Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 930: Her Strength

Chapter 930: Her Strength

The wine bottle was the customary green, yet deeper where the red wine sat within. Unlike the bottles in the cellar in his villa, it had a shine to it that accentuated the age of the label, time-yellowed with corners that curled.     

Soon, the duo finished this wine bottle, and it was time for some serious business.     

''Can you show me your strength?" Alex asked abruptly, right after their finished an entire wine bottle. To them, they wouldn't get easily drunk, and with Alex's special constitution (A/N: Because of the dragon's bloodline.), He was unlikely ever to get drunk.      

Elseria nodded at Alex's request; she understood what he meant by asking this; he wanted to see how powerful she was, her status to be more exact, and the Elven goddess thought it was time to show him; he would eventually see it one day when he would cure her.      

''Follow me.'' Elseria declared as she stood up. She slashed upward, and immediately after, a portal appeared. She walked into that portal and disappeared. Finally, it was Alex's turn.     

Alex walked forward through the vivid portal resembling a stargate. A fascinating world immediately met him. The ground beneath his feet was cracked and dry, and the air was hot and dusty. He could feel his skin begin to sweat and his lungs burn with each breath. Immediately his mind begins to wonder what's behind that hill or what lives atop that twisty tree.     

In spite of the treacherous landscape, he didn't feel a sense of dread or danger.      

''Where is this?" Alex couldn't stop his curiosity.      

''Well, a private place I've inherited from my predecessors,'' Elseria said. Alex didn't need to question her to know who she was talking about; it was probably the previous rulers.      

''Are you ready?"     

While Alex was lost in thoughts, Elseria asked him.      

''Hum?" Alex said, bewildered by the sudden question, and Elseria took his response as a confirmation; she immediately undid her seals, reverting to her original appearance.      

While Alex was reminded once again that this woman's beauty was second to only Silveria and Nyx, a  formless wave of wild energy surged out from Typhania's body, turning Alex's body tense.      

Alex's pupils dilated. His breathing stalled, and he felt an ominous feeling building up in his heart.     

Before he could blink, a rampaging force struck him, sending him flying against the tree behind him. This tree was instantly smashed into pieces, and he slammed right into another tree behind him.      

''Cough! Cough! What the actual fuck?" Alex cussed out aloud, not caring about his image. How can mere pressure alone send him flying this far? Then how strong is this woman?     

''No wonder she was hailed the strongest under the heaven back then. I've finally understood why.'' Alex declared while clearing away the dust on his clothes; thanks to his sturdy body, he wasn't injured.      

Looking in front of him, his jaw hit the flow, Typhania was floating in the air with a halo-like thing above her head, and the amount of pressure coming from her body was not a joke.      

Unconsciously Alex's lips contorted to form a smile; he couldn't help but admit it.      

''Yes, this woman is the strongest woman I've ever met beside those three.'' He mumbled. The three he was referring to were none other than Silveria, Nyx, and the crimson-haired beauty who gifted him the Asura's bloodline that later let him acquire the Asura's bloodline.      

He did not have to use his Eye of Truth on her as she had already by her own volition displayed her status window in front of her, it was visible for him to see, and when his eyes landed on it, the Black prince gulped audibly.     

[Typhania Malia E.???]     

Class: ???     

Age: 350     


Race: High Elf      

「 Rank 1????]     

Level 175     

Experience Value (XP): ???     

Magic Power: 20000/20000     

Magic: Spirit/Wind/????     

Attack: 8000     

Defense: 7000     

Agility: 7000     

Intelligence: 5000     

Luck: 6000     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     


Skills: [Spirit Art Level 10] [Sword Art Level 10] [Archery Art Level 10] [Hand in Hand Art Level 10] [Presence Detection Level 10] [Shift Level 10] ?????     

Special Abilities: [Yyddrasil] [?????] [?????]     

Titles: [Genius] [Hard Worker] [Natural Born leader] [Child of Nature] [Elven Queen] [Strongest] [Cursed] [????]     

Alex doubled checked, but the things he saw didn't change to the extent that the poor man thought he was going crazy.      

''What with the broken stats?" Finally unable to keep silent, he voiced his frustration.      

〖This girl is an absolute monster. Make sure to secure her, got it?〗While Alex was lost in thoughts, thinking he was not strong, Nyx's voice reached him, and he nodded. For another monster, the monster among the monsters to acknowledge Typhania meant that she was indeed a real monster, no wonder she was hailed the strongest, one thousand years genius when she was born.      

Alex had never seen such broken stats in his life; not even Lord Thanos's status was this broken.      

''Well, obviously, what I saw what not his real status, so I can't accurately judge, but this monster in front of me didn't show me everything either. Sigh! And here I thought that I'm also a monster but compared to this woman; I'm still far from that level.'' Alex mumbled under his breath.      

And this was her status when she was cursed; what would her real status gonna be once she recovered her strength? Once her curse was lifted?      


Alex gulped just by imagining it and got goosebumps rising all over his body.      

''Fuck!'' He could only cry out in frustration; for some unknown reason, he felt like he was losing, and it didn't sit well with him. He was a true alpha, and a true alpha should be above everyone, especially his women.      

While Alex was lost in thoughts, Typhania reverted to her Elseria's form and descended before him and asked.      

''What did you think? Can you now erase my curse?" She asked half hopefully, but Alex's answer was negative.      


''It is that so?'' Elseria said, a little bit discouraged. She had expected such an answer but still, hearing it hurts her.      

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