Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 474: The Test 2

Chapter 474: The Test 2

Back to Alex's location.     

Even though he was losing consciousness, he heard Silveria's words; Alex bit his tongue not to fall unconscious; it would be too ridiculous that every time he used some powerful skill, he would soon fall unconscious; one or two times was enough.      

The taste of iron succeeds in maintaining Alex's consciousness.      

'Ugh! So you mean the third seal was broken?'      

〖Yes, indeed. I have never thought that you would gain that ability, the ability to reverse time, the core ability of my sister. Not the previous master managed to acquire it.〗     

Silveria's explanation brought some light to Alex's confusion, like Incursio, he thought he had dreamed; however, when he thought about it, it was too realistic for this to be a dream. Therefore he concluded that he had activated some ability; although he hadn't seen the giant golden clock, he still heard the Tik Tak sound.     

〖You should check your status just in case you might be able to find out something.〗Silveria suggested.     

Alex nodded at Silveria's suggestion. He immediately summoned his status.     

『[Alexander Kael Touch]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 17     


Race: High Human ????     

「 Rank 12]     

Level 119     

Experience Value (XP): 0/200600     

Magic Power: ??????/7090     

Magic: None     

Attack: 2550     

Defense: 2150     

Agility: 2140 (+200)      

Intelligence: 2180     

Luck: 1760     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     

Gift: Death Guns [???????]     

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 5] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 7] [Mana Synchronisation Level 10 Max] [Crimson's Bullet] [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4] [Aurora Bullet Level 1] [Drifter Level 1] [Meteor Bullet Level 1]      

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Time Stop] [Time Acceleration] [Eye of Truth Level 5] [Asura Form] [Mana's Body] (Sealed due to current Level) {Time Decay} {Rewind} (New) Sealed due to the lack of Mana     

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master] [The Irregular] [Child of Mana] [Vampire Slayer]』     

The moment Alex saw his status, he understood what happened; after unlocking his right eye third seal, somehow he gained an extremely amazing ability; however, like usual, he couldn't use it. To better understand the situation, he decided to check his new ability, {Rewind}.      

{Rewind: The ability to rewind time.     

Current limit: 20 Seconds     

Mana Required: 15 000 for a few seconds}     

Alex gulped; although this could be considered op ability, the mana needed to activate it was insane. He didn't possess such an amount of mana. He could only speculate about what happened. Somehow, he must have activated his Mana body, a tremendous amount of mana have rushed to his body to enable him to use Rewind temporarily, and with the remaining mana, he punched Incursio and sent her flying.     

''Sigh! I have two amazing abilities; however, the current me couldn't use them. I've thought that in terms of mana, I already have enough mana; however, I guess I was wrong. What to do?"      

When Alex was lost in thoughts, he heard a whistling sound; something seemed to be coming from the other side as it cut through the air; Alex frowned and readied his weapon, ready to deal with whatever would come out. However, when Alex finally saw the real identity flying toward him, he hastily threw away the thing inside his hands and caught Sakuya by the waist.      

Sakuya was in a bloody state; she sighed after seeing that Alex saved her; although she would have loved rewarding him with a sweet bloody kiss, this wasn't the time to fool around, and that bastard was coming for her.      

Alex didn't ask anything, he only focused his attention forward, and soon Leonardo appeared; his figure wasn't really different from that of Sakuya, only slightly better. He frowned when he saw Alex standing before Sakuya; he had thought that he could gravely injure her to make Alex suffer; however, Sakuya wasn't easy to deal with, she was a headache, every time he almost succeeded in dealing her a fatal blow she would slip away, this annoyed him to no end, to make matters worse she succeed in dealing him severe damage while practicing the hit and run tactic.      

Without looking back, Alex tossed a High-level potion at Sakuya; he did not need something like this because of his high-level regenerative ability. Sakuya caught the healing potion, and before she could ask anything, Alex instructed.      

''Drink it and help Lilith; she is behind these doors. As for this man, I will deal with him.''      

Sakuya nodded before immediately drowning the healing potion; her injuries were healing at a visible rate; chuckling, she thought, 'Indeed a High-level healing potion.'      

Looking at Alex's who seemed broad and at the same time lonely, Sakuya sighed and started to run toward the giant doors, she could hear from here the sound of a clash, and she hoped that Lilith, who was taking the final test, was doing fine, at least not too bad until she arrives.     

Leonardo, with the mask on, looked at Sakuya running in the distance without saying a word; his eyes behind the mask glared at the man he hated more than anything.      

Alex ignored the vicious glare Leonardo was sending him and asked.      

''How have you been since our last meeting?"      

Leonardo ground his teeth; hatred filled his whole body when suddenly a chill ran down his spine, Alex who should be standing twenty meters away from him, suddenly vanished; he couldn't sense him at all.     

''Let's talk.''      

All the hairs on Leonardo's body rose up when Alex's voice came from behind; he slashed behind him; however, he only cut through empty air, then the sound of something cutting through the air whistled behind him. The sound of metal flying at tremendous speed, Leonardo frowned and turned around, he slashed upward; however, the knife unexpectedly curved as if it had consciousness and tried to strike his arm, Leonardo snorted and swirled his sword downard, it was then he heard Alex's voice followed by a strong impact on his back.      

''Let's talk, shall we?''      


Leonardo cursed when he saw the leisurely smile on Alex's face.     

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