Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 770: The Invitation

Chapter 770: The Invitation

Outside the dungeon entrance, Alex and the others were waiting for Sakuya to come out. Luna was still giving Alex the cold shoulder, but he could see that compared to before, things had changed a little bit, and he knew what to do.     

''Big brother, when do you think sister Sakuya will come out?" Gracier leaned against her brother's shoulder and asked. It had been two hours since they were waiting here after helping clean monsters in the forest.      

''Don't worry, she is about to come out.'' Alex pointed his finger at the entrance. Because of many events and rapid growth, Alex could now easily detect mana, but only when it exceeded the normal flow. Because Sakuya was pouring her mana into Masamune unconsciously before swinging it, Alex could detect it and immediately understood what she had in mind.     

Gracier wanted to say something, but before she could, there was a sound of something getting sliced apart, followed by a loud thud.      

''What the hell? Aren't dungeon's door supposed to be indestructible?" The Touch's family little princess asked, shocked.     

''Well, this is not a real dungeon. I guess it doesn't count.'' Saeko said as she watched Sakuya walk out of the dungeon holding a white katana.      

''Attack her.''      

When she was about to congratulate Sakuya, Alex's voice rang inside Saeko's mind making her stop for a millisecond before immediately unsheathing her red katana.      

It was as if the world had turned red, blood red.      

''What?" Gracier shouted and reacted instinctively by summoning her gift in the scythe form, but before she could do anything, she heard her brother's voice.      

[Stop it, Alexandra. I ordered her to attack Sakuya. There is something I want to test. You guys must catch up; even if it is impossible to be at the same level, you must react and be capable in any situation. I don't need any useless garbage. I want comrades who can fight toe to toe with me. Comrades that will be capable of protecting me, so no more playing. Time to access your level.]      

For the first time since, while they had communicated through this special channel only, they could use, her brother's words were harsh, but they were not false. The world might look peaceful right now, but even she could tell that it was the calm before the storm. In order not to lose anyone dear to them, they must protect themselves and be able to protect others; only like this might reduce the casualties in the incoming war.     

[I understand, brother. I will wait for your instruction.] Gracier responded, already looking forward to what her brother had in mind.      

[Good, let's watch!] Alex said and his eyes focused in front of him.     

The discussion between the siblings seemed to have taken a minute or so, but in reality, only a few seconds had passed, and Saeko, following Alex's order, was about to cut Sakuya into two.      

''Wow! You went for the kill but too bad I saw it coming.'' Sakuya said before unsheathing Masamune.     


Saeko's sword's intent was cut into two while the white blade was pressed against her neck.      


Saeko gulped; she had expected to be defeated but not this fast; she wondered what this girl went through in the short period they got separated to become so strong.     

''And Maria, I saw you coming too,'' Sakuya added, and without looking back, she blocked Maria's sword with Yoroïchi, her real Gift.      

''Well, congratulations on getting stronger. Let's fight properly next time.'' Maria said and returned to Luna's side, smiling at Sakuya.      

''Ugh! Give me a break. Leader, are you satisfied with the goods?" Sakuya sighed before turning her face in Alex's direction.      

''Well, barely satisfied. Let's go. I'm quite exhausted; I need to take a bath.'' Alex said before leaving. Saeko and Gracier immediately followed after him. Because this area was off-limits, people rarely came here.      

The six left the forest and headed back to their assigned villa.      

Immediately after they entered the villa, Alex decided to take a bath.     



Standing in the middle of the giant bath in their villa, Alex released a sigh of contentment as the hot water took away his accumulated fatigues and allowed him to relax.     

Saying that the last few days since their arrival from Exodus had been tiring would have been the understatement of the year. In just one month, he had fought more and caused more deaths than he anticipated.     

If he had to be honest, it was a wonder that he did not collapse. However, he didn't regret what happened; it was his choice; even though his actions have left many families widowed, he still didn't regret his choice because he must let the world know what would happen once you messed up with his family. This was a warning, a warning to the world, and a reminder to himself that he must not be a softy, at least in a certain situation. Be gentle when it was needed and be ruthless when needed to be.     

 Just as Alex was beginning to lose himself in his thoughts he heard a woman's voice.     

"Honored guest, please raise your arms."      

One of the two servants that had been taking care of him since the start of his stay in the villa spoke gently.      

''Oh!" Alex responded absentmindedly. He had forgotten that he was not alone. The two servants charged with taking care of him nodded, not bothered by how he responded.     

After a few days of getting to know each other better, the atmosphere didn't feel awkward as it was in the beginning. He had refused to let these women to take care of him, but they refused to go back, and in the end, he could only compromise.     

The two women were dressed lightly. Alex knew if he truly wished to have sex with them, they wouldn't refuse him, but he had no intention of doing something like that. He was a man who knew how to control himself; if it weren't because of this, the girls wouldn't have never accepted the two maids to take care of their man.     

''Ah!'' Alex let a sigh escape from his mouth. He was truly enjoying this bath.      

In another location inside the villa. Saeko's room.     

Saeko sat curled on her large queen-sized bed, deep in thoughts.      

The events of the day kept filling her mind as she scrutinized everything with magnifying glasses. Especially that fight, she kept replaying it to see how she could improve.      

Suddenly, Saeko frowned; she sensed an incoming presence; she was just about strike using her katana but stopped after sensing that it was a familiar presence.     

''Welcome, father.'' Saeko tried to stand up and greet the emperor for such an unexpected visit, but he stopped her.      

''There is no need to do that. How have you been, my little sweetheart.'' The emperor said while hugging his daughter.     

''I'm fine, father. Thank you for visiting me, but I bet you have something in mind.'' Saeko, who knew her father visited her on top of wanting to see her asked.     

''What do you want to tell me, father?"      

''Ugh! Sigh! It's why I hate your cleverness. What do you think of Alexander?" The emperor asked.      

Saeko did not immediately answer; she stayed silent, and the emperor calmly waited for her to reply. One minute later, Saeko responded.      

''He asked to follow them, and I said yes.''      

''What?" The emperor was startled by the sudden revelation.     

Saeko ignored her father's surprised face and continued.      

''I know what you have in mind, but I will warn you not to try anything funny. Let's things develop naturally.''      

Upon hearing his daughter's warning, the emperor smiled, happy his daughter had matured even more.      

''I understand. I will not do anything, and you must know that I have never planned to do anything to Alex; I wouldn't dare even if I had the gut. Let's stop talking about him and talk about the incoming festival. Will you secretly go out with your father?" The emperor asked, half expecting his daughter to accept, but unfortunately, she would not do that.     

''Sorry, father. I want to go to the festival with Alex and others. He is planning to participate; it's a vacation, he said.''      

"Vacation, huh?! Okay, let's make the biggest festival this year, after all this year we've got special visitors.'' The emperor said before adding after sensing something.     

''My little sweetheart, it's time for me to go back. See you tomorrow and good night.''      

''Good night, father,'' Saeko responded, watching her father vanish.      

Late at night.     

A delicate moonlight seeped through the window frame illuminating the queen size bed. A beautiful woman was sleeping on this bed; it was none other than Luna.     

Suddenly, someone arrived inside Luna's bedroom. Instantly she woke up almost as if she had been waiting for him.      

''Welcome, Lex. I've been waiting for your arrival,'' Luna said while her eyes were locked onto Alex.      

''I know. Let's have a chat. There's something I want to show you.''     

''Ok, let's go.'' Luna decided to accept Alex's invitation the two disappeared from the room.      

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