Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 952: Talk between Son-in-law and Mother-in-law

Chapter 952: Talk between Son-in-law and Mother-in-law

Back in the real world, the empress kneeled and coughed blood as soon as she returned. An intense pain assaulted both her fragile mind before traveling through all of her body, but it momentarily stopped.     

However, soon enough, the pain flared once more, and every muscle in the clone's body tensed up. Straining to keep standing, they waited for the pain to subside again, as it had previously done; unfortunately, it didn't stop, and panic slowly took over as, for a moment, a way out of this pain began to seem more and more unrealistic. The empress's clone took a moment to gather her thoughts, but even this proved a hassle and a pain as conflicting thoughts corrupted her mind.     

Fortunately, there were some calm moments, moments when the pain was easy to manage and even easy to ignore, but they didn't last. But it was all too much for her. It was clear nothing could be done, and nothing would get done as she didn't wield power the original hold. She was nothing but just a clone created using one tail.      

She would have never thought, not even the empress would have expected Alex to possess something so scary, and the most frightening thing about all of this is that Alex had not completely grasped this ability yet.      

She temporarily forgot about the frightening thing she had seen which dealt her heavy damage, and the empress was already thinking about how to polish this uncut gem. This is a god-sent opportunity; not only her first plan would perfectly work, but a new variable has appeared, and smart as she is, it would be a shame not to make use of this variable. She might not know the full extent of Alex's personality, but from what she heard and gathered so far, he would undoubtedly be grateful if she were to help him to improve further; no, she could help him reach a higher height by creating a new ability, she was capable of helping accomplish this. She didn't wish for anything excessive such as her son-in-law helping her conquer the world but just wanted to have him eternally grateful to her, and most importantly, this would ensure that her daughter would be put in a better position inside the harem. No matter where they would go in the future, he would never forget this generous mother-in-law who taught him when he was still in the middle realm.     

The empress's lips could not help but curl up to form a smile, and right at that moment, Alex appeared.     

''So where is the original?" That was the first Alex asked as soon as he reappeared.     

''Sigh!" The clone of the empress sighed, displeased that Alex didn't seem concerned even after seeing the blood on the corner of her mouth. She wiped it away as she sat around a meeting time which magically appeared. Alex said nothing as he sat across from the clone.      

''She at a meeting with the other rulers of the continent.''      

Alex understood that this meeting must be a special meeting only the rulers of the beastsmen continent would attend. The empress must have been impatient, thus sending her clone to meet Alex and play a little prank on him, but she would have never expected to be the one to suffer a loss. This clone, although not strong as the empress herself, she was still at the Saint Realm, and with the empress's specialty, she was sure to win even against a new Demigod but only when she put them into her illusion. However, not only was Alex more powerful than she had expected, he even had a similar ability as her, this caught her completely off guard, and she lost.     

''That is a nice ability you have; there just needs a bit of polishing, and it will become more dangerous. I will teach you during your stay here.'' The empress proposed, and Alex's eyes widened; he didn't expect this. When he was thinking about how he should train this ability, such a tempting offer came; despite knowing that there was probably a motive behind this, he couldn't absolutely not say no as he didn't know when he would find someone known as the empress, there's Kuina, but her experience was abundant as her mother.      

''Thank you, I will gladly accept this wonderful offer. Please take care of me, Teacher.'' Alex declared while bowing respectfully.     

The corners of the empress's lips curled up to form a gentle smile as she said.     

''Good boy!"      

The corner of Alex's mouth twitched; he truly disliked when others, even though older than him, called like that, but he said nothing and was about to speak when the empress raised a question with a severe expression.     

''Alex, what is the thing I saw in your Illusion World? You can't create something so scary, so sinister if you have never seen it once, no matter how incredible your imagination is. So, mind telling me what is that abomination?"      

Alex sighed; he had expected questions like this the moment created the demon, and this could be perfect to spread the news all around the world. As he was sure that once the empress's clone learned this, she would immediately alert the other rulers at the meeting, and maybe a world meeting would shortly take place to inform everyone of this important piece of news.     

Finally, he opened his mouth and told her everything he knew.     

After taking everything in and digesting, the clone felt compelled to massage her forehead as a headache threatened to assault her.     

''So, this thing is called a Demon. Unlike the demon, we know it's one of the Chaos Organization's trump cards in the incoming war. Is I got everything right?"      

Alex nodded, and the empress immediately fired another question.     

''Since when did you learn this information?"      

''On my way here.''      

The empress nodded in understanding and asked another question.     

''Have you -"      

Before she could finish, Alex cut her off mid-sentence.     

''I have personally seen one, and the girls fought one. I want you to relay this information to the others, and if possible, you can call out for an international meeting where you will share this information. After all, you have seen how fearsome that thing can be even if it was not the real thing.'' He suggested, and the empress went silent for a moment, but it was a short pause.     

What Alex, her son-in-law, suggested was a good thing; this information was not something she should keep to herself; she must immediately share it.     

Having decided to inform the others as soon as this meeting ended, the empress was happy, happy for the simple reason that Alex chose her to inform the others that her position as a new empress, the second one in the world where men dominate would be strengthened. Alex must have known this; he was indirectly helping her, which made the empress extremely happy.      

''Thank you.'' She was not ungrateful, she immediately thanked him, but Alex only smiled in response before saying something to lighten the mood.     

''You don't have to thank me, it's normal to help my mother-in-law; after all, we are all but one family.''      

The empress's gold eyes widened; he might have said this as half joke, but still, somewhere deep, he must have thought this way, which was enough to please the empress. Now than ever, she was sure that Alex was the son-in-law she had been waiting for; he was the perfect husband material for her special daughter.      

''I see that since our last meeting, not only your strength has improved by leap and bound, but your tongue has progressed as well. I hope you won't go around chasing women with your sweet tongue?" The empress said with narrowed eyes, and Alex immediately felt a chill run down his spine. He couldn't meet her eyes.     

''Of course not.''      

''It is good that you know.'' The empress said, pleased with Alex's sincere words. The corner of her mouth lifted into a smile. She extended her hands, clapped twice, and soon after, a maid drifted towards them, the empress only stared into the latter eyes, and she immediately understood what her master wanted. The maid with five fox tails disappeared and reappeared shortly with a platter containing tea and snacks.     

After serving them, she disappeared like a puff of smoke. Alex almost couldn't detect her presence even when she was so close and was serving him.     

'What terrific skill. She will make a perfect assassin. And to think someone like this is just a maid? How scary my mother-in-law force is?' Alex was curious about how powerful the force under this woman with a gentle smile was.      

He felt like this woman should not be underestimated; if a new empress was this scary, then how scary Typhania, the elven empress, would be?     

''When will you marry her?" She immediately brought this question which made Alex spit his tea as he didn't expect this question. Still, he answered.     

''When everything will calm down. I will hold a great wedding, and everyone will be invited.''      

''I'm looking forward to that day.'' The empress said with a gentle smile. She was indeed looking forward to such a day.     

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