Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 748: Noire Part 1

Chapter 748: Noire Part 1

On an island, a hundred kilometers from the Far East Empire was a city named Porto. Noire, disguised as Alex, and the girls stopped by to rest before they resumed their journey.     

''You girls should rest; I'll be on the lookout,'' Noire said as soon they booked rooms.      

The priest sent by the church to accompany them had left, saying he would first visit the church inside the city before joining them later.      

Maria and the others wished to go out to clear their minds, but just as they were about to leave, it started to rain, they could only reluctantly stay.      

Instead of going as it was raining, they decided to play.      

''Come join us.'' Gracier invited Noire to join them, but she refused.      

''Sorry, I'm not good at that kind of thing. Maybe next time.''      

Gracier pouted but did try to persuade Noire to join them. The three played cards until they became exhausted and went to sleep.      

Noire sat crossed on the ground and closed her eyes; she appeared to be sleeping, but in reality, she was awake, and her senses were sharper; nothing could bypass her detection.     

She knew that something would happen tonight after seeing that nasty grin on that priest's face, and her master had warned that assassins might come after them, they should be on guards, and as the strongest of the four, it was her duty to protect them.      

Suddenly, someone was knocking on the door, followed by that priest's voice.      

''Sir Alexander, I would like to have a word with you. It's about our destination. Please open the door.''      

Noire chuckled when she heard the priest's word. She had expected them to make a nasty move but not this. Did he think the teleportation stone hidden inside his palm would be unnoticed?      

She would use this opportunity to clean up for good; therefore, she accepted the other party's offer.     

''Sure!" She said before opening the door, and a middle-aged man with a beard dressed in the church outfit walked in.      

''Thank you, Sir Alexander.'' The priest said with his head lowered, hiding the malicious smile on his face. For the fake goddess, he would do anything, even something underhanded as this.      

''Die!" The priest muttered before crushing the teleportation stone inside his palm, and the room was enveloped in golden light; they were about to get teleported. He expected to see the shock on her face, but all Noire did was to shot him a glance without any expression.     

The priest who said Noire's expression almost choked on his breath. He'd sensed a sudden spike of alarm, afraid of what this meant; no, he already understood what her gaze meant but was too afraid of believing in such a possibility.      



Noire didn't let the priest finish his word before blowing his head with a wind missile.     

Right after she killed the priest, she reappeared in the middle of a hall and was surrounded by enemies.      

There were more than fifty enemies; the weakest was level 65, while the strongest was in the middle of the four men standing in the front.     

Clap! Clap!      

''How unexpected, you still get caught in the end.'' Lazarus, the strongest templar knight, said upon seeing Noire disguised as Alex. He was not shocked not to see the priest; he was a sacrificial pawn anyway.      

What Lazarus found slightly regrettable was that Alex's women were not caught in the teleportation, but that didn't matter; what mattered was they had their target; once they killed him, they could kill Maria and the others. From what he heard, everyone in his family was beautiful; he would use them as sex slaves until he became bored.     

Lazarus had expected Noire to show some reaction, but she was unexpectedly calm, so calm that she began to get on his nerves and he couldn't help but says.     

''What? Cat got your tongue? Or it's because you are that scared?"      

Noire didn't say anything before her lips twisted in ridicule, and she asked.      

''Afraid? By the like of you?"      

Suddenly, Lazarus felt that something was amiss; he was not the only one; the others felt it as well. It was like they were not facing a human but a terrific beast instead.      

The invisible pressure coming from Noire's body was too terrible; the weakest among them were already on their knees, shivering.     

In panic, Lazarus used his special eyes, whose skill was like an appraisal.      

The status he saw made him sigh in relief.      


Class: ???     

Age: ???     


Race: World Wolf     

Rank 14 [Saint] ????     

Level 1????     

Experience Value: 60000/400500     

MP: 8000/8000     

Magic: Void/Darkness/Wind     

Attack: 2000     

Defense: 2000     

Agility: 2000     

Intelligence: 1400     

Luck: 1500     

Gift: ?????     

BP: ???     

SP: ????     

Skills: [Void Steps] [Corrosion]     

Special Abilities: ????     

''He is a Saint, a weak Saint. I'm stronger than him; there's nothing to fear.'' Lazarus mumbled, full of himself.      

Because information had not reached them since they left to complete this mission, he didn't know that the Alex in front of him was a fake, nor did he know how much damage the real Alex had already caused to the empire, that he had already infiltrated the tower of Babel at the moment.     

Just as Lazarus was about to order his men to take, he heard Noire laughing.      

''Pft! Hahahaha!"     

''What is so fun? Why are you laughing? It's this your last attempt before you die?'' Lazarus asked, confused about why she was laughing.      

''I'm laughing because you are a complete fool. I let you appraise because I thought you would understand, but even with my generous action, you still didn't notice anything. You are still full of yourself, thinking that everything is still under your control. I couldn't help but laugh at your stupidity.''      

Lazarus frowned before using appraisal on Noire again, and he got the shock of his life; he had finally understood what she meant; she was not him.      

''You are not Alexander Kael Touch. Who are you?" Lazarus asked while thinking of something terrific.      

The others were confused at this sudden development. Confusion was written all over their faces.     

''I'm Noire.''      

Amidst this confusion, Noire introduced herself.     

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