Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 793: Saeko and her katana

Chapter 793: Saeko and her katana

In the middle of a floor stood a girl, her black hair dancing in the wind like a butterfly. This girl had her head lowered and her right hand above a katana, a red katana.     



The monsters surrounding this girl started to emit cries as if they were wary of her: Ant-horns, one-meter tall ants with a hard shells.     

Saeko giggled when she saw this. She decided it was time to move. Being surrounded by hundreds of Ant-horns whose level was around 60-80 was nothing.     

Suddenly, Saeko grabbed the hilt of her katana and unsheathed it.      


The katana glowed with a red hue and started to head toward the monsters.      


As she aimed her katana towards the Ant-horns, they fiercely howled out.     

Two Ant Horns approached her at a fast speed.     


Lowering her stance, she executed a quick draw.     


Faster than the monster could follow, its body got cut into two, splattering out green blood.     


The Ant-horn from the opposite side tried to aim for the gap that was created, but the katana seemed to have extended, easily cutting through its head, another instant death.      


Seeing two of them getting easily killed, the remaining Ant-horns became furious, and in unison, all the Ant-horns surrounding Saeko rushed towards her.     

Similarly, she ran towards the Ant-horns that were closing the distance.     


She thrust her katana forward like a spear; the katana used as a spear obliterated an Ant-horn's head.     


Another Ant-horn rushed in from the right side.     

It was an 'Elder' that was one step larger than the other Ant-horns; its height was around 3 meters—a Level 80 Elder Ant-horn.      


Saeko launched her body by slamming her right foot against the ground as hard as possible.     

Like a pole vaulter, her body explosively soared through the air.     


She rotated her body in midair as she slashed with her katana.     

While the Elder Ant-horn that had lost its target was in a panic, she accurately pierced through its head.     

Craaaack!!— Boom!      

Green blood and brain matter rained down on the closest Ant-horns making them from their steps.      

After clearing the Ant-horns beneath her, she landed on the ground; the remaining Ant-horns hesitated before three Elder Ant-horns stepped forward, forcing the others to move.      

''Grak, Graaaa!!"     

The Ant-horns that were momentarily hesitant started to rush in again.     

This time, they were in a formation with three Elders positioned in the middle.     


Inhaling, Saeko lowered her stance.     

Bzz, Bzzzzt!!—      

The blue lightning coiled around her body before moving onto her katana.     

''Thunder Storm!"      

C R A C K L E ! ! ! !!     


The lightning storm spread from the katana's tip, swept the surroundings away, and turned the surrounding Ant-horns into ashes.      

With just one attack, the Ant-horns numbered in the dozens were turned into ashes.     



Within the lightning storm, the only survivors were the elder Ant-horns.     

One of the elders that took the lightning head-on had died immediately.     

"Grrrrrr! Graa!!"     


Step step, step!—      

The Ant-horns that had intuitively realized they were no match simultaneously turned their bodies and started to run away.      

''Fufufu! How could I let you escape when you gang up on me?" Saeko said with a smile; the obedient looking girl in front of Alex was gone and was replaced by a smiling girl who wished for nothing but slaughter.      

Lightning coursed through her body, momentarily increasing her speed; like a lightning bolt, she flashed all around, killing the fleeing Ant-horns.      

The last Elder Ant-horn tried its best to run away; maybe it was because the Elder Ant-horn was burning away its life force, its speed increased, and in the blink of an eye, the monster was already at the other end of the room, just a little bit and the monster could escape by jumping into the hole they previously dug.     

Saeko knew she wouldn't make it, so she gathered lightning around her katana and threw it toward the sky like a javelin.      

''Thunder Fall"      










The katana covered in blue lightning acted like a spear and fell like a comet.     

Piercing through the back of the fleeing Elder Ant-horn, the spear dug into the ground obliterating the ant hole nearby.      


The stench of flesh burning wafted, but Saeko was undisturbed by it. She smiled, seeing the floor littered with corpses; somehow, she was disappointed that it ended up so soon; she would have wished for more slaughter, more death.      

''Bad girl, Didn't I say not to try to influence me? Do you want to be sealed for a while again?"      

Suddenly, Saeko mumbled; if someone were present, they would have thought she was going crazy talking to herself. However, it was not the case; she was perfectly sane; she was talking to her katana, Muramasa.      


The red katana vibrated before turning into a girl with red hair dressed in kimono with a pair of horns.      

''You are not fun, Saeko. Just a little bit, you should let go.'' The girl with unusual red pupils said to Saeko the moment she appeared.     


However, the reply she got was a chop on the head and Saeko's cold voice.      

''Behave, or else I will seal you, and you know that I'm not joking.''      

''Tch! You are no fun. By the way, master, why didn't you tell Alex that your Gift's spirit could manifest into human form as well?"      

''Only an idiot would do that right away. I'd lose my value if I showed everything at the beginning. Slowly I'll reveal my cards.'' Saeko responded why she hadn't told this Alex.      

''I see, as expected of my master. How cunning.''      

''Hah! You should be at least this much if you wish to survive in a family like mine.'' Saeko replied and headed toward the exit; it was time to leave this dungeon. The goal she came to accomplish today was a success; finally, she acquired the missing XP to level up, it might be one level, but she was getting stronger.      

''Turn back. It's time to go.'' She ordered, and the red-haired girl turned back into her katana's form.     

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