Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 944: The perfect vessel

Chapter 944: The perfect vessel

In a secret realm owned by the Chaos organization, Leonardo was fighting against someone.     

''I will kill and rape your girlfriend. Hahahahaha! I'm stronger than you.''      

Leonardo's opponent shouted and Leonardo's eyes darkened, the image of laughing Alex overlapped with this man thus increasing his hatred, and his already clouded judgment became clouded again.      

To kill this man that pushed him from the edge of the cliff down to the abyss he would gladly accept to embrace the darkness.      

Leonardo who had his mind corrupted wasn't thinking straight anymore. He would gladly accept to turn into a monster because he wanted to use the cruelest method to dismember Alex limb from limb, he wanted nothing less than to exact the worst kind of pain imaginable to the one who forced him into this wretched state.      

''I'll rape Camilla right before your eyes.'' He mumbled while making some weird waist movements and this was the last thing that blew everything up.      

''I will kill you, Alexander...!"      

Leonardo's mental wirings went haywire. He mumbled incessantly to himself, dark energy rampaged out of his body, his ramblings turned into an enraged bellow, then, the dark energy exploded outwards.     

His malice manifested in his voice and expression. Dragon's tail sprouted from his back and like someone out of his mind, he leaned forward and used his tail to spring him up into the one he thought was Alex, this person was floating above the ground.     

"I will kill you!" Leonardo declared as he approached the enemy.     

The one pretending to be Alex scoffed at Leonardo and with a cruel smile, he looked at him with cold eyes. Then, what resembled a condescended mana started dancing like sharp whips around the man before they lashed out at Leonardo.     

"Die die die die die!"     

Leonardo couldn't fight with a rational mind, he only focused on one thing, killing Leonardo.     

He attacked with his bare hands which turned into claws.      

His claws extended outwards like spears, his claw spears met the condensed mana acting like bullets.     

The mana bullets dimmed down and turned translucent when Leonardo's ghastly claws made contact, his claws went through them like a mirage. He was hellbent on shredding Alex to pieces.      

His attack hit nothing, that's what it felt like when the new mana bullets emerged from the already dying ones. This time, he could hear something slicing through the wind, the new attack expanded in Leonardo's vision.     

A sense of danger rang within him and he instinctively used the momentum generated by flailing his tail to weave down, dodging the incoming mana bullets.     


The mana bullets missed Leonardo and crashed against the ground, creating a crater that was one meter wide.     

Suddenly, another wave of mana bullets emerged and was shot at Leonardo at extreme speed.      

He had no other choice than to attack with all he got. He opened his mouth and roared.      


Responding to Leonardo's bestial shout, his dark energy rippled across his body.     

With a mighty swipe of his arms, his arms turned brilliantly dark as he merged with his claw beam to quickly travel across the distance between the two fighters. Ignoring the dust storm, the distance, and time, Leonardo appeared in front of the man he thought it was Alex in an instant.     

The latter's pupils shrunk.     

Seeing this Leonardo clouded by rage saw this as his victory and he chuckled.     


With another howl, his dark aura condensed in his claws, and it extended to a gnarly length.     

He smashed that attack into what he believed to be Alex's chest.     

The man pretending to be Alex watched the claw attack as time slowed around him. That charged attack was clearly reflected in his eyes.     

Fwoosh! Fwoosh!     

Suddenly, dark energy formed behind him in the form of giant black wings.     

The black wings behind him combined to form a giant sword of darkness, the sword of darkness was willed by the man to meet the giant dark claw attack.     


A thunderous boom echoed out and a shockwave unlike any other shook the ground, blasting rocks to dust and fissuring the immediate vicinity in a tsunami of rubble.     

Dust rained down over the land.      

As a wave of dust reverberated outwards, the two fighters could no longer be seen.      

Soon, one could see only a giant crater at the center of the fight, a testament to the desolation brought upon this place by the clash.     

Meanwhile, Leonardo and the man pretending to be Alex emerged from the chaotic scene as they wrestled for supremacy with their weapons, claws of darkness, and a sword of darkness. They pressed against each other while sparks flew off their weapons.     


Leonardo groaned while putting more weight behind his claws. He wanted to blow away the sword of darkness in front of him. Like an unbreakable wall, the sword of darkness resisted. Then, the black wings unfurled slightly.     


The resulting force was transmitted into Leonardo through his claws, staggering him even when he's empowered by his dark energy.     

"Bastard! Stop pretending to be him.'' Leonardo shouted after regaining a bit of rationality. His clouded mind got temporarily unclouded, so he was able to see the face of the one pretending to be Alex, it was one of the Numbers, Number 1. He might have tried to pretend to be Alex but there was no way he would be able to imitate his weapon no matter how resourceful the Chaos organization was. Alex's gift is unique, at least in this world, the best Number 1 could do was to create mana by condensing mana, and even though this technique was still crude, he couldn't create a real bullet like Alex's weapon, it was why after he got pushed a little beyond his initial comfort zone, the man reverberated to his original skills.      

''Oh! What a shame you have recovered faster than we expected nevertheless the seed has been planted, and there is no turning back. You've become our best weapon. The best vessel for him.'' Number 1 began talkative all of sudden, he even stopped fighting.      

''You bitch what are you blabbering since a while ago.'' Leonardo who had regained control of his body cursed but Number 1 only shrugged his shoulders before flicking his fingers.      

''Go to sleep.''      

''What? What do .. my body..''      


Leonardo fell onto the ground face first. Number 1 chuckled before muttering.      

''I should report back. He is now a Demi-God. Let's proceed with the rest of the plan.'' He mumbled while thinking about how he should make use of those that were still searching for Leonardo.      

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