Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 791: The Girl's reaction

Chapter 791: The Girl's reaction

After Alex returned to their assigned villa, he discretely sneaked in not to be seen by anyone, and after putting Incursio in one of the free rooms inside the villa, he stood beside the bed and stared at the unconscious girl; she was still missing one leg, normally with her abnormal regenerative ability her broken leg should have started healing, but currently, it was not showing any sign getting healing which was bizarre.     

Lacking an understanding of the current situation, Alex decided to turn toward Silveria; maybe the latter might be more knowledgeable on Incursio's state.      

'Sil, why she is not waking up?'      

〖It's because something inside her is broken. Let's use an Earthling term. Incursio is like a system functioning thanks to a core. Currently, this core is broken, so the whole system will stop working; it will be put into a hibernating state until the core is repaired or functions normally.〗     

'I see.' Alex understood Silveria's explanation; however, he had another question.      

'Do you know how long this will take?' He hoped for a positive answer. If Incursio didn't wake up quickly and told him what she knew, he would have done everything for nothing because he didn't know how long it would take for trouble to arrive here; his whereabout was made public, meaning Lord Thanos could easily find out where he was and knowing that he took Incursio with him, he would send his men after them.      

Until that happens, he must squeeze out every information on the Chaos organization from this girl.      

〖How should I know, Master? I'm not a doctor, but if you make a guest, I will say the shortest time will be two months while the longest would be one year.〗     

'One year? Hopefully not, and also I pray that once she wakes up, she doesn't have amnesia, or else I would have done everything for nothing.' Alex said, massaging his temple; he had too much to think about, but first, he would enjoy his time; there was no need to get worked up because one of the final bosses was hella strong, enjoying himself could help him think about new ideas while having his body and mind relaxing which in the end would increase the proficiency with his skills.      

Alex decided to take a bath before consulting the rest of the family about what to do with Incursio. While feeling the cool water run on his body, Alex recalled his short exchange with Lord Thanos and must admit that he was not his match. It was a good thing he went to that place and fought Lord Thanos; not only did he learn valuable information, but this fight also opened his eyes.      

Somehow after that fight against Lucius and the fake goddess who possessed Luna, Alex had started to become conceited; he thought he was really strong, he thought he was among the strongest but reality showed him that he was still too far weak. That arrogance which was started taking root inside him vanished in an instant. Alex knew he must never become arrogant, not until he stood at the summit and there was nothing else in the universe capable of threatening him; only then could he become truly arrogant.      

A few minutes later, Alex came out of the room and joined Maria and the others. They ate their breakfast together, and just after they finished, Alex suggested that they must follow him somewhere.      

When the girls saw who was lying on the bed, they jumped.      

''Why the hell is she here, Alex? Explain yourself.'' Sakuya shouted, trying to hold back her anger, she understood well that they must be a reason for this girl to be here but seeing her brought back some painful memories, and she ended up reacting as she did.     

Most of those present hadn't fought against Incursio, but they had heard about her; they knew how strong, how dangerous she could be.      

''Calm down and listen to me first,'' Alex said before removing the quilt covering Incursio's body, and the girls were shocked upon seeing that she was missing one leg.      

Maria, Luna, Sakuya, and Gracier stared at each other in confusion; previously they were too focused on how dangerous Incursio was and did not pay too much attention to her situation. No matter how dangerous she was, there was no way she was normal; she would stay still and let them shout as Sakuya did; they were too busy to see that the current Incursio seemed to be unconscious.      

''Please explain what is going on,'' Sakuya asked, but this time, she didn't shout.      

Alex nodded and told them what had happened.      

''What? Something like that happened? You should have retreated when you saw that person, but knowing you, you must have decided to earn some information first.'' Luna said after listening to Alex's story, and Maria added.      

''To think the enemy would be this strong and from your information, he was not even the first? Meaning there was someone stronger than him, maybe someone controlling the sealed dragon?"      

''I don't know. What is sure is that we must become stronger to survive in the final stage. While it would be difficult for this world natives to break free from the curse, making it impossible to go beyond the Demigod realm, to us, it would not be impossible.'' Alex said, and Sakuya asked the question most of them desired to know.      

''What are you planning to do with this unconscious girl?"      

''I'm planning to make her my subordinate. She is talented; it would be a shame not to make such talent mine, especially now that her organization seemed to be after her. If I use the right argument, I can make her work for me.''     

''It would be nice if you could make that happen. People like her are more preferable as an ally than an enemy.'' Maria declared after hearing Alex's plan.      

''Big brother will not use this opportunity to visit other empires while at the same time strengthening ourselves?" Out of the blue, Gracier proposed this idea.      

Alex and the girls exchanged a look before nodding.      

''What a wonderful idea, let's do that,'' Alex said while already thinking of contacting Leon to inform him about this plan.      

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