Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 378 : : Exaggerated Rumours

Chapter 378 : : Exaggerated Rumours

After flying for a long time, asking several directions from many people on the way, Rex finally arrived at the vicinity of Frozen Flame Sect.     

He was surprised when he saw the newly-made buildings, pavilions, restaurants inside the sect. The buildings were tall enough to be visible from afar, beyond the sect main defense wall.     

The thing that surprised him more was a black statue made outside the guild building near the sect.     

Rex slowly walked to the front of the statue and observed it.     

The status was of a tall muscular man, with waist-length hair, the man was holding a big ax in his right hand and his left hand was making a fist in the air, raising the morale of the ones watching it, a long black mantle was present on his back.     

Rex touched his chin as he looked a the name carved on the platform below the statue.     

The name written on it was ‹Rex Andrews: The Founder Of Frozen Flame Sect›.     

'The statue is not as handsome as me but the statue maker does have some talent,' He thought.     

[Oh please, the similarity rate between your body structure and the statue's is the same as the similarity between you and any random man walking alongside the road,]     

'Hehe… I smell something burning around here, is it the fire of jealousy?' Rex smirked.     

[No, it is probably because someone's brain short-circuited due to overthinking,]     

'You are a rotten fly sitting on the tail of a stinking lizard,' Rex scolded.     

[Does it mean you are a stinking lizard?]     

Rex was speechless, he was wondering from where does this trolling talent of Rose comes from?     

"Haha, young man are you looking at the Venerable's statue for the first time?" The voice of a man coming from the side caught Rex's attention.     

He turned and saw an old man followed by a young man and woman, approaching from the side.     

Seeing that he had caught Rex's attention, the old man smiled, at this time the young man behind him spoke.     

"My grandfather is the one who had crafted this statue, in the past, he had seen the Venerable with his own eyes," The man said with a smug face as he looked at the old man, from his behaviour, it was obvious that this old man was the grandfather he was talking about.     

Rex chuckled, he was standing in front of them, although he was in his base form, after looking at the statue, he was pretty sure that they won't recognize him even if he was in his bloodline form.     

The old man laughed at his words and spoke.     

"I was just lucky enough to catch a glimpse of him while he was flying inside and out of the sect, if I was fortunate enough I wanted to at least see his mountain-shaking strength with my own eyes," The old man said in a nostalgic tone.     

"Mountain-shaking strength?" Rex raised his eyebrow.     

"Looks like you aren't from here, so you don't know how strong Sect Founder was, let me tell you, he had the strength of a Divine Dragon and the flying speed of a Nirvana Phoenix, with a flick of his finger he could make tornadoes and his fist could destroy mountains at once," The young woman on the side of the old man excitedly said.     

[She forgot to add Ancient Desolate Titans,]     

"Destroying a mountain with a fist is an understatement, I heard he could make earthquakes just by stomping his foot on the ground, destroy the sky with a fart and break the void and space with a roar," The young man corrected the girl.     

"…" (Rex)     

It took some time for Rex to process their words.     

'What the fukkk they are talking about? I was a Spirit King, not a Calamity Lord and if it is the mountain of Middle Realm even they can't do shit with a single punch,' He thought.     

[They are probably high on drugs,]     

"Cough, I think you people are believing in exaggerated rumors. Actually, the strength of a Spirit King is not that high, the things they could do are in the fact, very limited…" Rex was explaining but he got interrupted by the furious woman.     

"What do you foreigners know? Sect Founder was a dragon amongst man, he was the reincarnation of an ancient era powerhouse, if not for his kindness, people like you would be working nonstop as slaves right now, humph," The woman said in an angry tone.     

The man beside her nodded, the old man was also silent, apparently, he too was dissatisfied by his words.     

Rex was silent for a moment.     

"Actually I'm Rex Andres, the Sect Founder you are talking about," Rex said.     

"Yeah, and I'm his Grandfather, now scram," The man beside the woman shouted in anger.     

[Congratulation! Due to the exaggerated rumors, free Grandfather acquired,]     

'My day will come,' Rex said nothing else, he knew that the trio was now beyond saving, he just activated Instant Transmission and disappeared from the place.     

The trio was taken by surprise, then keenly stared at the place Rex disappeared from.     

"Humph, I knew that old bastard had mixed something in my drink," The old man snorted as he took out a wine bottle and smashed it on the ground.     

"But I didn't drink, why I too am drunk?" The woman said in confusion.     

"Same… I think we should take a break from work, and have appropriate rest," He said while rubbing his eyes and tacking a third look at the place.     


Sect Master Pavilion….     

The sect master hall in the past went through many changes and now it was completely different from before, the small garden has expanded into a mile area with a pond of clear water in the center.     

Colorful fishes resembling carps were swimming inside the pond, a graceful nubile woman was sitting at the edge of the pond. She had long phoenix eyelashes, her watery eyes contained an unfathomable charm in them. At the moment, her long slender legs were submerged into the water, she was slowly moving them inside the water creating light ripples in the pond. The woman was blankly looking at the sky which was brightened by the last sunrays of the day, her eyes carried a trace of loneliness, the way she was looking made it seem like she was in a daze.     

She was none other than Wang Xiu Ying, the current sect master of Frozen Flame Sect.     

Xiu Ying was still lost in her thoughts when two hands pressed on her back and pushed her into the pond out of nowhere.     

She was taken by surprise, she lost her balance and was thrown into the pond. She reacted as soon as the cold water from the pond embraced her body, her eyes turned sharp, she waved her hand and the water from the pond supported her, pushing her up as she took the flight in the air.     

Xiu Ying possessed a special Water Physique, and the most basic ability of such a physique was water manipulation.     

She attacked as soon as she resurfaced, under her control, sharp-edged water blades were shot out at the place where her opponent was standing. No one in the sect would fool around with her, the sect master, like that, and no one was allowed to do that either, no matter who it was or so… She thought.     

The second, her vision cleared and she saw the unfamiliar yet familiar man standing at the edge of the pond looking at her with a grin, her movements halted, she was stunned.     

She even forgot to take back the attack but somehow, the attack still stopped when it was just a few meters away from Rex.     

"Who... Who are you?" Wang Xiu Ying asked in a hesitant tone, she had the answer but still wanted to confirm and calm down her fast-beating heart.     

"Me? I'm an alien from the upper realm, that came here to catch a little sheep. Now here's a million spirit stones question, who is the little sheep?" Rex said with a grin.     

Xiu Ying looked at him for a second, before her vigilant expression changed into a venerable one and she dashed at him.     

"You bastard!" Xiu Ying shouted without restraint as she leaped at him. Tackling him with all her strength while also expecting a hug.     

Rex opened his arms and caught her into his embrace like she was a fat round bunny jumping into his arms.     

"Hahaha... You became bolder with time," Rex laughed wholeheartedly as he locked his arms around her thin waist and slightly lifted her into the air.     

Xiu Ying didn't resist or cared about his words, she was only lovingly looking into his eyes but just then she realized how much she underestimated Rex's urges, he was wearing an innocent expression on his face but she could feel his two-hands reaching out and cupping her curvy cheeks below her waist.     

Her face blushed into a shade of red, she pushed his shoulders to break free from his clutches but realized that even her Spirit King stage cultivation base was of no use against him.     

"Crap! Little Xiu just what did you do to further balance the bounciness and curve…" Rex was speaking but Xiu Ying immediately used her two hands to block his mouth, her ears were red as a peach, she was blushing uncontrollably.     

"You… You are the same lecher," She said in a muffled voice.     

She still had few minor doubts about the authenticity of his words before but his behaviour made her clear those doubts, he was doing the same thing he always tried to do, the difference was this time she delivered herself into the wolf's den without thinking.     

"Would you preferred it if I had changed?" Rex asked with a smile, he loosened his grip to let her step on the ground but still didn't release her, his hands were still lawless, moving from one territory to another without permission.     

"I thought, you won't come," Xiu Ying dodged the topic, whether she said yes or not, it won't end favourably for her, if she lied she was afraid of hurting his feelings, and if she told the truth she might get eaten tonight.     

"Alas, people just don't believe in my words, I wonder if that little lass thinks the same," Rex said with a 'You hurt my feelings' expression.     

On his words, Xiu Ying's expression changed, a feeling of guilt appeared in her eyes.     

Rex noticed the change and his movements halted.     

"What happened?" He asked.     

"About Little Ru, her parents came about half a year ago… And took her back," Xiu Ying said in a guilty tone, she wasn't able to look into his eyes while speaking, although she was strong in other people's eyes she failed to even prevent the people near her from leaving. She obviously knew about Rex and Luo Ru, moreover, she had a good image of Luo Ru.     

Like any other woman, she too wanted her man to focus on her more than others but it didn't mean she would try to push a trusted companion away for this. She would rather compete fairly.     

Rex was silent for a while, he noticed her expression and soon calmed down.     

"It's just her parents, right? Calm down and tell me from the start, isn't it just her Soul Clan? If something goes wrong then I would just have to visit them, what can they do? I will level their damn clan," Rex snorted, his tone was overbearing, he had the capita- Zakiya to be arrogant.     

Xiu Ying heard his words and looked at his confident expression in a daze, she remembered he said the same words when going to battle with Puppet Sect. At that time she was a little doubtful and worried, Wang Cang was more confident in him but she thought she was just too doting on Rex, as a result, he single-handedly flattened the whole Puppet Sect.     

This time, she saw that confident look again, she didn't know the capabilities of a powerful clan in the Middle Realm but right now she fully believed that he can do that.     

"It's not like that, they didn't force her as you think," Xiu Ying explained.     

Rex understood she was trying to console him. but he knew these words weren't that realistic, they were his parents after all, would they leave if their daughter disagrees to go?     

If it was that simple, then he wouldn't have been chased by the Sura Clan for so long, then again, his case was different from Luo Ru in many ways.     

Her mother had to run for her life with the man she loved and also save her daughter, suppressing the news of giving birth to a Luo Ru to save her life, she even went as far as to convince an expert to stay in Lower Realm and act as her daughter's mother and guardian for years.     

Now as a father, Rex clearly knew how hard it would be for a parent to form a contract with someone else to make them act like the parent of their own child, of course, the premise is that the parents were not like Burning Heaven Ancestor who used his own children as refinement materials to breakthrough to Sky Body Formation stage.     

Rex heard the story told by Xiu Ying and got the gist of the matter.     

Fortunately, the situation was better than expected, Luo Ru ascended willingly,     

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