Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 768: Yamoto no Orochi

Chapter 768: Yamoto no Orochi

'This thing only has one head, but its killing intent is terrific.' Sakuya mumbled while trying to shake off the feeling of fear she was having.     

''The real thing should have eight heads like in the history and was sealed in Susanoo's sword, the 「Kusanagi no Tsurugi]. So my predecessor is trying to recreate history here?" She said while trying to recall history about this monster.      

"Yamata no Orochi."      

It was one of the most dangerous monsters in Japanese mythology. It was a predator at the top of the food chain.      

Sakuya would have never expected her predecessor to try to recreate this myth, albeit on a smaller scale. The Orochi before her didn't have eight heads like in the mythology. She must defeat this monster in order to acquire that katana, Masamune.     

''I hope Masamune it's worth all the troubles I'm putting here,'' Sakuya said in a heavy tone.     

Suddenly, the monster unleashed its fury with a cry. Bloodthirst, anger, torment, and emotions could be heard in that cry.      

It only had one head, and it was significantly smaller than the real thing in history books, but it was still an extremely dangerous monster; she could feel it.     

Crash, slam!     


No matter how much the serpent thrashed around, the room stayed sturdy.     

At this point, it was simply a large animal. To put it in perspective, it was the equivalent of a newborn human baby. It was only loud.      

Unable to break anything, Orochi started throwing a louder tantrum like a child that had his candy stolen.     


Its cry echoed and filled the room.     

Sakuya started to find the beast loud and annoying.      

"I'll have to take it down quickly."     


Greenlight glimmered from Sakuya's eyes. It was a skill that helped her enhance her sight when it was hard to see.     

At the same time, the thrashing Orochi spotted Sakuya looking at it with her green eyes.     


It flickered its long tongue, closely watching Sakuya.      

The bloodthirst and mana that radiated from its eyes were quite ominous.      

Without warning, Orochi started charging at her.     



Orochi took a bite out of the ground.      

Sakuya jumped to the side, landing with one hand on the ground.      

Orochi truly was a threat. Its bloodthirst was one thing, but there was also its size, which exerted pressure. Being large in size was a powerful strength.     

'I guess the silver lining is that all it has going for is its size right now.'     

As Sakuya tightly gripped her katana.     


Orochi's tail slammed down on Sakuya's head. It was really fast.     

Slam, slam, slam—!     

Seething with anger, it continued to slam its tail down, even though Sakuya's body would have been turned into mincemeat after the first strike.      

However, Sakuya had already disappeared from her previous spot and appeared above the monster before the monster knew it.     


It felt a blow on its head.     


A rain of black light swallowed up the surrounding light as Orochi's head shook and fell.     


Feeling excruciating pain, it let out a scream as it thrashed around. It shook its head, trying to get Sakuya off it, but she endured, swinging her katana.     

Combining her Wind and dark element to create dark green energy that surrounded her weapon, she slashed down.      

Sakuya widely swung the katana filled with the energy from the dark green energy.     


Ting, ting—     

The hard scales and tough leather impeded her attack. Even though the scales and skin were being cut apart, causing Orochi to bleed, the wounds were too shallow to pause a real threat to the monster.      



With Orochi's tail flying above her head, Sakuya jumped down to the ground.      

She wasn't satisfied by the cuts she had inflicted. All she managed to do was make the thing bleed a little.     




Orochi trashed around in pain from the dark green mana, which had penetrated through the cuts on its skin.      

Sakuya stared at Orochi, writhing in pain, coiling up its body.     

"This is unexpected. It's way too fucking sturdy."     

Its scales and skin were far tougher than she had anticipated.      


The wounded Orochi started swinging its tail around even more violently.      

But Sakuya continued to avoid its tail, chipping away at its scales and leather slowly, not going completely all out.     

Slash, slash—!     


The number of wounds on Orochi increased. But unlike previously, it stopped screaming and coiling up. Maybe it was overtaken by anger, but it continued to rampage after Sakuya, fiercely whipping its tail around.      


Dust was kicked up.      

Every single attack was powerful enough to chill one's spine.     

However, she continued to play with the monster.     

Some time passed.     

Sakuya, who was busy avoiding Orochi, stopped in her tracks, and her enhanced eyes looked to a specific spot.     

"… Found it."     


Orochi's tail fell on top of Sakuya's head. She altered the space around her to act like a mirror; she easily dodged the blow. The monster was shocked because, in their previous exchanges, this human girl did not seem to have this skill, maybe she had it but didn't use it, but the monster denied this as it felt like she just created this skill using their fight as a grindstone. No wonder she kept dodging. Orochi became furious, deciding to kill the arrogant human; the monster opened its mouth and spat an acid breath.      

Sakuya, who was immersed in the new feeling of creating a new skill which she temporarily named space mirror frowned and jumped back, escaping from the acid breath's range; the ground melted, transforming into an acid swamp.      


One of the monster's tails cut through the air at an unimaginable speed; Orochi was sure of its victory; this time, unfortunately, the monster met an opponent like Sakuya.     

''Yami Maho Jigen Giri!"      

With the perfect timing, she unsheathed her katana at a godly speed; that tail was cut off.     


Orochi screamed; one of its tails got cut off. The monster was in immense pain.      

Using this opportunity, Sakuya appeared closer to the monster, her eyes locked onto that special part she found out after searching for it.      

There was a small indent near Orochi's heart, the only part of the monster's body not covered in scales. That was Orochi's reverse scale.      

''As I thought it would be here. With this, it's a game over.'' Sakuya mumbled while her katana pierced Orochi's reverse scale.     


Orochi did not scream. Instead of crying in pain, Orochi stopped letting out any sound.     

"Kkhaa… Kkiyagh…"     

The snake's sharp eyes started turning murky, and its body slowly stiffened up.      

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