Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 756: Typhania Vs Zero 2

Chapter 756: Typhania Vs Zero 2

Platinum blonde hair and beautiful emerald eyes. Typhania was beyond beautiful only two existences currently in Mysthia could surpass her, Silveria and Nyx.     

It was not an understatement to say she was the most beautiful woman in Mysthia if the two sisters were excluded.      

Even Zero couldn't help but admit that this woman was truly beautiful. For the first time, an unknown desire was born inside his heart.      

'This woman, I must make her mine, and to do that, I must beat her. I must win at all costs. Only this way she would understand how awesome he was and would have no choice other than to accept his request.      

Zero had no idea that this thought was twisted, but even if he were, he wouldn't care as the only that mattered was what he wanted.      

''You, become my woman.'' Zero suddenly declared; no, it was more of order than a declaration.     

Typhania was dumbstruck. She had lived long and experienced many downs and highs. But nothing prepared her for Zero's reactions.     


 Typhania arrived at one conclusion: This man had a screw loose.      

''Mental world!" Zero activated his domain, and reality twisted. The two reappeared in a strange world filled with stars.     

''Not bad. I understand why you did this. Do you want to make it impossible for me to use spirit arts? I am wrong?" Typhania, who had seen through Zero's plan, voiced her thoughts.      

Zero chuckled, not saying anything but this gesture was more than an answer. He forcibly brought them into his mental world, a domain so powerful that even Lord Thanos was wary of it, because once you were dragged here, most of your power would be lost, while as the master of this world, he was almost almighty.      

''While this decision could have been considered wise, you overlooked something. I'm Typhania, after all. I will show you why I was hailed as a genius, feared by many.''     

As soon she finished saying those words, Typhania made a grasping motion.     

Before Zero could respond, the space seemed to twist, and the concept of distance disappeared.     


He was five hundred meters away from Typhania, but now within his grasp!     


Zero exclaimed. His control over the world was transferred to Typhania. He was beyond shocked; this had never happened before.      

Typhania punched the air, and her small fist crashed into Zero's jaw, and it shattered, and nerve-wracking pain burst into the mental projection.     


This punch sent screaming Zero into the starry sky. Pain flooded every bit of his consciousness, but his thoughts weren't on pain.     

It was on Typhania, the Elven goddess.     

How the hell could she be so strong?!     

No… the real question was, how could he be so weak in front of Typhania!?      

With the help of his domain, he should have been the strongest, the god of this world, but currently, he was like a child getting bullied on his playing ground.      


Typhania appeared before Zero in a flash; it was not teleportation but because she was that fast. Zero flinched; he knew he had miscalculated, he must do something, or at this rate, he might lose. So, to not lose, he acted and summoned the tentacle-like veins running through this mental world.     

A sword appeared in Typhania's hand, and she slashed downard; the world seemed to have been split into two with the tentacles vanishing.      


Zero's eyes bulged.     

How can the power gap reach such an unfathomable level!?     

It didn't make sense!     

''If you met someone other than me, you could have succeeded in injuring maybe killing that person but unfortunately. Mental skills are one of my best fortes. You made a mistake. I shall slowly carve this into your soul.'' Typhania declared like she was about to do something holy.     

Then Typhania moved her sword; she slashed with the plain sword formed using her imagination. Only one sword slash was executed, but in front of Zero, dozens of sword slashes arrived.      

Because the control over this world had been hijacked, Zero was helpless before those sword slashes.      

This might be just a mental world, but the blows were real, and so was the pain.     

Bang! Bang!     

Those slashes were like hammer hammering his body and skull. He knew Typhania was deliberately doing this.     

In less than a second, using her sword like a hammer, she hammered down a thousand blows with utmost precision.     


Zero released a hellish cry. His skull cracked apart, but the insides weren't filled with brain mass. Instead, they were filled with mental energy.     

Typhania didn't stop. Almost as if she was enjoying this, she rained down blows.     

The pain Zero now felt could no longer be described in words. It was an agony of epic proportions.     

''You bastard!!!!!"     

Zero lost all haughtiness he had for the first time and swore with boundless rage.     

"Now now~ Be respectful to your elder. I'm older enough to be your great-grandmother.'' Typhania said while striking down with her sword.      

Zero mental projection was on the verge of disappearing. And if it disappeared due to Typhania's action, his real body would suffer unbearable consequences.     

Swish! Swish! Bang! Bang!     

Typhania smiled and struck down again.     

''Normal slash!" Typhania said before casually moving her sword, it was a basic sword move, but somehow it had become a dreadful slash that cut Zero's mental projection into two.      

The mental world was on the verge of breaking down.      

However, at the last moment, Zero managed to get back control over his world temporarily and teleported one kilometer away. Because he had constantly suffered Typhania's attacks, no, she was toying with her, the mental world had shrunk into a small size, and many stars had disappeared.     

Zero was thinking of using the remaining stars and the world energy to temporarily trap Typhania here when he would strike her body outside. That was the plan until Typhania decided to stop playing.      

She raised her plain sword.     


A smile spread across her face as she declared.     

''Thus lightning is born.''      


Golden lightning descended from the void, and the world was set ablaze.     

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