Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 954: Her Birthday and the Deal 1

Chapter 954: Her Birthday and the Deal 1

''It is a demon the Chaos Organization is creating.'' The Foxia empress's voice reached them, bringing them back to reality. Except for Lilith and Elseria who were already aware of the demon, the others were shocked and their faces was a sight to behold.     

''Care to explain where do you get this information from, Foxia empress?" Julius asked with a dark face, the other rulers had the same face, this situation was dire.      

''My son-in-law kindly shared this information with me. He was the one that suggested that I call for this meeting.'' The Foxia empress didn't hide anything and told everyone that it was thanks to Alex this meeting happened and that he was the one who acquired this piece of valuable information.     

''Your son-in-law, stop playing around Em-?" The emperor of the Far East empire questioned. He was wondering since when this cunning woman had bestowed her only daughter to Alex.      

''Do you wish to get beaten up again Ren?" The empress glared at the Far East emperor as he was about to call out her nickname only few know.     

''Now, now, postpone your lovers quarrel for later.'' Julius intervened, stopping the two who seemed that they could jump on each other throat at any moment.      

''Tch!'' The Foxia empress clicked her tongue in annoyance and the Far East emperor just sighed, to think he would react so impulsively in front of a childhood crush after so many, many he hadn't gotten over his feeling after do many years after all.     

''So, Alex is the one who shared this information with you?" Julius asked. He felt like this meeting would not progress if leave things as they are, so he decided to be in charge of the meeting from now on and nobody seemed to be against this arrangement as he was not only the strongest ruler, he was also skilled in this endeavor, so naturally nobody opposed him.     

''Yes, he is the one that shared this valuable information with me. Although I don't know all the details, he said he came across this on his journey, not only this, the girls also faced a demon.''      

''You mean they fought one?" One of the rulers of the principalities, King Richard asked and the Foxia empress nodded.      

''I see, we should ask them to share their experience with us later to prepare a countermeasures. Knowing more about the enemy we will help us in the future as it can prevent less casualties and less mistake.'' Julius said before looking at Elseria, wanting to hear her opinion, she might not be an empress but her status was equal to any of them present and in a term of strength Julius's intuition was telling him that he was not this woman match and his intuition had never failed him.      

''I just received information on my way here. I believe that we should watch for middle and high rank dungeons as those are the places most used to raise our troops level.'' Elseria said as soon as she felt Julius's eyes on him.      

''Okay let's do that. Let's each take out few men to form a special unit, the special Anti-Demon squad. That boy Alex will also participate as he knows better than us about this demon's thing and above everything else his status isn't less than any of us present here. What do you think?"      

Facing the Drexia emperor's suggestion, there was no need to think to deeply about it, those present were all old foxes, they could see through each other intention and they all understood what Julius was trying to accomplish here and could not help but chuckle, this suggestion was like him, it's his way of doing things.      

''Let's do that.'' Julius declared after seeing that nobody seemed to be against his suggestion.     

Afterward the meeting continued and only talked about common problems, this continued for one hour and finally it was the time to put an end to this meeting.      

At the end of the meeting, Elseria left with Lilith and the Kuina's mother.      

''Ren follow me, let's spar. I'm itching to test how much you have progressed.'' Julius said to his long time friend, Saeko's father could only sigh, because he knows better than anybody that once Julius became like this the only thing to do is to accompany him until he was bored or else they wouldn't be an end to the amount of trouble that would follow, besides he also desired to know how much he had progressed, maybe he could win against his friend for once.     


Foxia capital, in one of the best inn in the capital. Alex rented a room and the reason for this was simple, he wanted a space for him where he would calmly think of his next plan. He got a new idea after acquiring that Illusion World ability and after talking with Kuina's mother. He had to talk to Silveria.     

Silveria's world, she decided to meet Alex after he said he had something to talk about.      

''So, what do want to talk about?" She asked him after serving him a tea. The intoxicating scent of the tea's leave wafted into his nose.     

He didn't immediately answer her question, Alex first enjoyed the tea and once he was done he stood up and asked.     

''Fight me, there is something I wished to confirm?"      


Naturally, Silveria was surprised but she didn't thought too much about it, she wanted something to vent her frustrations on and Alex just proposed to be this thing, so she could not say no to such generous offer.     

''Okay.'' She accepted and they switched place, appearing in the middle of a silver plain, silver sand was everyone.      

Alex looked at his surrounding and nodded. His heterochromia eyes stared directly into those beautiful yet dangerous silver eyes as he declared.      

''Bring it and you better go all out if you wish to not lose that is.''      

''Oh?" Even if she knew it was nothing but a provocation, Silveria was still pissed, therefore she went all out and the result Alex's heart tightened and a chill went down his back as cold sweat covered his hands and feet; a feeling of unease clawed at his heart.     

He still lost, in less than five seconds on top of that.      

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