Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 482: Clash 4: Alexander 2

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 482: Clash 4: Alexander 2

Since the beginning, Alex never thought of escaping, not easily at least. It would have been a foolish thing to think like that. Facing this kind of opponent, you have to be clever and faster.     

The hatred exhibited at the beginning was to draw his attention then injure his ego by showing he was not afraid of him, him a Demi-God level expert, provoke him to make him show his cards, not all of them but at least some of them. When planning for this mission, he had thought of what he would do if this kind of situation were to happen, and he prepared accordingly.      

Alex, who saw the giant hand force down the feeling of fear that was about to emerge and smirked at Lucifer; he had one goal in mind by doing this it was to make Lucifer shocked, thus momentarily slowing down his attack, during this time, Alex quickly winked at Sakuya before cutting off the wind thread wrapped around his waist before firing a harmless bullet at Sakuya.      


Sakuya struggled; however, her body was already passing through the golden portal, then she heard Lucifer's furious roar and the giant hand rushing toward him; however, like a giant, Alex stood between the two, giving her one last glance he smiled while mumbling.     

''I'll see you soon.''      




Sakuya voice was cut off as she disappeared through the golden portal; however, she seemed to have coughed blood before completely disappearing, as if something had succeeded in injuring her.     

Alex frowned upon sensing this.      

〖Master, concentrate〗Silveria shout awoke Alex, and he poured mana into his ability Time Stop; however, he still couldn't stop the giant hand from closing in, and it was impossible for him to accel nor shadow shift as this hand seemed to block all these skills, Alex sighed before,     

〖Master?〗Silveria asked, confused because Alex aimed the silver gun at his right hand and fired; then the giant hand arrived and caught Alex.      


Terrible pain assaulted his body when he was caught; he felt like all his bones were about to break; his bones were making a popping sound as the giant hand gripped him tightly.     


A terrific wind assaulted him before Alex was slammed into the ground by the giant hand.     



A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud as Alex's body violently slammed against the ground.     

His mouth fell open, and blood sprayed out. His left arm was broken, and his body was convulsing with pain.      

 Simultaneously, the giant hand transformed into purple lightning that covered Alex's mangled body and, he started screaming.     


Before suddenly bursting into laughter.      

''Hahahahahaha! Hahahaha!"      

Lucifer frowned, his expression unreadable; one among his men couldn't take it anymore and began walking toward Alex; he decided to teach this human a lesson he would never forget.      

Suddenly, someone stopped the man.     

''Duke Valepor, where are you going?" It was Lucifer's, right-hand man. Duke Valepor frowned but couldn't ignore the man as he knew his status and was better than anybody; what would happen if he ignored him and walked away.      

''I'm going to teach this human a good lesson; he must not disrespect our lord.''      

Lucifer stopped his right-hand man; seeing this Duke Valepor, also known as Greed, dragged his big body toward Alex, the latter was still laughing even he coughing blood.      

Duke Valepor approached Alex and stopped not too far from him; seeing his terrible body, the Duke grinned; however, the look and Alex's laugh irked him; therefore, he asked.      

''You fool, why are you laughing? Have you gone nuts? Although your second escaped she received Duke Pallos' attack, she would die.''     

'So the person who attacked her is called Pallos, good I've registered it.' Alex inwardly mumbled while he continued to laugh.     

''As for you, stop laughing. You'll die.''      

Alex ignored him and kept laughing. Duke Valepor frowned and pierced Alex's right thigh with a dark tentacle; Alex didn't even react, his left thigh pierced still no reaction, it was only when his injured left arm was pierced that he stopped laughing coughed blood.     

''Hehehe, you're not that tough after all.'' Duke Valepor mumbled when suddenly Alex tried to say something but couldn't; he could only cough blood; however, Duke Valepor frowned and walked forward he wanted to hear what Alex had to say before destroying it, maybe he wanted to beg to be killed, or maybe he wanted to beg for mercy, either way, none of these things he was going to grant, he would slowly torture him, if he put a good performance maybe the emperor, Lucifer would reward him.     

Head filled with delusions; Duke Valepor confidently walked until he was above Alex; he put his right leg on Alex's chest and squeezed it by putting pressure on his leg.     

''Gah! Cough! Cough!" Alex coughed blood; his vision was becoming more and more blurry. Even so, he never released his right hand.     

''Talk. What do you want to say?''      

''Cough, cough! Come closer, Cough!"      

''Oh? Do you wish to beg for mercy? I shall hear you out as merciful.'' Duke Valepor said, and he lowered his body; he was still cautious, ready to intervene if Alex tried anything funny; however, Alex kept coughing blood. This made the Duke let his guard down, now closer to Alex, almost face to face, he asked.     

''So what do you want to-"      

''Time Stop''     

The Duke froze his mouth wide open, Alex heterochromia eyes shined viciously, his right hand moved, and he shoved something inside the Duke's mouth before declaring.     

''I was saying die for me.''      


Alex's body fell back; he was tired, he started to lose consciousness.     

'Please come back!' He prayed.     

Time resumed, and Duke Valepor staggered back; he clutched his throat, trying all he could to remove the thing that entered his mouth but ultimately failed.     


Gray light enveloped his body, and under everyone's eyes, he was turned into a mummy in an instant. Horror was the first emotion most demons felt, followed by extreme rage, Alex's name was immediately put on the Red list, at the highest place.      

Lucifer, who stayed silent, finally opened his mouth and declared,     


''And how are you planning to do that? Kill him when I'm here?"      

A voice suddenly reached their ears, and space got ripped apart above Alex, and a woman appeared. She was dressed in black; the sky darkened, lightning rumbled, she was like a goddess.     

Seeing this woman, Alex smiled and closed his eyes; the rest could be now left to her; Lilith Eleonora Astaroth had come.     

Lucifer's contorted before he began to smile.      

''Welcome back, sister.''     

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