Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 184: Training Resumes

Chapter 184: Training Resumes

Just as Alex returned home, he decided to resume his training. Laying down, he was brought to the Illusionary Battlefield.     

He appeared right inside the Endless Forest.      

Looking around him, Alex saw that he was back in his previous location where he massacred a lot of wolves. However, while it was the same location, no dead bodies were laying around, the forest was peaceful.      

Summoning his silver gun, Alex started to advance deeper into the Endless Forest, his divine sense was activated.      

As usual, Silveria was watching everything from the sky.      

After walking for fifteen minutes, Alex's divine sense caught something, at first it was only one red dot moving in his direction at fast speed, however, one turned into two, then three, it didn't stop there it was increasing.      

Alex's expression turned serious as he could feel the ground shaking. He immediately used Xerox to create another identical copy of Silveria.      

After he was done, he aimed the two guns forward and kicked the ground,      

Bang! Bang! Bang!     

While running forward he kept shooting at the incoming horde of Mad boar, it was the name of the incoming monsters.      

He eliminated a couple of Mad boar while running toward them as if he was not afraid of clashing head-on with them.      

Phantom Bullet     


A big gap was created in the middle of the Mad boars, more than ten Mad died under Alex's Phantom Bullet. Even so, the gap was soon filled and the monsters continued their mad dash toward Alex, destroying everything in their way.     

Alex chuckled before running toward a nearby tree, like an agile monkey he climbed on top of the tree, once at the top, he observed the mad boars started to panic because they lost sight of Alex.      

Bang! Bang! Bang!      

After firing few bullets to kill some mad boars, Alex jumped on another tree before the one he was using got destroyed.      

Alex moved from tree to tree while killing mad boars, it was quite fun, he almost got addicted to it.      

The Mad boars were furious as they could not reach Alex. No matter how many trees they destroyed, Alex kept switching to another one.      

'Let's see if you will keep acting smug once leader is here.' they thought and stopped pursuing Alex.      

Alex was surprised when he saw the mad boars suddenly stopping pursuing him.     

  Feeling a sudden chill down his spine, Alex jumped toward another tree, when,      


His previous tree was destroyed by a fireball.      

From the other side of the flame was a mad boar, this one was smaller than the usual mad boar, its skin was red compared to the usual gray color.      

The most hilarious thing that left Alex's mouth open wide was that this boar was flying, yes, this boar had a pair of small flame wings.      

''You gotta be kidding me,'' Alex shouted.     

Red boar was the name of this flying boar, he's Level 50.     

Coldly staring at Alex, he flapped his small flame wings and dashed toward Alex.      

Bang Bang!!!     

Not only this unusual boar was faster, but he was also agile, he nimbly dodged Alex's bullet before opening his mouth to spat two fireballs at Alex. The two fireballs combined to become a huge fireball, Alex knew he couldn't avoid the incoming fireball as it was too big and too fast.      

Aiming the real Silveria at the incoming fireball he said,     

[I'm the master of all creation unleash judgment,     


The Red boar snickered when he saw what Alex was doing,     

'This human has gone mad, a fireball that even I can't do anything about it he thinks he can't fight it? How foolish.'     

However, what happened the next moment left him speechless, the fireball he was proud of was simply erased, it disappeared as if he had never existed.     

The Red boar had a 'What the hell expression.'      

He was so surprised by the incomprehensible thing that just happened that he momentarily stopped, it was a dumb thing to do and Alex was not the one to miss an opportunity delivered to him so nicely.      

After using Silveria to fire Erase, Alex moved his right arm and fired two bullets in quick succession at the surprised red boar. The first boar pierced the hide and almost reached the skull, however, it couldn't proceed any further because of the toughness of the hide, however, just as the first bullet almost stopped advancing, the second bullet came and collided against it, thus pushing it forward until it breaks the Red boar skull and entered his brain before exploding, thus killing it.      

The Red boar's body shook violently before dropping down from the sky, it dropped in the middle of his subordinates.      


The other mad boars were scared, it did not take them two minutes to flee for their lives.     

Alex sighed before dropping down from atop the tree.     

The body of the red boar disappeared like all others after they are eliminated. A small tremor ran through Alex's body. Even without checking, he knew that he was gained few stats points. It was unknown how much he had gained this time as he could check his status, he had tired but it did work.      

Shaking his head he mumbled, ''Let's keep going.''     

He dashed deeper into the forest, his current location can be considered the outer zone.     

There are three zones:      

  :black_nib: Outer Zone: Alex's current location.     

  :black_nib: Inner Zone: Where he was heading to.     

  :black_nib: Core Zone: Where the boss of the Endless Forest is, the boss of the Level 1, Alex must defeat this boss in order to advance to the next level of Illusionary Battlefield.     

''The monsters in the Outer Zone are this strong, I wonder how strong the ones located in the Inner Zone are?" Alex wondered while running forward.     

Just as he was about to enter the Inner Zone (you can it was the inner zone because the forest on the other side was different, the same thing with the weather, it was snowing.), Alex came to an abrupt stop. He readied his weapons,     

In front of Alex was a bear, a big bear.      

For a few seconds, Alex and the bear stared at each other's eyes in silence.      

This bear was more than 3 meters tall.  It had a discernibly strong build and had water all over its fur. In addition, it had 30cm long and sharp claws extending from its paws, it had a sinister feel to it.      

''Why didn't the water drip down     

from the fur at the top of his head?'' Alex wondered before quickly shaking his head as this was not important. What was important was this monster, unlike the alpha, the Red boar, this monster in front of him was giving Alex an extremely dangerous feeling.      

Looking above the bear's head Alex saw its level, he sucked a mouthful of air.      

[Wild Water Bear (Mini-boss) Level 60]     


While raising a roar that echoed into the surroundings, it dropped to all fours and dashed toward Alex at extremely incredible speed unbefitting its size.      


Alex commented while stepping in the opposite direction to avoid the Wild Water Bear's attack. He decided to counterattack by shooting at close range as he knew this would do more damage especially if he were to fire a Phantom Bullet, however, he dropped the idea and went on defensive instead as the wild water bear attacked him with his tail.      

Bang! Crack!      

Alex who had crossed his guns to receive the blow was blasted back crashing and destroying a tree. Even though it hurts like hell, he did not have the time to wail as his six senses tingled warning of extreme danger, he quickly rolled to his left to avoid the water balls shoot at him.      

While rolling he aimed the two guns in direction of the wild water bear and fired successively,     


Normally, the monster should have been caught off guard as Alex's reaction speed was faster, the wild water bear shouldn't have seen his counterattack coming and even though if he had, it should be hard for him to dodge.      

Unfortunately, it was not what happened, the wild water bear falls back on his back before rolling to leave the bullet's trajectory.      

Alex was surprised, even so, he quickly composed himself as he knew in battle one must never lose focus or else you'll lose your life.      

Just as that bear stood up, Alex threw his two guns high into the sky, this move startled the monster, however, what came next even more.      

Swish! Swish!!!     

Alex launched twelve silver knives at the bear in a matter of seconds, he was too fast, the bear was forced to fully concentrate the incoming knives, he hastily created five layers of water shield.      

They got destroyed one by one until six knives were left,      


Roaring the wild water bear punched the incoming knives one by one, his fists were coated with water enabling him to not be greatly injured.      

Looking at the last knife, the wild water bear grinned before sending a punch toward it.      

At the same time, Alex also grinned, extending his two hands he caught the two guns he had previously launched to the sky.      

''I knew you will defend against it. I was aiming for this moment after all.''      

As if he heard Alex's words, the wild water bear's body trembled, his eyes widened as he knew he was in trouble, he couldn't retract his punch because if he were to do that he would be injured by this sharp knife.      

''Phantom bullet'' Alex mumbled while with the gun on his right he fired five bullets.      

The six bullets seemed to have combined creating a blueish light that clashed against the extended hand of the wild water bear (the one he used to send punch).     


That arm got destroyed until the elbow making the wild water bear wail loudly.      

Not wasting his time, Alex accel-ed to reappear behind the wild water bear, the silver muzzle aimed at his head.      

Unfortunately, before he could pull the trigger, a powerful pressure fell upon him making stopped, it started raining.      

''No good, it's a domain,'' Alex exclaimed, he decided to quickly deal with the wild water bear.     

'To think even that injured he still has the energy to activate his domain. Ah! I've underestimated this monster.' Alex thought while shooting at the bear, then something astonishing happened.      

The wild water bear in front of Alex's body melted in a pool of water.      

Smirking Alex fired once again used Erasure on the ground, the wild water bear's Rain down was canceled with the latter body rematerializing.      


A piercing bullet ended the startled wild water bear's life after he reappeared.      

Alex crouched down while breathing hard, he was exhausted, his MP was almost depleted.      

''The Inner Zone won't be easy, the Core Zone will be hard, even so I'm clear this level,'' he mumbled while catching his breath.      

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