Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 484: Talk with the Foxia Empress

Chapter 484: Talk with the Foxia Empress

In the Foxia Imperial Palace's majestic throne hall, humble braziers encompassing each of the ten alabaster columns lit up the entire hall and bathed it in an orange glow.     

The illustrations of a kingdom in the sky on the layered ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and memorials look down upon the slate floor of this magnificent hall as if to tell about the kingdom's past glory.     

A cobalt rug split the entire room in half and was matched by the thinner ones on either side of the hall while matching banners with emblazoned margins decorated the walls.      

Between each banner hung a lantern; almost all of them have been lit and, in turn illuminated the artistic depictions of legendary figures below them.     

Narrow windows were hidden by curtains colored the same cobalt as the banners. The curtains were adorned with gilded linings and decorating tips.     

A striking throne of moonstone sat in front of a giant painting of the previous ruler (a woman) and was adjoined by two large but far less ornate seats for the royal highness's family members.     

The throne was covered in intricate illustrations, and fixed on each front leg was a crystal crown. The thin pillows were dark cobalt, and these too have been adorned with golden borders.     

Those expecting an audience with the Fox empress could do so on the countless long and rather bulky marble benches, all of which were diagonally facing the throne. Those of higher standing could instead take seats in the gorgeous balconies facing the throne.     

And standing before such a grand throne was the empress of the Foxia kingdom, recently turned empire, Demeter L. Foxia, Kuina's mother.     

The empress was walking to and fro, with her expression seeming as if she was in deep thought while at the same time expecting someone's arrival. She couldn't be blamed as an outside omen of invasion could be felt; the world was changing.     

Suddenly, the empress smiled as her guess, accompanied by her daughter, had come.     


The giant doors made creaking sounds as Alex, followed by Kuina, walked in.      

''Alex, greet the empress.'' Alex immediately went on his knees and greeted the empress.      

Demeter sat on her throne, her fox tails acted like a cushion, and she smiled while not forgetting to tease her daughter.      

''No need to act so stiff, Alexander. I'm your future daughter-in-law, after all.''      

Kuina immediately shouted.     


Alex's face twitched; however, he chose not to say anything as he didn't wish to be swept in the mother-daughter game; however, Demeter wasn't going to let him go so easily.     

''Oh my! Weren't you super concerned when no news was heard about him for several months? Weren't you the one that wanted to go search for him?"      

''Ugh! Mother, please.'' Kuina raised her hands in surrender; she could never beat her mother. She could only sigh.     

Meanwhile, Alex was frowning as he understood something from the two words, several months had passed since the three began their journey toward the Demon's continent, he had thought that only one month had passed, at the best two, however, judging from their reaction more than two months had passed. Alex sighed; he must learn about what happened during his coma.     

Demeter noticed Alex's expression and sighed; she had thought to make the atmosphere more lighter as learning that one of his friends was killed must have left him in a great shock.      

''Alex, you must have learned what happened from Kuina.'' Demeter's powerful voice echoed through the throne hall; Alex nodded with a heavy face.     

''What happened?" Alex asked as Kuina hadn't told him what had happened; she says Ferris was dead before asking him to come with her as her mother wished to talk with him.     

''Ah! The detail is still unknown, but after coming out of the ancestral dungeon, after completing the trial to inherit the throne, Ferris became violent, he killed several guards and was about to kill his sister, nothing she said got through, in the end, she was forced to kill her brother. Ferris's dying words were 'Thank you and please watch out.' This happened less than a week ago.''     

Demeter explained; Kuina lowered her head to hide her tear; she strongly bit her lip; the taste of iron reminded her of what she must do.     

Then Alex's voice echoed through the hall; there was a firm conviction inside his voice.     

''There is no way Ferris was himself; something must have possessed him because he was not that type of man; he would never try to hurt his beloved sister, most of his decisions are made with the intention of protecting Eris, I know it. So, it's incomprehensible that he would suddenly act as he did without a proper reason.''     

''You are right. It's the conclusion most of us thought of. However, after his death, nothing was seen; well, there was a bloody letter on his chest that stated that there was a traitor inside the empire; you could imagine what upheaval this caused. The emperor, furious, almost went on a rampage. If it weren't because Eris intervened, a purge would have occurred, creating a terrible bloodbath. Eris's intervention was indeed clever as I could understand her goal; what if the thing that controlled her brother's body intentionally left behind such message to mislead them into creating chaos?''     

Alex could understand where she was going. Indeed, Eris's intervention was great because she would regret it if she had just acted as a spectator when her home would be blazing. The enemy goal must have been to sow discord between the emperor and his vassals.      

''What a terrible scheme.'' Alex spat out.     

''Indeed, it's terrible. The world is slowly changing; the omen of destruction his getting closer and closer. You, young ones, must prepare to affront what is about to come.''      

Alex and Kuina nodded as they also felt the need to prepare for the incoming calamity. When Alex was about to open his mouth to suggest to be quickly sent back, the empress chuckled and announced.     

''Oh! The final guest has arrived.''      

Immediately, Alex knew who it was. Demeter continued and said something Alex didn't understand on the spot but would in a few days.     

''You three will immediately leave; it's time to go in that thing; what a wonderful world.''     

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