saw how fast the food was disappearing.     

Kevin nodded. "For lunch, you should order more."     

"Yes, Boss."     

Kanae grinned. "Thank you in advance, Neo."     

"Not a problem, Kanae."     

As Kevin drank his tea, he recalled the scene that he stumbled upon just now. "Did you have fun with Taro?"     

"Taro? I only spent a bit of time with him because he volunteered to show me around this area. I never knew that this place has so many attractions," Kanae grinned as she told them about her morning.     

"You only spend a bit of time with him?" Neo was rather confused.     

"Yeah, I met with Brother Jason on the way. He said that he had a business meeting not far from here. When I returned, Taro was acting childish. He's angry because I left him alone to walk with Brother Jason," Kanae giggled a bit. His expression when she walked away, was priceless.     

Mike was stunned to hear what had happened to Taro. In his heart, he lamented that poor boy's fate. First, he was ditched by Kanae. Secondly, he was shooed away by Kevin. Just how poor could his fate be?     

"Oh," Kevin already heard about Jason staying near here because of a business meeting too. The Wells Family was rather large and had numerous connections, so he didn't feel that it was strange.     

As for Jason taking Kanae away, he could guess the reason. That Taro was famous for liking to play with women. Given that kind of reputation, there was no way Jason wouldn't worry about Kanae.     

As he thought about it this way, he felt much better. As for Taro, his value in Kevin's mind decreased by severalfold.     

"Let's finish our work. We're going back tomorrow," Kevin told Kanae.     

Kanae was astonished. "So quick?"     

"You don't want to skip school too much, right? Besides, there is not much that I had to take care of in this area to begin with. The end term will start next week too," his negotiation with the Tamari Clan has finished. It would be better for him to leave this place earlier before those enemies of the Ryukalin Clan got wind of his appearance here. His position was rather vulnerable, and he didn't wish to involve Kanae in the mindless fighting between the clans.     

Kanae nodded. "Sure. Let's get back to work."     

The rest of that day passed by with them working. Kevin visited a few more places until it was nearing the time for dinner. They returned back to the hotel and ordered more food.     

"It feels like you're going to feed a large pack of animals," Mike commented when he saw the long list of dishes that Neo ordered.     

"It can't be helped. You three eat too much," Neo sighed. "If you were poor, just food would surely use up your entire allowance."     

"At least, for this kind of trip, Boss pays for us," Mike grinned.     

"Yeah, I'll be driven to poverty if I have to pay for your meals. You all simply eat too much," Neo sighed. He paid for the food and waited at the table.     

Kevin and Kanae were already busy discussing work again. There was already another massive building construction in the works and Kevin wanted to seal the deal. Of course, there were many things that he needed to prepare to make sure that he wouldn't lose the bid.     

After dinner, they returned back to their rooms, and Neo continued his work on his laptop as usual. He was still searching for information regarding Kanae. It has been weeks, but he didn't have any results. The Nali Family protected the files of their members very well.     

'If only Kanae came from a further branch, her file wouldn't be this hard to find."     


When he saw the notification on his laptop, he immediately typed furiously. After he secured his position, he smiled widely to himself. He's such a genius!     

'Now, I want to know why they're guarding her file so intently.'     

As he opened the file, his eyes scanned the content slowly. Before long, his eyes grew larger in shock, and he sat rooted to his chair, unable to move. There was something in that file that was not supposed to be there.     

'No way! Please tell me this is not true,' Neo felt despair when he read the content. If this was true, Kanae and Kevin would forever be enemies. In addition, Kevin and Kanae's relationship would never work out.     

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