Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 845: Sera in trouble

Chapter 845: Sera in trouble

Let's go a few minutes back.     

In the demon's capital, on the outskirt of the capital, was a mansion; this mansion was too big; it was pretty normal; nothing stood out about this mansion. Most people would think it was only the mansion of a rich demon; however, this normal was, in reality, one of the mansions owned by one of the eighth dukes under the emperor.      

This was the favorite mansion of the duke Highland, an undead, a lich, unlike normal lich who are only bones, Duke Highland was really different from other demons or humans, only his skin was pale blue, and he possessed no horns like most demons.      

Among the eighth dukes, he was ranked third; previously, he was ranked fourth when Priscilla, the vampire duchess, was still alive, but after her death and her sister took over, the duke saw his rank increasing while Priscilla's sister became the sixth of the strongest of the eighth.      

Duke Highland was a muscular man. Always dressed in butler clothes, he appeared like a fifty-year-old man but was a hundred and fifty years old this month.      

The reason why this mansion was the favorite mansion among all the mansions he owned was simply that there was a woman here, a woman he loved more than anything; he would do anything for her. In the beginning, she didn't accept her only a few months ago, she finally accepted giving him a chance, and because she was from a humble background, she refused to live in a big mansion, she chose this mansion out of all the mansions he had.      

Tonight after a long and tiring meeting, Duke Highland had decided to visit his lover.      

''Hah!" The duke sighed while undoing his necktie as he walked toward the main chamber where his lover should be sleeping. It was already late at night; she must have gone to sleep after waiting for him.      

''To think the princess would plot a rebellion? I wonder what she was thinking coming back after all these years? What gave her the confidence? Blatantly announcing that she would be taking over the throne? Has she becomes a retard after leaving the demon's continent?"      

Duke Highland couldn't think of possible reasons that made the princess so confident. Her brother had taken over the throne for more than five years, and he kept growing; actually, among the eighth dukes, six were currently under him, so he had practically conquered the demon's continent. Even the emperor Lucifer's real strength was unfathomable, so considering all these things, the Duke Highland couldn't understand, no matter how much he thought about how Lilith seemed so confident. Maybe it was as the emperor said; it was humans doing; the humans, that treacherous race, must have brainwashed the princess into acting as she did.      

''Well, it doesn't matter; we will conquer the world soon.'' Like remembering why he accepted going under Lucifer, duke Highland couldn't help but imagine a future where he would become the ruler of a kingdom big as the capital.      

''Hehehehe! Dear Clementine, soon we will live lavishly; you will be my empress. Here am I, Clementine dear!" With a smile, the duke pushed open the door of the room and walked in.      

However, what welcomed him wasn't the scene of his sleeping lover but the heavy scent of blood filling the room.     


Even without seeing his lover's body, the duke had already shouted, his flaming green eyes turned red of fury when he finally saw his lower body lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood; her head was missing.      

''Who dare!!!!!!" The duke was beyond furious. They had been warned to watch out for assassins, but never he would have thought that an assassin would aim for him, no aim for this ordinary mansion; not many knew about this mansion. He had thought if someone targeted him, it would be his other mansions, his other lovers, not his favorite one because he kept her identity secret to reduce the assassination attempts on her.      

Yet, the woman he protected with all he had to go assassinated; there was no way he would forgive this assassin. He would torture whoever it was for hundred years before turning them into an undead that would forever serve him.     

''Undead Realm!" The duke shouted, and immediately, the whole mansion was turned into his domain; gray fog covered the whole mansion. Every maid's butlers and other individuals present in the mansion were turned into undead; their souls sucked as nourishment for the Undead realm, the Duke Highland's domain. He had lost all reasoning after seeing his lover's headless body. He didn't care about the innocent employees living inside the mansion; currently, all he cared about was finding the assassin and making the assassin suffer.      

Sera, who had killed the metamorph posing as the duke's lover, wanted to flee before coming back; however, she didn't expect the Duke to have made preparations, turning the whole mansion into his domain, and she was unable to escape.      

Because the duke's lover was a metamorph, a rare demon, she was stronger than expected. Sera sustained some injuries while trying to kill her, she thought she would escape and treat her injuries before meeting with others, but the current situation was not to her advantage.     

Sera decided to gamble; mustering her remaining strength, she appeared behind the duke and used her ultimate ability, the death's hand, but she didn't see any heart inside the duke's body, making her freeze.      

''Hehehehe! Did you forget that I'm undead? I am a lich. There is no way I will have my heart here. You're formidable for an assassin, but it was your mistake, you missed out on your only chance to kill me, and now I'll have the chance to torture you.''      

The duke declared as he spun around; his flaming green eyes were shining brighter than usual, his mouth crooked up, forming a smile that sent a chill down Sera's spine. She knew she was in trouble, the enemy's domain was stronger than her domain, and because he was also a darkness user, she could not escape.      

As an assassin that had killed countless people, she knew she might die this time, and without hesitation, she crushed a talisman her brother had given her; he was the first person she thought about in this moment of trouble.      

''Let's slowly torture you; even your soul will not be spared.'' Duke Highland declared as gray tentacles were about to bring Sera toward him.     

Suddenly, there was a flash of light that blinded everyone's sight, followed by a menacing voice.      

''You said you will do what?"      

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