Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 741: The Death of a cardinal 3

Chapter 741: The Death of a cardinal 3

Back in the holy capital, in cardinal Jean's mansion.     

''Finally, you are out,'' Sera mumbled as the corner of her lips couldn't help but tilt upward. She had been waiting for this man to show up. She heard about them, the death knights, beings neither dead nor alive; they are hovering between life and death. To create them, the Holy Crux empire used a forbidden technique that mixed black magic and holy magic (Dark and Light elements). For a church preaching holiness, it was quite ironic to use such a technique.     

At the same time cardinal Jean shouted, Bellad's figure finally emerged from the darkness.     

Before today, Bellad had never thought he would fear anyone. As an expert who was infinitely close to the middle of the Saint Realm, he was never afraid of any battles, under any circumstances. After all, even if he couldn't win, he could still leave the battlefield calmly. He had been created without the emotion known as fear.     

But at this moment, he was facing Zero. He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit his inner fear. An unknown emotion he had never felt.     

This fear was so strong that it was extremely difficult for him to take a single step.     

This was the opponent Bellad didn't want to meet the most.     

Zero, like this…     

When someone fought her, it wasn't a battle at all.     

Instead, it was a life-and-death gamble. You either kill her or die.      

He had faced many assassins, all of them died under his hand, but the woman before him was different from anything he had ever faced; compared to Zero, those assassins he killed were like trash.      

''Sigh!" Bellad sighed before attacking. He reached out his hand, and dark mist exploded from his hand and immediately covered those guards behind him.      


''Why? Ahhhh!"      

Endless cries soon followed when those guards got covered by dark mist, they aged at a visible rate like something was sucking away their vitality, and soon they were turned into mummies, dying with unwillingness.      

Cardinal Jean had retreated to somewhere safe and tried to contact the Holy church to ask for assistance but failed several times; he could only give up. He decided to wait for Bellad to kill or weaken Zero (Sera); he would use this opportunity to recuperate; summoning a death knight to fight was not without a cost. He had to pay up with his vitality. Currently, the cardinal Jean's plump body had thinned down considerably to almost a skinny level; he had fallen from two levels, but he didn't regret it as level could be recovered like his vitality by giving up a part of his vitality and strength, Bellad, the death knight had gotten stronger, his current strength should surpass middle Saint Realm, getting closer to the late Saint Realm.      

''Kill her.'' The cardinal shouted in a hoarse voice.     

Bellad nodded before launching an attack on Sera with his bastard sword.     

A black mass was shot at Sera. It was like a sword strike with a sharpness that was powerful enough to tear space apart.      

In front of this powerful attack coming from a powerful Saint Realm expert, Sera was completely calm. Usually, assassins avoid head-on clash but seeing Sera's calm face, Bellad knew she was going for a frontal clash.      

Suddenly, Sera reached out with one hand. The shadow next to her attacked at the same time.     

The two attacked with their sword. A powerful wind storm was created with their combined might.      

Then the wind storm floated in front of Sera before it was condensed into one place.      


The whole hall shook; the cardinal was sent flying while Bellad was pushed a couple of steps back.      

The next second, blood flowed out from his mouth; he had been in that exchange.     

Bellad suddenly gritted his teeth. His body was shot into the air, leaving countless afterimages behind him. Like a bolt of lightning, he charged towards Zero.     

In the moment when he seemed to become extremely fast as well as slow, black mist gathered around him to form armor.     

 Sera glanced at him.     

Her eyes were extremely calm, devoid of emotion, life, and death.     

Then she raised her palms.     

The black shadow around her dissipated, seemingly to have merged with her sword.     

Suddenly, a sharp sword sound filled with a killing intent was heard within the hall; the already dark hall turned darker.      

Then Sera's sword gave out a bright light in an instant. The sword light flew out from her hand like a shooting star.     

Silently, all the space in front of Sera was completely twisted, and then torn apart by this sword. The silent void was directly spread forward along with the sword light.     

It was truly beautiful; even the cardinal couldn't help but focus on this sword.     

Meanwhile, countless afterimages merged with Bellad's true body.     

The darkness swallowed everything, and the sword light appeared behind him.     

Space swallowed up his figure. Roaring, he threw his bastard sword at Sera, who easily dodged it.      

Bellad then threw a punch forward, but it was thrown into space.     

The silent punch suddenly roared in the silent space twisting around them.     

Bellad's eyes were focused and serious. His body was constantly vibrating in the air. The shadow of his fist, which carried endless power, was instantly filled with every piece of darkness.     

The silent and dark space was lit up.     

A piece of hazy and cold light was being spread with his constant punches, just like stars in the sky.     

Starlight appeared in the silent space.     

The starlight flickered, mysterious and boundless.     


Without any hesitation, Bellad immediately began to charge forward at full speed.     

It was as if the endless starlight suddenly lighted up the whole hall.     

The dark space was torn into pieces.     

The two of them were getting closer to each other.     

Then abruptly, Sera's sword transformed into a shadow that attacked him with a dagger. It was too sudden, but Bellad was able to react instantly. He threw a punch toward his back, hoping to make the shadow give up, but unfortunately, she didn't give up.      

Bellad's pupils dilated because Sera had disappeared, and the next word he heard made his world stop moving.      

Like a ghost, Sera appeared behind the cardinal.      

''Death's hand!"      

''When-" Cardinal Jean could not finish his words before his eyes lost their luster; an invisible hand crushed his heart. It was instant death.      

At the same time, Bellad was like a broken kite falling from the air; his head was smashed against the stone floor. Because his master died, he also died following him. The two had forgotten about an essential fact; at the end of the day, Sera was still an assassin. Everything she did in battle had one end goal to kill her enemy using the assassin way. They thought she would try to kill them in a frontal clash, but they were wrong.      

Just like that, a cardinal died.     

''Mission completed!"      

Sera had almost run out of mana, every action she performed since the beginning, since the moment she infiltrated the mansion, was this moment. She knew what would happen once a death knight was called out; using her frontal clash as a decoy, she sneaked behind the weakened cardinal and killed him—a perfect assassination.     

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