Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 470: Third Seal 1

Chapter 470: Third Seal 1

It took Alex some time to get used to the strong energy running through his body after killing the dragonified Priscilla.     

''Hah!" Alex spat out and immediately checked his status.     

『[Alexander Kael Touch]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 17     


Race: High Human ????     

「 Rank 12]     

Level 119     

Experience Value (XP): 0/200600     

Magic Power: 7050 (+20 (+20 BP) ➤ 7090/7090     

Magic: None     

Attack: 2530 ➤2550     

Defense: 2130 ➤ 2150     

Agility: 2120 ➤ 2140 (+200)      

Intelligence: 2160 ➤ 2180     

Luck: 1740 ➤ 1760     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     

Gift: Death Guns [???????]     

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 5] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 7] [Mana Synchronisation Level 10 Max] [Crimson's Bullet] [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4] [Aurora Bullet Level 1] [Drifter Level 1] [Meteor Bullet Level 1]      

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Time Stop] [Time Acceleration] [Eye of Truth Level 5] [Asura Form] [Mana's Body] (Sealed due to current Level) {Time Decay}      

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master] [The Irregular] [Child of Mana] [Vampire Slayer] (New)』     

''I have gained two levels, huh! Not bad, but I would have loved acquiring that ability: Ethereal form, but I guess one can get everything you want. It's good that I've won.'' Alex mumbled as he stood up.      

〖Well, the universe is huge; you will find more ability more awesome than this one, believe me.〗     

Silveria comforted Alex, the latter chuckled. When he recalled what happened, he smiled; at first he hadn't thought it would work because, since that accident in that dungeon, he couldn't talk to her, nor could he feel her. When he was thinking about a method to deal with Priscilla, an idea came to him, why not use Nyx to distract her? As he remembered how everyone reacted every time he summoned her. Alex gambled, but it was a gamble that paid off.      

〖It would be good- Master dodge〗Silveria, who was planning to say something changed and shouted to warn Alex of extreme danger.      

All of the hairs on Alex's body rose. He tilted his body to the side, and that object flew past his cheek.      

Swoosh! Boom!      

The giant doors behind were shaken so violently that you would think it would break.      

[Aurora Bullet]      


The white bullet tore through the air and headed to where the object came from, and the person on the other side dodged as Alex did before grinning; she just moved her hand without looking back and caught the second bullet. Alex hid under the first one.      

Alex clicked his tongue when Incursio easily dealt with his Homing bullet; he had hoped at least this could catch her off guard; however, she seemed to have used her time ability to slow down the bullet and easily catch it.      

Swoosh! Swoosh!      

No words were spoken; the two moved simultaneously and reappeared midair; they started fighting.      

Incursio dodged the punch Alex threw toward her head when suddenly her eyes widened, a silver gun appeared in Alex's hand and fired, even though surprised by this move, Incursio still leisurely smiled, she activated her time ability to dodge the bullet easily then she retaliated. Her speed was deadly under the Time effect. However, Alex also had the same ability; Alex activated his Time Acceleration and saw the incoming attack moving slowly; suddenly, a chill ran down his spine. Without hesitation, he aimed Silveria at his back and fired.     


Incursio, who appeared behind Alex, bent her body to an impossible angle to dodge the bullet. Even if for her this close, she couldn't perfectly dodge when Alex still had his Time Acceleration on.      

''Not bad, you got a sharp instinct.''      

Looking at the small white-haired girl praising him didn't make Alex happy; he cursed his luck. This girl was too dangerous, a monster like this. He couldn't face them yet; he was not arrogant to believe that he could beat this girl when she had time ability and who knows even more. Seriously, he didn't wish to fight her yet, maybe after gaining a couple of levels, after becoming a proper Saint (Rank 13).      

Alex, who was lost in thoughts, was brought back by Incursio's following words.     

''You see, I have run all the way here to complete my objective, and it's only after that, I'll be able to play with you to my heart content.''      

Incursio didn't hide the fact that she never considered any of them as a threat; if not, she wouldn't have said that she would play with them, not that Alex was offended, when you reach a certain level and arrogance blinded your thoughts, it's normal to look down on people.     

Alex wasn't concerned about such a thing; what was bothering him was her goal; he knew it; they wanted that thing, the thing that contained Lilith's power and probably her memories. And he believed that this thing was beyond the doors behind him and Lilith was probably in; as for Sakuya, he wasn't sure, he couldn't let this girl enter or else everything that had done, everything suffering they have suffered until they got here would be wasted, something he couldn't allow, acquiring this thing, strengthening Lilith was a part of his plans he must not fail or else his future plans would be seriously affected, the thing they were about to face wasn't alone, it has its army so must he has his own.      

Alex breathed in and out several times; he gripped his gun and tried to push out as much pressure he could as this wasn't going to be an easy fight; the opponent was a whole level above the dragonified Priscilla he could feel.      

The playful smile on Incursio's face disappeared, and she said,     

''I guess you won't follow my advice.''     

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