Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 786: Acknowledgement

Chapter 786: Acknowledgement

After her long emotional speech, something expected happened Lilith broke into tears, tears were pouring like rain, and her body was shaking; the confident Lilith, the confident former demon's goddess, was no more; what was left was a fragile girl who had suffered alone, shouldering something girl of her age shouldn't have shouldered. It doesn't matter if she was the reincarnation of a former goddess; she was still a child, someone with emotions. How hard must it have been for her to endure all these things?      

Losing her comrades in her past life, she was forced to reincarnate, but her new life was filled with tragedy; before she could even regain her past memories, she lost everything and was forced to take this path, the path of revenge, this changed her life, and not even her past memories could correct this change because the moment she regained those memories she was hit by a harsh truth, why was she so unlucky?      

She needed emotional support; while Alex and Artemia had proposed their help, it would never be the same if it was from someone from her family, her big sister, for example. Althea was not to be blamed, she was also a victim, and she survived.      

Even though Lilith understood that her sister could not be blamed, she felt furious inwardly. Rationality was one thing, while her emotions were something else.      

Looking at her little sister, who was finally showing her fragile side, Althea also burst into tears; she resented Lucifer; she resented the world that put them, put her sister through all these things. Now that she had come back, she would never lose her again; she would protect her, she would help her sister carry her burdens, and she would be her guardian angel forever.     

Althea embraced her sister's body tightly as if she wished to melt into Lilith's body. In a trembling voice, she said.      

''I'm sorry, I'm sorry to have let you shoulder everything, my dear sister; I'm sorry, but please let me make up for this. Let's me shoulder some of your burdens. It doesn't matter who you were in the past, you're my little sister, and I'll do anything to protect you; let the world know that you have a big sister ready to destroy everything if someone tried to do anything funny. I'm happy to have you as my little sister, so please let me be a proper big sister.''      

Lilith didn't immediately say anything, but deep down, she felt emotional; tears poured down, but this time not because she was overwhelmed by all the pressure from her past life until now but because those words Althea had said, she wanted to hear them more than anything. In her past life, she didn't have a big sister. At the same time, she was a member of the Astaroth's family, she was a unique child, and she always wanted a big sister, and now she got one, she was happy; she felt like she could survive the harsh reality with her sister by her side, she would have someone to share her worries with, someone who would advise her, lend her a shoulder when she would feel down, someone from her family. This was enough to make her teary and happy; finally, her frozen had cracked completely.      


She felt liberated, and for the second time since that time with Alex, Lilith had a genuine smile on her face, a smile that showed that she had opened her heart.      

''I understand, big sister. I'll be counting on you from now on.'' She said.     

Althea's body shook; she felt happy to have been acknowledged; she knew from now on, their bonds would strengthen, they would grow closer, and like she had promised, you protect her forever.      

''Leave it to your big sister.'' Althea declared before planting a kiss on Lilith's forehead. The two smiled at each other before sharing another warm hug.     


Meanwhile, outside, Pandora and Sera were leaning against the rundown bar's wall. Noire went somewhere while Lilith's subordinates disappeared to god's know where.     

Looking at the half-moon in the sky, Pandora sighed and turned her head in Sera's direction; the latter happened to be looking at her.      

''Do you think those two will make up soon?" Pandora asked; naturally, she was talking about Althea and Lilith.      

''Those two? Don't worry; I'm sure they will make up soon. Althea is trying, and Lilith knows this; she will eventually accept her as she needs some emotional support; Althea can be this. I'm sure at the end of this mission, they will be closer.'' Sera offered her opinion; she was not the only one that noticed that underneath that cold exterior, Lilith was a fragile woman that needed someone to rely on. This person does not necessarily need to be a man, a family member would do, and Althea fulfilled perfectly this role     

''I see you not wrong.'' Pandora nodded; she was about to say something but Sera asked her something unexpected.      

''Don't you also have siblings back in your hometown?"      

Pandora's eyes widened, and her chest hurt. Smiling bitterly, she answered.     

''I do; I've one brother and sister.''      

''Don't you want to see them? See your parents?'' Sera asked; she had been curious about why Pandora (Meera) didn't go back to visit her family after what happened.      

''I wish I could, but I can't with this accursed body of mine.''      

''You Elves with your pride. Your body, your face might have changed, but you are still you. It would be best if you didn't use this as a reason not to visit your parents and siblings. Life is short, and you better make use of it. Who knows what will happen. So, I suggest that you go back once you're free to see them, to let them know that you're alive. Well, this is just my opinion.''      

Pandora looked at Sera in astonishment; she didn't think she was this caring. This made her want to get closer to her since she was not like she thought. She thought she was just a cold, spartan teacher.      

''Ok, I promise you that I'll visit them once we're done here. Teacher, will you come with me. I also plan to visit my former friend's families. Even though we kept sending them money for living, Alex had suggested that we must visit them and tell them how brave their children were.''      

Sera's eyes widened; it was her first time hearing this. She didn't expect Alex to do that; he must have deeply cared about those friends of his.      

''Ok, I understand. I'll accompany you.'' Sera promised.      

Pandora smiled, happy that Sera would tag along; she wondered if Alex would also follow them. It would be great if he could. She thought.     

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