Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 761: Against the Fake goddess 1

Chapter 761: Against the Fake goddess 1

''Won't you come out now?"      

''I have defeated every one of your subordinates. It's time for you to face me.'' Luna said; however, only silence answered her demand until there was a clapping sound.     

Clap! Clap!!!      

''You are really something.'' The fake goddess said as she appeared five meters from Luna.      

Luna looked at the woman that was the cause of her suffering a few days ago but couldn't help but feel a burning fury. She was not beautiful; the fake goddess's face was plain, with black hair and azure eyes; those eyes could be considered the only beautiful thing about this woman.      

''I will kill you,'' Luna said and glared at the woman.      

The fake goddess chuckled. ''You can try, but the result will not change. I'll become the owner of this body; no, I'm already the owner.''      

''It is that so?'' Luna tilted her head to the side, causing the fake goddess to frown, not understanding why Luna was this calm, but soon she understood.     

''Spirit possession.''      


Luna used her trump card; her blonde hair turned white before a majestic valkyrie armor appeared on her body.      

''I see.'' The fake goddess mumbled, unbothered by Luna's level skyrocketing.      


Luna jumped into the sky and immediately created a spear made of light. With this jump, she instantly reached an elevation of four kilometers, and from there, she hurtled downward like a cannonball.     

Her momentum was such that the air behind her exploded while the ground below caved by hundreds of meters.     

By the time she was two kilometers away from the ground, the veins in her forehead had protruded, and the muscles in her arm bulged out like they were alive.     

Luna transferred her entire strength to the light spear!     


She ruthlessly swung the spear down.     

The fake goddess was calm; she lifted his right arm and stretched her hand out.     


A mist of black energy converged above her hand and transformed into the phantom of an enormous palm.     

Then the palm shot up!     

When the light spear was a kilometer away from the palm, it bore down with such pressure that air compressed into violent storms.     

 Small vortexes appeared in the middle of the palm and clashed with the storms.     


The light spear violently cut down on the palm. Sparks flew out, and the space distorted enough to explode.     


The ground radius of twenty kilometers was destroyed; the fake goddess stood in the middle of this destruction completely unscathed while Luna floating in the air, was panting heavily.      



Blood sprayed out of Luna's mouth as she was sent flying.      


Before Luna could react, her body suffered multiple impacts, further destroying the city. Even with her sharp senses, she didn't detect anything.      

''Cough! Cough!" Luna coughed blood after blood as her body lay in the middle of a broken building.      

''Playtime over.'' The fake goddess said.     

An invisible burst of power surged out of her.     

Wherever it passed through, the debris, metallic splinters, vehicles, and everything else stirred up from the ground, freezing in mid-air. Even the droplets of blood and dust stopped in mid-air. It was a terrible sight to behold.      

''Time to go. I need to eliminate a big rat coming here.'' The fake goddess said. The moment these words left her mouth, his eyes shined brilliantly with strands of ominous black energy.      


Luna's breathing paused; she struggled to stand up but fell, her head crashing into the ground. She knew she must stand up and fight now that he was coming; she must help him, she must.      

With great difficulty, Luna got back on her feet; her white hair turned back into its original color, meaning her spirit possession was coming to an end. She decided to go all out, giving everything she got, everything was for the sake of helping her fiance.      

However, just as she was about to attack, a black mist infiltrated her nose; it was already too late by the time she noticed.      

Luna felt sleepy and happy. It was like she was back in her childhood, waiting for her mother to take her into her embrace.     

The feeling was so pleasant, just like the start of life.     

Luna saw the outline of her mother, her relaxed smile, and her open arms. She was there waiting for him in the black mist.     


Luna jerked her head and bit down on her tongue. The pain helped her gain some rationality. She had almost fallen under a hypnotize.      

''Not bad, but as I've said earlier, I've already won. This body is already mine. Goodbye!" The fake goddess voice echoed behind her.      


Luna's felt her body twisting before it exploded. Her last thought was she hoped Alex wouldn't act recklessly.      

''Sigh! Wasting my energy for nothing. Well, I guess I shall consume her fiance's body to make up for the energy wasted.'' The fake goddess licked her lips, feeling Alex's presence getting closer and closer.     

Outside, the crimson formation had stopped, and Luna's body was floating when suddenly there was an explosion of energy.      

Luna, who had lost control over her body to the fake goddess, her hair turned platinum while her golden eyes disappeared, turning into beautiful azure eyes.      

''Oh! Not bad with this body, I can not start my revenge.'' The fake goddess controlling Luna's body mumbled after checking that nothing was wrong.     

''Do you think I will let you do that?" Alex, who appeared right when the fake goddess said these words, asked.     

''Fufufufu! Who isn't it if not our hero that came to save the damsel in distress.''      

Using Luna's voice, the fake goddess mocked Alex. He was furious, but he managed to control his emotions; his facial expression didn't change, making the fake goddess praise him.      

''Not bad, you must think that after killing Lucius, you can fight me. Do you think you can do anything to this goddess? You're far too weak. I'm a goddess.''      


Immediately after saying these words, she released a portion of her strength, and half of the floor was destroyed; Alex was pushed back; the pressure was trying to crush him; however, he was calm, and he even started laughing.     

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