Under the Veil of Night

Preparation for Sakura Nali’s Birthday Party

Preparation for Sakura Nali’s Birthday Party


"Laura, I don't think we need this many clothes," Kanae looked towards the pile of clothes with a headache. She should know better than to take her sister to go shopping. A girl's habit when shopping---she would surely buy numerous things.     

Laura pouted. "They look good and you also need more clothes. Those old clothes no longer suit you, Sis."     

"A few pieces are enough for me."     

"No way! Except for the uniform, your clothes are too ugly. We no longer need to worry about money so much, so I want to buy a lot of clothes for both of us."     

A few days ago, Laura managed to win big in the stock market. The money they got from that business was in the hundreds of millions, so it could be said that they became rich overnight. Of course, after they subtracted the price of the mansion, they only had several thousand left for their daily expenses.     

"Even if we turn rich, we shouldn't waste money," Kanae sighed.     

"I just need to work for another few months. With the capital that you provide to me, I'm sure I can make millions again," Laura pouted.     

"Didn't you say that you were only lucky this time?"     

Laura stuck out her tongue. "Even if I was only lucky this time, I'm confident with my ability that I can make more again."     

"Let's just pick a few pieces of clothing and a gown for you. Don't buy too much."     


In the end, they picked several sets of clothing and a beautiful red gown for Laura. The gown was long with a V-neck and ruffled short sleeves. It made Laura exude charm when she tried it on.     

"Sis, don't tell me that you're going to wear butler clothes again."     

"I can't wear a gown," Kanae smiled wryly. "Butler clothes allow me to move around better than in a gown. Besides, I don't want to steal the spotlight from Sakura tonight."     

Laura scrunched her face. She didn't like seeing her sister wear those clothes. She was a woman, but she wore those kinds of clothes. Thankfully, her sister didn't look like a boy at all. If she did, Laura would never allow her sister to wear them.     

"When will you wear a proper gown?"     

"I will when it's another time. In front of the Nali Family, I won't wear beautiful clothes."     

When she heard that, Laura pulled Kanae towards the changing room while bringing a beautiful white gown with her. She pushed it towards Kanae with a grin.     

"If you can't wear it to the party, at least wear it here. I want to see my former beautiful sister."     

Kanae rolled her eyes in annoyance, yet she still took the gown. Laura waited outside as Kanae changed her clothes. The dress that Laura picked fitted her perfectly as Laura seemed to know her size better than herself. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Kanae's lips curled up slightly. How long has it been since the last time she wore a gown?     

"I'm done."     

Laura got in to the changing room and saw her sister looking extremely gorgeous. It was a long dress with short sleeves. The dress hugged Kanae's body, partially showing her curves elegantly. The side was slightly parted, showing her beautiful long legs.     

Looking at her refined sister, Laura was smiling from ear to ear. If one should say, there was no one who could wear the white dress as well as her sister did. This was the appearance that her sister should have on normal days. She looked pure and refreshing in that dress.     

"How is it?"     

"There's just one more thing."     

Laura smirked as she reached out her hand and took off the glasses Kanae wore. After that, she undid her sister's braids. As her hair was tied in braids for a long time, it turned wavy after being undone.     

In the mirror, a beautiful lady with wavy black hair appeared. Kanae's eyes locked firmly on her reflection. All this time, she always hid her countenance under the glasses and braids, making her look plain. However, when she removed her disguise, she looked as attractive as Laura.     

"If you do this, no one will be able to differentiate the two of us," Laura nodded with satisfaction.     

"Our hair still looks different."     

"That's because you always put it in braids," Laura rolled her eyes. "Your hair will turn straight again if you don't tie it in braids."     

"You're right," Kanae inspected her appearance in the mirror. She really missed this appearance of hers.     

Laura smiled teasingly. "How about you dress up like this when you go to school? I'm sure a lot of boys are going to pay more attention to you."     

"If I do this, I'll make the entire class's attention go awry," Kanae shook her head.     

"That'll be interesting."     

"You just want to make trouble."     

Laura stuck out her tongue. What can she say? She hoped to see her sister dress up freely. "That's going to make things more fun."     

Kanae smiled wryly. She silently did her braids again before wearing her glasses. "This is far more fitting for me."     

Laura rolled her eyes and silently sighed. She knew better than anyone that Kanae only made herself look plain to avoid Sakura getting jealous even more. They already experienced a lot just from being in the same family. If Kanae was also attractive, she couldn't imagine what would happen to them.     

When she appeared before Sakura not long ago, it was clear that Sakura hated her appearance. One was enough, there was no need to make them target Kanae because of her appearance, not to mention their parents' inheritance.     

After they finished buying clothes, Laura dragged Kanae to a phone store. They have agreed to buy Kanae a phone to make sure that Laura could contact her sister more easily. After some time, they settled on a simple and rather cheap phone.     

Finishing their shopping, the two girls returned home. Tonight was Sakura's birthday party, and they didn't want to be late. If they were late, they knew that their cousin wouldn't tolerate it and create trouble for them.     

Laura took her time to dress up and put on beautiful makeup. She looked at her reflection in the mirror with a satisfied smile. The beautiful red gown added with her faint makeup made her look extremely charming. Even if she was only 15 years old, she would not lose against those famous models.     

"With this, that annoying Sakura will be jealous."     

"I'm sure she'll dress even more extravagantly," Kanae recalled the party the Nali and the Aida Families held around two to three months ago. At that time, Sakura dressed so spectacularly that no one was able to take their eyes off her.     

"I guess so, she can afford to do it," Laura sighed.     

"Let's stop thinking about that, we're going to be late."     

Laura nodded her head. She stared at Kanae's getup with a frown. Kanae was wearing a normal white shirt with black pants. This made her look a lot like a butler. On the contrary, if she wore a suit jacket, she would be a perfect male guest for the party.     

Erasing those thoughts, Laura made her way out of the apartment and called a cab for them. Even if that wasted money because the mansion was nearby, they needed to keep up appearances. If they came by walking, Sakura would never let them go.     

"By the way, are you ready, Laura?" Kanae asked.     

Laura knew her sister meant the plan of taking back the mansion's deed that was located deep in the inner part of the mansion. This mansion was quite different from others because it was built in two layers, the outside and the inside. The outside layer was for them to receive guests while the inner layer was protected by a big and powerful wall.     

Having lived in the mansion in their childhood, they knew the layout better than anyone. In addition, they also knew the mechanisms that their father created in case they got attacked, things that even their uncle didn't know. The outer layer was also a big trap for their enemies.     

"I'm ready."     

It was going to be dangerous, but Kanae has prepared for everything. All Laura needed to do was slip inside and head towards that special room. The cameras and the guards would be handled by her sister.     

"Be careful."     

"I will," Laura smiled widely.     

The two of them didn't talk to each other for the next few minutes. They soon arrived in front of the mansion. Looking towards the festive atmosphere and the crowd of people in front of them, Laura felt rather stifled.     

This mansion didn't belong to Sakura!     

She wanted so much to yell that out loud, yet she had to hold on. After tonight, this mansion was going to be theirs again.     

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