Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 856: The Gladiators' King???

Chapter 856: The Gladiators' King???

The Colosseum was a large structure. Aside from the VIP lounge, underground restrooms were dedicated to the gladiators who were scheduled to fight.      

Most of the rooms were grouped, with four or five gladiators having to share them as they equipped their armor or prepared themselves. But, only one gladiator had the right to a single room.      

The one who stood at the summit of them all.      

Currently, in the room of the gladiator king, they could be seen clenching their fist in joy and excitement, not because Leon won but because of the fight that would be happening soon.     

Currently, their whole body and face was covered by a thick silver armor made out of adamantine, that covered their whole body and a helmet that hid their face, effectively hiding their gender and identity from the world.      

No one knew the true identity of the gladiator king; this was this sense of mystery that made this king even more popular than the previous one.      

Well, no one– aside from the royal family and the director of the Colosseum.      

"It's time for me to go."     

Saying so, the gladiator king stood up and took their sword before beginning to walk out of the room reserved for them.      

This could most perhaps be their last fight in this Colosseum. Either way, they couldn't wait.      

Meanwhile, inside the coliseum, it did not take long for the crowd to calm down. After the medic helped in taking away the previous fighter, the scene gradually began to calm down.      

They knew that what would happen next would be a display of a totally different level.      

Bets were being fired one after another. The odd being mostly in the Gladiator king's favors. Though the odds weren't as overwhelming as they seemed initially, few people thought the prince could win. From what they knew, both fighters were in the Saint Realm. Still, because of the gladiator's king's overwhelming victory and the air of mysteriousness surrounding this person, most people believe the king would be the winner.     

The referee, who had changed into a black tuxedo just for this occasion, appeared on the stage, and right after he appeared, he seemed to have received a message. The man tilted his head before raising it with a wide smile.      

"Ladies and gentlemen! I just received news that He was coming! The king of fighters! The Berserker! The destroyer! The one who holds the record of hundred fights, hundred wins, the undefeated kinnnnng, Theeee–Gladiator–King!!!''     

''Ladies and gentlemen, the most awaited grand finale will begin!"      


The cheers were on a completely different level.      

Alex's group, who was observing the situation, couldn't help but feel as if some kind of world-renowned star was stepping onto the Arena. It was like how fans react during a concert when their idol shows up.     

Soon, under the clear ovation, an armor-wearing individual could be seen advancing calmly. Their armor shone brightly under the sky like some kind of beacon. In their arms, was a beautiful long sword; it was not a man-made sword but rather a Gift.     

Their gait was calm and steady. The energy emanating from them, powerful but reserved.      

Seeing 'him' walk toward him had the illusion that he was facing an unsheathed weapon or a crouching monster ready to pounce on him at the slightest lax of attention.      

Leon firstly clutched his fists before revealing a wide grin as he felt his heart beating wildly in his chest. He could already feel the world around him slow down a little as he entered a focused state.      

He didn't need to be told to understand. His instincts were screaming at him. This guy is different.      

But this thought, rather than bringing fear to him, made him happier instead.      

"So it has finally come to this. Do you remember our promise?"      

There was a moment of silence before the king of gladiators answered.     

"Of course, I do remember, your highness."      

After they reached a certain distance from Leon, the gladiator king, or rather the gladiator queen, took off her helmet, showing her beautiful long honey-colored hair and twitching tiger ears.      

''Let's fight to our heart content, Ariel.'' Leon declared while looking at his fiancee.      

The moment Ariel took off her helmet, an uproar swept through the crowd. Most people believed the gladiator king to be a man. An old and rugged man to boot. Never in their wildest imagination would they have thought that the strongest gladiator was a woman, one so young, and someone from that family to boot.     

Alex chuckled while Sakuya and Luna covered their mouth, shocked by the identity of the queen of the gladiators. From Leandra, they had heard about Leon's beautiful fiancee, but none of them except that she would be this fierce; looking at her, she was not even twenty yet. Even without fighting her, they knew she would be a difficult opponent.      

''That is my ssister-in-law Yay! Please beat big brother as he didn't play with me anymore.''      

''Yeah! Yeah! Beat him.''      

Gracier and Saeko followed Leandra shouting while raising her small fist.      

Alex was amused by the little princess antic, because her brother had been busy lately and couldn't play with her; she wanted her sister-in-law to beat him just because of that.      

Back on the ring, Leon facing Ariel, his fiancee, calmed himself down before closing his eyes in reminiscence. Their first meeting was a chaotic one; because she was not talking and because his pride felt hurt, he challenged her, and the result, as one would guess, he lost. That day she became the second woman against whom he lost, the first one being Kuina, the despicable Fox.     

Leon shook his head, opening his eyes; they shone like a beam.     

"As we promised yesterday, once I beat you, you will listen to me, is that right?"      

Ariel nodded, although she didn't know what this fiance was thinking; maybe he was doing something unnecessary again , but a promise is a promise.      

''Yes, I will listen to one thing you will say if you win as I've promised.'' She said; her voice was emotionless but still didn't hide her beautiful voice.     

The two stared at each other in silence before Leon smiled, and the armor he was wearing slowly took it off. Ariel's honey-colored eyes landed on him for a while before she also did the same thing.      

Once they finished, Ariel was now clad in a simple dress with a short skirt while Leon stood in his blue and gold imperial robes. Seeing them like that, no one would think they were about to fight with everything they had.      

"Hey, old man!"      


The referee squeezed out his voice as he asked politely.      

"We will use the free for all rules. The only way to defeat is to be knocked out, surrender, or have the incapacity to fight. Nothing else."      

"O-of course!"      

There was no reason for him to hesitate, so he readily accepted.      

Once Leon had this answer, he turned back to Ariel.      

"Are you ready?"      

A savage smile formed on Ariel's face as she replied, that she seemed to have turned into someone different.     

"This time, I won't hold back."     

"Hehehehe! Well, I will a-huh?"      

By the time Leon answered, a fair and dainty hand was already holding his face, before-     


Bringing it down violently against the ground, smashing it.     

At least that is what it looked at first glance. The moment Ariel impacted the ground with her hands, Leon she thought she was holding faded, while he reappeared behind her, slashing at her back, but she vanished as he did.      

If Leon had not used his speed coupled with lightning, he would have suffered an injury in that attack earlier.      

Like Ariel had said, she was not going easy on him.      

Leon, clad in lightning, attacked. His attack was so fast that it let friction in the air. But, despite this speed, it still missed as she did a simple roll-forward before jumping away.      

The two of them, now in the opposite position from the one they stood at the start of this exchange, stopped to gauge their powers.      

This short exchange allowed them to know that this fight wouldn't be an easy one for either of them.      

Taking a deep breath, Ariel closed her eyes before crouching down.      

The atmosphere around her began to give an odor of ozone as sparks of blue lightning surrounded her body, while the wind stirred as if giving birth to a storm.      

In their lounge, Alex held his chin while mumbling.      

''So, she is also a lightning user? No wonder she was that fast.''      

''Her lightning seems a bit different,'' Sakuya commented.      

Maria nodded her head; Ariel's blue lightning reminded her of Artemia's lightning. Talking about Artemia, she was smiling, looking at Ariel's blue lightning.      

''This girl is a genius. I like her. We shall talk after this match.''      

Nobody knew what the princess had in mind when she said those words. They were all focused on Leon and Ariel on the stage; they were about to clash.     

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