Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 377 : : Lower Realm

Chapter 377 : : Lower Realm

When the Qi was injected into the scroll, it shined then burned into a yellow flame, the runes on it turned into light projections and floated in the air making an array above his head.     

Rex was surprised by this, he had never seen something like this before, the scroll had the near-perfect combination of inscription and array technology.     

When the complex array was formed above his head, it started to attract spiritual Qi from the atmosphere. In just a few seconds, it absorbed a large amount of spiritual Qi from all around the place, even making the density of spiritual Qi thinner in a hundred-meter range.     

'Isn't it taking too much time to activate? Is it because the quality and quantity of spiritual Qi are lesser here compared to Higher Realm?' Rex thought.     

He was still thinking when he felt the light flashes coming from the side, he turned and saw the three men tacking pictures in succession.     

Especially Altan, he looked overly excited, as he clicked on the switch above the camera again and again.     

Rex had the urge to jump out of the array formation and beat the shit out of these three rascals, but he held back as he didn't have more Teleportation Scrolls to waste.     

After the array had absorbed enough spiritual Qi, it gave off a dazzling light that covered Rex forming a light curtain around him, when the light curtain disappeared there wasn't anyone standing in the place.     

"He is finally gone," Altan said while looking at the place where Rex was standing a moment ago.     

"Was there even a need to go to Lower Realm personally and alone, instead of sending someone else?" Jiang Shuang asked in confusion, he was fully aware of the two men beside him being clones.     

Rex didn't hide these things from him, because sharing this much was worth it, in the future, he planned to try and make more of them if at that time his lie was exposed in front of him then it would affect their relationship. Furthermore, Jiang Shuang had clearly put many efforts into the development of the organization so he was worthy of at least this level of trust.     

"Hehe… Don't you understand brother Jiang? It was because he still needs to take care of two lionesses who aren't aware of our Young Master Aru," Altan said with a sneer.     

Just as he said that he felt something amiss and looked at his left only to see Andusk recording everything with a video recorder.     

"I wonder if the chief would like this video," Andusk said then put back the recorder in his storage ring.     

Altan gulped down his saliva.     

"Brother Andusk, your joke isn't funny," Altan forced a smile and said.     

"Hehe…" Andusk smirked then disappeared from his place.     

"Crap…" Altan too used Instant Transmission and chased after him.     

Ignoring those two, Jiang Shuang touched his chin as he pondered about what Altan said.     

"Two more? I wonder if Lady Lerna knows about it?" Thinking of this, Jiang Shuang's lips arched into a smile, he hadn't forgotten about the time when he was scolded by Lucia again and again because of Rex.     

It was time for payback!     


Lower Realm…     

Unknown location….     

It was the rainy season, a green forest was facing the heavy rain, the sky was covered in dark clouds.     

Although the area below the clouds was being assaulted by heavy rain and raging thunder but the sky above the clouds was clear.     

Suddenly, an unnatural phenomenon appeared above the clouds.     

Specks of light appeared from the void and combined to form strange inscriptions in the air, the inscriptions then got into a formation, forming an array and started absorbing the spiritual Qi from the atmosphere.     

If someone who has comprehended Space Law to at least Perfection mastery level was here they would be able to sense the rule of Space Law working behind the array.     

The array took almost thrice as much time as it took in the Middle Realm before it activated and the dazzling light appeared forming a light pillar below it, when the light pillar disappeared, the figure of a man appeared from it.     

Rex rubbed his forehead because of the slight headache, he checked his surroundings but his vision was somewhat blurry.     

'Was there such side effect for using it? Zakiya didn't tell me about it or maybe like she hadn't even suffered from it,' Rex thought, he wasn't worried about these minor side effects and remained calm.     

Soon his vision returned to normal and the headache disappeared.     

Rex sensed the changes in the atmosphere, and his lips curled upwards into a smile, just by the sparse Qi in his surroundings he could tell that this place wasn't in Middle Realm.     

The single moon was another proof of this place not being the Middle Realm.     

'It really worked, we actually teleported between two planets, but… Where are we?' Rex thought as he looked around, his spiritual-sense had covered a wide range of area, he checked the topography but wasn't aware that which place was this.     

[I have no information about this place, although I can confirm it is Lower Realm but it's hard to tell which place we are in,]     

Rex nodded, his knowledge of Lower Realm was actually very limited because he had ascended soon after he established Frozen Flame Sect.     

In the end, he decided to fly in a random direction and find someone he could talk to to find out his current location.     

He had to suppress his cultivation base to Spirit King stage but his flying speed was unmatchable to any Spirit King here, he was following three different cultivation paths coupled with his race and bloodline, even if he didn't use his wings, Aerokinesis or Telekinesis, he was still very fast.     

Rex kept flying for half an hour but he didn't find anyone, he had already left the area where it was raining, the sky was now clear, the forest below him was replaced by rocky terrain.     

There was no way to know if he was even going in the right direction, Rex was losing his patience when suddenly his eyes brightened, he felt the presence of a big group of humans under his range.     

He changed his direction of flying and approached the group, when Rex arrived near them, he realized that it wasn't one group but two groups, both of them were from different sects and were fighting a bloody battle right now.     

The first group consisted of cultivators in red robes wielding long sabers, the second group consisted of cultivators in green robes wielding green bamboo-like sticks.     

Rex got close and observed them.     

A robust man leading the first group raised his saber and shouted.     

"You weaklings from Green Bamboo Valley witness the glory of my secret technique ‹Earth Destroying Saber›," He said as he dashed forward and slashed down his big saber at the tall old man in front of him.     

"Humph, Wu Shen do you think only your Blood Saber Sect has a secret technique? Witness the might of my ‹Heaven Piercing Bamboo Spear›," The tall old man shouted as he thrust his bamboo spear towards the approaching enemy.     

The metallic shaft of the bamboo sphere clashed with the edge of the saber and generated sparks in the air.     

After two more exchanges, both of the men stepped back and looked at each other with vigilance.     

Rex observed the battle from afar and was at a loss for words.     

'‹Earth Destroying Saber› and ‹Heaven Piercing Bamboo Spear› My Ass! They can barely break a rock with it. Seriously, what was their creator thinking when naming these techniques?' Rex inwardly sneered.     

For the current him, this level of battle just looked like a comedy show, watching it could only make him laugh.     

[It looks like the cultivators who made these techniques spent more time on naming them compared to making them,]     

'Yeah, let's just ask the location and get over with it,' Rex thought and stepped forward showing himself.     

"Ahem, fellow Daoists, can you tell me where this place is?" Rex asked in a polite tone.     

Few of the cultivators fighting glanced at him for a second then continued their fight.     

"Is he crazy? Where did this sissy come from?"     

"Looks like some retard, see even his dress-up is weird,"     

"What is a brain dead like him doing here? Can't he see what level of battle is taking place here?"     

"Ignore him, focus on the fight,"     

Rex could clearly hear the whispering and muttering sounds of a few of the people that glanced at him.     

'What did I even expect? Lower Realm will be Lower Realm, after all, these guys have yet to evolve into proper human beings,' He thought.     

Seeing those polite tactics will only waste his time, he changed the way of approaching, Rex reached out his two hands and made a grabbing motion into the air.     

Suddenly, the two leading figures that were the center of attention in the whole fight experienced an invisible force acting on them, they couldn't resist it and before they realized it, they were being held by their necks in the hands of Rex like defenseless chickens waiting to be slaughtered.     

"Ahem, so let me ask again, you tiny pieces of shit, where is this place?"     

The two men looked at him blankly, not knowing what just happened.     

The others also stopped fighting and stared at Rex then at their leaders held in his hands.     

[They are just wasting more time,]     

Rex nodded in agreement, then slightly changed his tactics again.     

'Mind Control'     

Out of nowhere, the eyes of the two men became hollow, the robust man started speaking without Rex asking anything else.     

"These are wastelands near Bamboo Forest at Southern Border in Eastern Continent, we are from Blood Saber Sect fighting to suppress Green Bamboo Valley," The robust man said in an emotionless tone.     

The other one continued after he stopped.     

"The famous Frozen Flame Sect is in the direction of this setting sun if you travel in the straight path using a carriage for around eight days, you can reach it," The tall old man said.     

"Oh, so that's how it is? You guys should have told me that sooner, thanks anyway," Rex said then casually threw them to the side.     

Both of them rolled on the floor for around ten meters before they stopped, they snapped out of their dazed like state because of the impact then looked in Rex's direction only to see him fly in the air then disappearing into the sky.     

There was complete silence.     

Fighting aside, everyone almost forgot to breathe as they looked in the direction Rex disappeared with lingering fear mixed with reverence in their eyes.     

Both the leaders looked at each other into the eyes, they broke into a cold sweat. Rex didn't affect their memory in any way so they clearly knew what just happened, more importantly, they saw him flying into the sky.     

"Sp… Spirit King?" The old man felt his throat getting dry.     

"We met a Spirit King? And… Survived?" The robust man's head was in chaos.     

"Elder Wu, let's stop for now and continue the fight some other day," The tall old man spoke after a moment of silence.     

The robust man nodded without turning to him, it was like he had just seen a ghost.     

There was no fighting intent left in anyone's eyes, they felt like they were just street gangsters who encountered a world-renown underworld figure by accident while settling some minor grudges.     


Frozen Flame Sect…     

After the rule of the Puppet Sect ended, and the Frozen Flame Sect was established, a change of era had taken place in the whole Eastern Continent.     

The waves generated by this change affected the other four continents in different ways, some tried to take the piece of the pie while some decided to sit back and watch but no matter what actions they decided to take.     

It only took a few months for them to realize, that they had all underestimated this newbie sect that won over the overlord position from the late Puppet Sect.     

The sect was not only strong but it also made the cultivators in Eastern Continent stronger, because of the guild system, the number of powerhouses that increased in these months were more than last hundred years.     

When they had heard that there was a sect that was distributing their precious resources and records of ascension to Spirit King stage they thought it was a fraud or foolish behavior but now, they could only sit back and watch as the number of Spirit King stage in Easter Continent almost doubled when it hadn't been even been two years since the sect was established.     

At present, Frozen Flame Sect has spread its guild branches all over the continent, the system was fully accepted by everyone and those that rejected got the privilege of getting their names written on the bounty mission list in the guild.     

The main headquarter of Frozen Flame Sect was now thrice as big as before, the number of resources in their possession had reached a level where they had started to worry about the lack of space in their treasury.     

Like always, the headquarters of the Frozen Flame Guild near Frozen Flame Sect was bustling with people, several adventurers were continuously entering and exiting the building with a satisfied expression on their faces.     

Like always, the most famous chatted topic was the mysterious founder of Frozen Flame Sect who was rumoured to have destroyed the Puppet Sect alone.     

But unlike always, a figure responsible for the founding of Frozen Flame Sect, the rumoured Shadow Lord, was dashing towards their direction at a lightning pace.     

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