Under the Veil of Night



Kale Company      

Time passed swiftly as Kanae divided her time to do four things: studying in school, working in the office, completing missions as part of Fiore Group, and training under Master Rudy's abuse. Every day was tiring for Kanae, yet her body has gotten used to her routine that she barely paid any attention to the discomfort.     

"President, here's today's report," Kanae passed the document to Kevin.     

Taking the document, Kevin read through it. There was not much that they had to do today. Most of the tasks were already finished. It was one of the rare days that the people in the company could be so relaxed.     

"All of today's work is finished," Kevin said calmly.     

"Yes, good work today, President," Kanae grinned.     

Kevin leaned back on his chair. "You should just call me by my name. Why are you still using 'president?'"     

Kanae smiled wryly. She wouldn't be able to face him if she said that she felt somewhat embarrassed to say his name. After using the word 'president' so much, it was hard to change this habit of hers. Thankfully, she no longer saw him so much at school or she might have a problem calling him.     

"We're at the company and you're the president," Kanae tried to reason out.     

Kevin arched his eyebrows. "You don't have to be so formal with me."     

"I can't help it. I'm already used to calling you president."     

On the side, Neo tried his best not to listen to these two's bickering. This was not the first time Kevin complained to Kanae about calling him using his name. He didn't mind if they were at school, but right now, they were at the company. The others would surely send weird looks to Kanae if they heard her say his name directly.     

Besides, several of their clan members worked in this company. They knew about Kevin's real identity and would be rather perplexed if he suddenly allowed a girl to call him using his name.     

For now, he was thankful that Kanae still insisted on using the word 'president'. Still, he was not sure how long that would last as Kevin has been pestering the little lady so much lately.     

"Boss, my father is waiting for us outside," Neo informed when he looked at the text message on his phone.     

"Call him inside," Kevin immediately regained his calm. Previously, he was smiling warmly when talking with Kanae. However, he couldn't show that side to his subordinates as they might think that something was wrong with their leader.     

The Old Man walked inside with Taka following behind him. The young man smiled when he saw the others.     

"Boss, the people below are waiting for the document to ship the goods," Taka said in an energetic tone as usual.     

Kevin nodded his head and looked at Kanae. It was a signal for Kanae to take over the matter. "I'll find it for you."     


"Follow me," Kanae pointed to the side room. Most of the documents were there, so she needed to search a bit.     

The Old Man shook his head lightly and put down the box that he brought on the table. "This is the noodles for you four. I came here to have a short chat with you."     

"Is there a problem?" Kevin frowned.     

"We have handled two of them, but the others are getting restless. They seem to be more careful in their actions and have started to poach others to side with them."     

Kevin blinked for a moment as his eyes turned slightly cold. Those crafty old men seemed to be ready to dig their early graves. He would never allow them to do what they wanted in his clan.     

"I guess I'll take care of the matter in my own hands," Kevin answered calmly. "You should just take care of those people inside the clan. I don't want to hear more reports about them getting internal members."     

"I got it, Boss."     

Kevin tapped his finger on the table. Since they wanted him to move earlier, he would answer their demand. If he waited until he was of age, he feared that things would take a turn for the worst. They wouldn't allow him a safe haven in his own clan.     

Internally, he sneered as he thought about that. There was no way he would let them succeed.     

"Here's the document," Kanae handed the paper to Taka as they walked out from the side room.     

Taka accepted the document delightfully. "Thank you! By the way, when will you return back to the fifth floor? The others have been asking about you."     

"I don't remember having that good of a relationship with them."     

"Well, it's easier to meet with you if you're there rather than here," Taka sighed. He tapped Kanae's shoulder. "Well, I have an errand to attend to, see you later, Kanae."     

"See you later."     

Kanae turned around and saw that Kevin was sending a deathly glare towards the door. She was rather perplexed. Did the door do something wrong to irritate this icy man?     

The truth was quite far from what Kanae thought. Kevin was displeased when he saw Taka being close with Kanae. He had already gotten used to the males in the Student Council being close with Kanae as Tommy was basically Kanae's classmate. Besides, Tommy didn't seem to have any other intention aside from being the troublemaker that he already was.     

However, it was completely different for Taka. Kanae barely saw him, but that man was trying to get closer. This caused him to feel rather annoyed. When Taka tapped Kanae's shoulder, Kevin practically sent a death glare towards that young man.     

This feeling was new for him and he didn't know how to control it. His mind was clouded with the sight of Kanae getting close with another man. Why did he hate that sight?     

Kanae was not sure what to think about Kevin's current mood. He was always very unpredictable, especially with his icy and indifferent face. This time, things seemed different as he seemed to be slightly angry.     

"Since there's not much work left, can I leave first?"     

Hearing her request, Kevin frowned a bit. He was currently sorting out his own feelings and tried his best to maintain his usual cold expression. It took him a few seconds to calm down and answer in a flat tone.     

"Yes. Be careful on your way back.     


As Kanae left the room, Kevin was thinking about the sudden dark thoughts he had towards Taka. Was this him being possessive? He already knew that he liked her, but this was the first time he got the feeling that he wanted to be the one for her. Did something change inside him?     

Kevin silently tamped those feelings down. He knew better than anyone how he would only make her life more difficult. There was no need for him to make her experience the pain.     

His feelings have started to become more complicated.     

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