The Lecherous Cultivation System

Surviving a disaster and obtaining a fortune

Surviving a disaster and obtaining a fortune

Travelling in a completely different direction from the one it originally was travelling in, the cloud of blood quickly arrived near the boundary of the Great Xia Empire.     

But even after the cloud slowed down and approached the ground, it didn't stop and shockingly made its way through the soil and proceeded deeper underground.     

Passing through layers of soil, rocks, and many other particles, the cloud of blood finally stopped inside an empty space under the ground.     

Coming together, the cloud of blood began fusing and quickly gave shape to a boy's body.     

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"     

Coughing non stop as the entire experience of bursting into blood and then turning back into a whole was very weird, and purely otherworldly, Yang Shen threw up many mouthfuls of blood at the same time.     

Looking towards the piece of golden paper in his hand that was turning into dust, Yang Shen understood why Talismans weren't grouped in the same level as Alchemy Pills and Artifacts.     

Unlike Artifacts which could be used for a long time, and Alchemy Pills which left behind a long lasting effect, Talismans could only be used one time before disappearing forever.     

Due to this, despite their low prices, Talismans just didn't share the same craze that Alchemy Pills and Artifacts did.     

Barely managing to sit up without coughing some more blood, Yang Shen withdrew a light stone from inventory to let him obtain an idea regarding where he was.     

Shining some light and illuminating the dark space he found himself inside, Yang Shen felt lucky that he had purchased this stone.     

"What is this? Am I inside some cave?"     

Looking around with an incredulous expression, Yang Shen felt lucky that he wasn't thrown inside water, or in the middle of a forest because now he could focus on resting and recuperating for a while.     

[Killed an Outer Member of the Hao Clan. Obtained 200 XP and 5 Points.]     

[Killed an Outer Member of the Hao Clan. Obtained 200 XP and 5 Points.]     

[Killed an Outer Member of the Hao Clan. Obtained 250 XP and 5 Points.]     

So the additional XP I received is just half of what I obtained from killing them,     

Looking towards his points which had been reduced to a measly amount of 46 after spending 200 of them to purchase the talisman, Yang Shen opened the shop to purchase healing pills for himself.     

But before he could decide what pills he should purchase, Yang Shen's eyes turned wide as something made its way through the roof of the cave.     

Without forcing its way inside the cave, whatever the item was, it seemed to be made of air because it magically passed through the walls of the cave and soon landed in front of the pale faced Yang Shen.     

[Supreme Recovery Pill (Level 10)     

Consuming this pill will bring back anyone in the Qi Stages back from the door of death and completely heal them in the process.     

Remarks: This pill won't be converted into XP if the host is injured.]     


Level 10?!!!     

Sucking in a cold breath, Yang Shen stretched his left hand and caught the jade bottle inside which the milky white pill was.     

Remembering how it would cost him at least a thousand points if he wanted to purchase a Level 10 Pill from the system, and the fact that even the Four Great Clans would feel a pain in their hearts when using one of them, Yang Shen couldn't believe that there was one right in front of him.     

Grabbing the piece of paper which had arrived together with the pill and descended in front of him, Yang Shen quickly understood where this pill came from.     

[Given how impulsive you are, it's best if you satisfy your appetite for revenge with where I'm sending you - Your Lucky Star]     

Reading the message written on the paper, Yang Shen didn't know why, but he was reminded of the woman whose face was covered in a veil of mist.     

Shaking his head, Yang Shen who felt his chest collapsing and making it harder for him to breathe opened the bottle and swallowed the Supreme Recovery Pill.     

Dragging himself near the closest wall and resting his back against it, Yang Shen closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth spreading all over his body. Sensing how quickly his injuries were healing after he swallowed the pill, Yang Shen began thinking about what his Lucky Star meant by saying that he should satisfy his revenge with where she sent him.     

What was so great about this cave?     

Is this where the Hao Clan buried their ancestors or something?     

Smiling wryly as he imagined himself destroying some tombs and dancing on top of them with a crazy grin, Yang Shen remembered something which turned his smile even more depressing.     


"Something's come up, due to which I had to leave right away. The time I had with you was fun, but don't try to search for me - The Great One Who Ruined You For All Men."     

Reading the contents of the letter calmly, Xia An's face suddenly twisted into something that resembled a devil as she tore it to shreds and threw them away.     

"Ruined me for all men?! Don't try to search for you?! Who the fuck do you think you are?!!!"     

Screaming at the top of her lungs, Xia An vowed that if she ever met Yang Shen again, she would first castrate him, and then talk.     

Well… maybe not castrate due to how much she liked that part of his… But she'd definitely do something!!!     


Imagining Xia An throwing a temper after she found the letter he slipped inside her house, Yang Shen didn't know if he should laugh or cry for thinking in advance and leaving a letter behind in case he had to escape.     

But putting all of that aside, Yang Shen still didn't understand what his Lucky Star meant by telling him to satisfy his revenge with where she was sending him.     

Having recovered enough to move, Yang Shen found out that this wasn't a cave like he expected it to be. It was actually a mine.     

But so what?     

Just as Yang Shen was thinking that maybe there had been some mistake and he should leave, the sound of footsteps echoed through the cave.     

Hastily placing the light stone inside his inventory, Yang Shen hid himself in the darkness while the footsteps continued approaching him.     

"With this Spirit Stones mine, our Hao Clan will grow strong enough to stand on the same level as the Four Great Clans!"     

"The Four Great Clans? Hahahahahahaha, as long as we excavate this place in secret, we can establish the Hao Kingdom!"     

Not paying any more attention to the words of the unknown people, Yang Shen's brain felt as if it had been short circuited.     

A Spirit Stone mine?!     

Looking towards a huge rock in the distance which he could make out even in the dark, Yang Shen couldn't believe that this was the same spirit stone which was worth its weight in gold.     

Was this ugly rock really a spirit ston…     

Not doubting if it was or wasn't since a screen popped up and showed the details regarding what he was looking towards, Yang Shen stretched his hand and touched the rock.     

As soon as he did that, it seemed as if Yang Shen's face suffered from a seizure due to the countless emotions that it showed in a matter of a few seconds.     

At the end of it though, a crazy grin covered Yang Shen's face as he muttered, "Surviving a disaster really does give one a fortune."     

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