Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 757: The Spirits Queen 1

Chapter 757: The Spirits Queen 1


Golden lightning descended from the void, and the world was set ablaze.     


Zero's mental world was destroyed.     

Outside, Zero vomited a mouthful of blood while his face was pale as a sheet.     


His vision was starting to get blurry, but he knew he must not fall asleep right now, or else it would be his last sleep as it would become an eternal sleep.      

Summoned a sword, he slashed at Typhania, who responded; then something shocking happened.      



Golden lightning flowed through to the sword's tip into Zero's body faster than he could move.     

Zer,o who was holding onto his sword, let out a scream in pain.     

When Typhania was about to slash at Zero's neck, she frowned and immediately created a protective field around her body.      


Zero stomped his feet on the ground; the ground exploded as powerful mana was sent deep underground. Like an active volcano erupting after a long slumber, the ground burst into a blazing inferno. The inferno blasted upwards, engulfing everything.     

''You almost got me.'' Typhania frowned. She had been lured into attacking. The amount of pain this man should be suffering must be high, but he still had the energy to execute this kind of move. She was impressed, but that was all.      

Against her, his prospect of winning was nonexistent. He might be exceptional; given enough time, he might be able to threaten her, but right now, he was not at that level yet; even if he was level 160 and she was level 162, it didn't matter what mattered was he had no chance since the beginning.     

Typhania's eyes shone. Immediately the sky above them darkened with stormy clouds complimented with thunderous booms.     


Powerful tremors rippled out of her, causing everything to rumble. This world seemed to be on the verge of being destroyed, dungeon rooms are known to be extremely sturdy, and for such a room to show signs of breaking apart, it was a testament to Typhania's strength.      

Zero remembered that Lord Thanos, the second in command, told them he couldn't face Typhania without complete preparations or else he would lose in a few minutes. Back then, he didn't understand as he felt like Lord Thanos was exaggerating, and because it took him less than a hundred years to reach his current level, he had thought he was exceptional, more than the past Typhania.     

He had underestimated Typhania despite not wanting to, but there was no time to regret it.     

''Purgatory form!"     


The surrounding air changed as Zero, who was cornered, decided to use the chaos seed to activate the purgatory mode. His long white hair darkened while his eyes turned into the form of golden slits.      

At that moment, he felt invincible.     

''Inferno flame!" He declared as a dark crimson flame appeared in front of him.     


The inferno flames concentrated into a pillar of fire and struck out.     

Zero's lips curved up into a sadistic smirk as he saw what happened next.      

The pillar of inferno flame hit Typhania before she knew it.      


Before Zero's eyes, Typhania's defenses collapsed, and the pillar hit him, and the impact began to turn her into ashes.     

She should have cried; however, she didn't cry or scream. Instead, she broke into laughter.     

''How nice for you to offer me a medium to further mess up with you.'' She declared before speaking in the spirit language.      

[Spirit of the flame, here my call and gather: Salamander]     

The most basic flame spirit was summoned through Zero's flame.      

''Nooo!" He shouted, but it was already too late.      

The dark red salamander struck with its tail which was faster than a phantom bullet.      

It was as if a thick bolt of lightning broke out of the dark clouds and slammed into the motionless Zero.     


A loud boom followed, and Zero was sent flying. The salamander hit him mercilessly, breaking his flesh and bones.     


He cried out in pain. Even his transformation couldn't stop the pain from wreaking havoc inside his body. He felt he would go insane. He was forced to use his ultimate trump card; he could go back in time for two seconds, but this ability was usable once every three months, but now he didn't have any other choice other than using it.      

''Time rewind!" Zero used his ability, and he went back two seconds. Immediately, he summoned an ominous red sword.     

The moment he pulled the sword out of his sheath. It erupted with ripples of gravity. Then his figure blurred forward, and he appeared before Typhania, his sword slashing out with everything he had.     


The space in the sword's path ripped open, revealing a black rift that seemed part of a black hole. Terrifying gravitational force burst from it, swallowing everything in its range, even light, causing the surroundings to turn pitch black. It was a frightening sight to behold.     

When his sword was about to hit the real target, it stopped; immediately, his eyes constricted.     

Like a puff of smoke, Typhania disappeared and appeared behind him.     

"Seems like you didn't understand the difference between us. How irritating!"     

Typhania grabbed him by the neck and slammed his face into the rift.     

"Argh!" Zero grunted.     

The gravitational force didn't affect him because of his powerful physics, but the insides of the rift were filled with ominous energy, and he felt like her face was smashed against a mountain. It was painful, but not anything she couldn't handle.      

Just as he was about to counterattack, all the fine hairs on his back stood up at the end because of Typhania following words.     

''Spirit of lightning!"      


Zero's eyes flickered with surprise, and he immediately looked up.     

The sky above them was rumbling with endless lightning bolts, bursting with a power that sent a shiver down his spine.     

Typhania lifted her hand and made a grasping motion. A terrifying pressure descended, and the lightning rushed into her hand, turning into a golden spear.     


She swirled the spear, causing the pressure to rage out.      


Zero gulped and was about to escape from the spear's range when Typhania uttered the following words.      

''Spirit of wind bind!"      

Immediately Zero was bound by invisible hands; the wind is everywhere, and the wind is the air, so under Typhania's command, he was bound unable to do anything.     

Finally, he understood why spirit arts were scary and, as the queen of spirits, why people feared Typhania. It was late to regret. Typhania slashed with the golden lightning spear; Zero closed his eyes, waiting for his end; when space twisted around him and he vanished, the last thing he heard made his comment.     

''Spirit of the world! Seal!"      

''This is cheating.'' He said, but Typhania ignored him. She glanced behind her back, and after making sure Freya and Armstrong could take off the remaining troublemakers, she left.     

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