Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 172: The Blue Wind Imperial 'Family'

Chapter 172: The Blue Wind Imperial 'Family'

After extensive deliberation, Yun Che made the tough decision to postpone Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue's eagerly anticipated date in favor of focusing on their training for the upcoming tournament. In return, both Retsu and Yun Che agreed to indulge their partners' culinary whims, allowing them full control over their meals. This arrangement suited Yun Che and Retsu just fine, as they relished the chance to spend some quality time together.

Despite the delay in their romantic plans, Yun Che remained determined to fulfill their shared dream of constructing a magnificent manor. With the arrival of the beauties, he saw an opportunity to forge them into a formidable force within the Blue Wind Imperial City, under Cang Yue's leadership. This vision inspired him to create a sanctuary for Cang Yue and her legion, establishing her own personal court within their new home.

Once construction began, Yun Che threw himself into the project, his enthusiasm leading to the creation of a grand manor surrounded by elegant palaces. Using materials salvaged from the former residences of past princes, he spared no effort in bringing their dream home to life. The final result was met with overwhelming approval from Retsu, Mio, and Nemu, while Cang Yue was especially thrilled with her Japanese-inspired abode, reminiscent of Lin Xin's residence.

As the days passed, Yun Che found himself growing closer to Retsu, her newfound clinginess both endearing and slightly exasperating to the other beauties. Despite the occasional bout of jealousy between the four beauties, their bond only seemed to strengthen, with each of them becoming increasingly reliant on each other's presence. Still, Yun Che recognized the importance of taking time for himself, even amidst the whirlwind of their shared affections.

Mio's mastery of Spatial Arts had reached an astonishing level, allowing her to manipulate her Mirror World with unparalleled finesse. Through a combination of her Spatial Arts and Total Concentration Observation Haki, she expanded her Haki range to three times its original size, covering an impressive 300 kilometers. This extension meant that her Mirror Dimension now stretched across 200 kilometers, granting her an unprecedented level of control.

The most incredible aspect of Mio's abilities was her capacity to manipulate the Mirror Dimension to shorten distances between two points. With a mere thought, she could open a mirror portal from her current location to any destination within her 300-kilometer sensory range. This remarkable feat left the others in awe, as Mio effortlessly demonstrated her mastery over space itself.

Basking in the praise and admiration of Yun Che, Mio held her head high, relishing the acknowledgment of her skills. However, her success only spurred the others to redouble their efforts in training, each determined to excel and prove themselves worthy rivals in affection.

In the final preparations before the tournament, the group decided to camp out in the wilderness, in range of the Heavenly Sword Villa. This allowed Cang Yue to focus on her last-minute preparations undisturbed. However, true to form, someone in their group had overprepared and overslept, causing them to run behind schedule.

Thankfully, they still had time on their side, as the tournament's registration deadline wasn't until noon. With everything finally in order, Mio took charge and opened a portal directly into the Sword Discourse Arena, ensuring they arrived just in time to make their entrance.


"Yun Che…" Fen Juecheng's teeth ground together in a furious symphony as memories of humiliation flooded his mind like a raging river. Seeing Yun Che again at the tournament was like reliving a nightmare, the bitterness of defeat still fresh on his tongue. Anger coursed through his veins, causing his profound aura to surge uncontrollably. In that moment, a sinister idea took root in his mind—a plan for vengeance, a grand assassination that would see Yun Che fall at his feet, perhaps even yielding the treasure rumored to be in his possession.

But before he could fully entertain his dark thoughts, a voice shattered his reverie. "Brother in la... arms!" Xia Yuanba's booming voice cut through the tension, drawing Fen Juecheng's attention. He had hoped to visit Yun Che in the Imperial Palace, but recent events had forced him into rigorous training under his master. Now, seeing his friend representing the Blue Wind Imperial Family, Xia Yuanba felt a surge of relief at his arrival.

"Boss!" Ling Jie's voice joined the chorus, his self-proclaimed status as Yun Che's sworn brother evident in his eager greeting. Ling Yun, too, was surprised by Yun Che's presence, his mind racing to reconcile Yun Che's True Profound Realm cultivation with his participation in the tournament. If Yun Che could defeat Ling Jie with such cultivation, then his strength must be far greater than it appeared.

Yun Che, sensing an unexpected chill creeping down his spine, turned his attention to the Frozen Cloud Asgard seating zone. Little Fairy's aura radiated a palpable sense of menace, her gaze fixed squarely on him. Bewildered, Yun Che couldn't help but wonder, "What did I do?" Sweat beaded on his forehead as he tried to make sense of her ominous demeanor.

As tension filled the air, another figure emerged at the center of the stage, stepping through the vortex with an aura of mystery and intrigue.

All eyes snapped to the figure standing next to Yun Che, their reactions akin to witnessing the grace of a celestial being gracing their presence. With her signature long fuchsia hair cascading like a waterfall of silk, and eyes ablaze with determination, she captivated the entire arena. Princess Cang Yue stood before them, clad in an ensemble that seemed to blend elegance with battle-ready prowess—a sight that left the spectators in awe.

Clad in a dark rose bodysuit beneath a short pink kimono, she exuded an aura of grace and poise. The sleeves of her bodysuit enveloped her arms, looped delicately over her middle fingers and adorned with golden rings that shimmered in the light, lending an air of regality to her attire.

Her kimono boasted an array of patterns in varying shades of pink and crimson, each design weaving a tale of beauty and sophistication. A crimson bow with cascading tassels adorned her back, a symbol of her noble lineage and unwavering spirit. Dark rose thigh-high stockings hugged her legs, adorned with delicate diamond openings at the top, while high-heeled sandals graced her feet—one adorned with two dainty pink flowers, mirroring those in her hairpin.

With nails painted a soft pink hue and a small crimson ribbon adorning her neck as a choker, she emanated an ethereal charm that captivated all who beheld her. Yet, it was the three objects bearing the Seireitei's Royal Guard third division flower symbol that truly caught the eye—a left pauldron, an ornament at her waist, and a fan-like adornment at her back. Each element of her attire spoke of strength, elegance, and a steadfast determination that marked her as a true leader among her peers.

Yet, what truly puzzled onlookers were the three swords she carried at her waist—a departure from the norm among cultivators who typically wielded a single blade. Yun Che had crafted the outfit based on Narakumi's Law from Genshin Impact, the purple hue transformed to a soft pink to complement her Nezuko personality. Three swords symbolized her strength, her determination, and her unwavering resolve.

Despite her captivating beauty, Princess Cang Yue lacked the cold aura associated with the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Instead, her presence emanated warmth and grace, drawing admiration from all who beheld her. As she stood beside Yun Che, their union seemed to transcend mortal realms—a match made in heaven that left spectators breathless with wonder.

The arrival of Princess Cang Yue sparked a wave of awe and admiration throughout the arena, her beauty and uniqueness captivating all who beheld her. Even Fen Juecheng, harboring a deep-seated resentment towards her, found himself momentarily stunned by her radiant presence. This was not the meek princess he once knew, and the sight of her in such attire was a revelation in itself, one that left him questioning everything he thought he knew about her.

"She is the embodiment of beauty itself," echoed the sentiments of many spectators, their eyes drawn to her graceful form and the air of confidence she exuded.

Excitement rippled through the crowd as Ling Jie's exuberant shout filled the air, his admiration for his beloved princess reignited with newfound fervor. Yet, amidst the admiration, whispers of curiosity and speculation arose. How could a woman of her stature possess such a striking aura? What secrets lay behind her newfound confidence and the three swords she carried?

"She is the disciple of that swordsman?" Ling Yuefeng's thoughts raced as he observed Princess Cang Yue's transformation. His previous attempts to manipulate her had been thwarted by the intervention of the mysterious swordsman, whose power had decimated the forces of the Xiao Sect. Ling Yuefeng knew he would need to tread carefully in the future, for the swordsman's cultivation had far surpassed their own. However, he refused to abandon hope entirely; perhaps with assistance from his father and the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, he could still achieve his goals.

Questions buzzed among the onlookers, speculation mingling with intrigue as they pondered the true nature of her relationship with Yun Che. The sight of her standing beside him only fueled their curiosity further, prompting murmurs and whispers to ripple through the crowd.

Meanwhile, Cang Wanhe, her father and ruler, watched with a mixture of pride and concern. Her transformation was unmistakable, her aura now exuding the commanding presence of a true warrior, an empress in her own right. The realization dawned on him and those around him, stirring a sense of awe and apprehension at the magnitude of her newfound power. He smiled as she is indeed the true successor to the throne of the Blue Wind Empire.

Xue Ling breathed a sigh of relief as Cang Yue finally arrived with her champions. Their entrance was nothing short of spectacular, appearing in the heart of the arena with a mysterious formation that ignited a buzz of excitement for the Blue Wind Imperial Family.

For Fen Moli and the other sect representatives, her presence evoked memories of past encounters and the looming threat posed by her master, the great swordsman Mihawk. Their interest piqued by her abilities and her connection to such a formidable figure, they watched with a mix of intrigue and apprehension, wary of the potential implications her presence could hold for their respective sects.

The tension in the arena mounted as various factions assessed the unexpected appearance of Princess Cang Yue. Fen Juecheng's teeth ground together as he recognized Yun Che, the man associated with the treasure from the Dragon Cave. He wasted no time in discreetly informing his fellow elders, sparking discussions about strategies to approach him.

Meanwhile, Little Fairy's excitement bubbled as she greeted her fellow sister, noticing the suppression barrier around Cang Yue indicating she was hiding her cultivation. Her surprise deepened when she sensed Cang Yue's cultivation—half a step into the Sky Profound Realm. How had she made such remarkable progress in such a short time? She remembered her strength was in the First Level of Earth Profound Realm when she last visited her with Chu Yueli. In a span of a week, she now reached half step into the Sky Profound Realm? "Sister Yue, you really are something…"

Little Fairy's gaze drifted to the trio of swords at Cang Yue's waist, a sight unfamiliar to her. She speculated about Yun Che's involvement, wondering why he had gifted Cang Yue such unique weapons and why there were three. She thought one thing. Those swords are indeed beautiful.

Similar questions buzzed throughout the arena, where spectators marveled at Cang Yue's stunning attire and the enigmatic swords she carried. The curved blades intrigued many, reminiscent of Yueli's Tachikaze katana but with a uniqueness that left observers puzzled.

Chu Yueli's astonishment mirrored that of the crowd. She had only recently befriended Cang Yue, drawn to her after learning of her connection to Dracule Mihawk. Their budding friendship had been interrupted by Cang Yue's sudden departure for training. Now, seeing her return alongside Qingyue's husband, Chu Yueli wondered about their relationship and whether they were acquainted.


Then, another figure entered the stage through the formation.

As the veiled figure graced the stage, a hush fell over the arena, broken only by the collective intake of breath from the spectators. Like a swan gliding through a serene pond, she exuded a captivating elegance that surpassed even the famed beauties of the Asgard. Her hair, bound in a single braid, cascaded down her back, framing her veiled face in an aura of mystery.

Clad in a resplendent kimono of pink and white Sakura motifs, her attire bespoke a mature grace that complemented her hidden beauty. Adorned with water lily pins and delicate ribbons cinched at her waist, she moved with the poise of a goddess, each step a silent melody of elegance. The men in the arena were enraptured by her presence, their hearts captured by the allure of her unique kimono and the subtle hint of her concealed features. Despite the absence of a sword, she wielded a red and gold parasol with Sakura patterns, adding a touch of regal splendor to her ensemble.

She revealed herself to be none other than Unohana Retsu, adorned in a kimono designed by Shirayuki and Kuroyuki. Inspired by an event in the Bleach Brave Souls online game, the pink kimono radiated a timeless beauty that left onlookers spellbound. With Retsu claiming the garment as her own, playful disappointment flickered across the faces of Nemu and Mio, who had hoped to don the enchanting attire themselves.

"Who is she? How exquisite!" murmured the mesmerized spectators, their gazes drawn to her like moths to a flame. Even the women of the Frozen Cloud Asgard found themselves overshadowed by her allure, while ordinary attendees could only sigh in envy, resigned to admiring her from afar. Not only them, even the organizing elders were unable to take their eyes of her.

"Sister Retsu..." Little Fairy's smile widened, her admiration for her fellow sister shining bright amidst the sea of adoration that surrounded them.

"The Heavenly Goddess!" Ling Yun, seated in the Heavenly Sword Villa's zone, was ensnared by a newfound infatuation as memories of the braided goddess swarmed his mind. Never before had he beheld such resplendent attire adorning the object of his admiration, captivating the hearts of all men within the arena. Determination flared within him, an oath sworn silently in his heart to win her affections at any cost. Yet, as his gaze shifted to Yun Che, a shadow darkened his thoughts.

A surge of jealousy and resentment surged within Ling Yun as he pondered the celestial beauty's connection to Yun Che. Could it be that she had bestowed her heart and loyalty upon him? The realization sparked an inferno of hatred towards Yun Che, a rare eruption of inner demons threatening to consume him whole. In that moment, he became fixated on the notion that Yun Che had somehow captured the attention of the Heavenly Goddess, and it gnawed at his soul like a relentless storm.

As the last two veiled figures made their entrance, the shattered formation miraculously reassembled itself, as if the disruption had never occurred. Like the preceding beauties, these newcomers exuded an aura of celestial allure, captivating the entire arena with their ethereal presence. Their charm rivaled that of the princess and the braided girl, casting a spell of enchantment upon all who beheld them.

One of the figures bore a striking resemblance to her older counterpart, albeit younger and slighter in stature. Clad in a black kimono with sandals, she opted for a more subdued ensemble to avoid drawing undue attention to her beauty. Yet, the unique black Sakura pattern adorning her kimono mirrored her sister's, and as she joined her side, the resemblance between the two was uncanny, like a pair of exquisitely crafted sisters.

Ling Yun's eyes widened as he beheld another figure standing beside the Heavenly Goddess, and in that moment, he knew one thing for certain: this person was none other than the celestial sister of the goddess herself. As stunning as her heavenly counterpart, the sister exuded an ethereal beauty that left Ling Yun spellbound. Yet, her face remained veiled, shrouding her features in mystery, her eyes piercing through the crowd with an enigmatic intensity.

Just as Ling Yun's heart raced with awe at the sight of the goddess's heavenly sister, his entire body quivered once more upon laying eyes on the final figure.

The final figure, no less captivating than her companions, donned a modified version of her signature black kimono, devoid of frills and embellishments. Her attire, featuring a lavender obi and purple sash, bore a butterfly motif, a departure from her usual design. With a black and red Japanese parasol in hand and a large butterfly hairpin adorning her short hair, she exuded an irresistible allure. A white curved blade at her waist, reminiscent of the braided beauty's, hinted at her martial prowess, while black frill gloves concealed her jade-white hands.

Though veiled, her short hair emitted a magnetic charm that ensnared the hearts of all who beheld her, much like her companions. Together, these four stood at the center of the stage, their collective beauty eclipsing even the fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Their warm, sweet aura captivated the audience, a quality absent among the icy denizens of the Asgard. Many young men gazed upon these enchanting beauties with envy, yearning to glimpse their unveiled faces, especially as the three veiled figures remained shrouded in mystery, save for Princess Cang Yue.

"It's her..." Ling Yun's voice was barely a whisper as he recognized the final figure, memories of encountering the Butterfly Goddess flooding his mind. The silhouette of the demonic spider lingered in his thoughts, a haunting reminder of their encounter. The revelation that she, too, was devoted to someone ignited a fierce anger within him, and his gaze turned towards Yun Che, who stood surrounded by the four enchanting beauties.

In that moment, Yun Che found himself unwittingly at the center of attention, drawing the desires and jealousies of all the young men in the arena who yearned for even a fraction of the allure that surrounded him as he stood alongside the four great beauties.

Ling Yun's smugness simmered internally as he recalled catching glimpses of the faces of the two beauties a few weeks prior. However, the appearance of the third beauty left him puzzled—had she been residing in the palace before his arrival?

Little Fairy's heart tightened with unease at the sight of the two unknown beauties. It seemed her mischievous rascal of a partner had managed to charm not only her sister but also these two stunning individuals. The revelation hit her like a blow, especially considering she had only just discovered that Xia Qingyue had been married to Yun Che before their meeting. Gritting her teeth, she harbored a strong urge to teach him a lesson, just as she had done in the past. However, the sight of the girl who resembled Retsu, albeit younger, gave her pause. As for the other...

"These people... don't tell me?" Qin Wushang's voice was tinged with disbelief as he recognized the figures. His memory flashed back to the young man who had recently visited the palace with Princess Cang Yue. There had been talk of him representing a clan or sect. When Yun Che mentioned that Cang Yue had invited him first, it all clicked into place. Though he couldn't place the identities of the beauties, his brother had mentioned a devoted braided woman who was always at Yun Che's side. He surmised that the woman in pink might be the one his brother spoke of.

Ling Wugou, elder of the Heavenly Sword Villa, materialized before the group of youngsters, flanked by a retinue of solemn elders. With a courteous bow, he addressed them, his voice laden with curiosity. "Greetings. This old man wishes to know why you are here."

Yun Che, standing as the group's representative alongside Cang Yue, responded confidently. "We're here to register for the ranking tournament. We're not late, right?"

"Late is an understatement," Ling Wugou replied, his brows arching in surprise. He had assumed that all registrations had been completed, yet the appearance of this unexpected group shattered his expectations. "Under which group do you register?"

Yun Che's declaration left Ling Wugou momentarily stunned. "The Blue Wind Imperial Family?" The words hung heavy in the air, stirring murmurs and whispers among the onlookers. To many, this group represented the weakest faction in the tournament. The revelation of their affiliation sparked disbelief and disapproval.

"The Blue Wind Imperial Family? How did they manage to secure such figures?" The audience erupted in protest, decrying the perceived disrespect shown by the tardy arrivals.

However, Ling Wugou remained composed, mindful of the delicate balance between protocol and familial ties. Though the group's tardiness warranted scrutiny, he recognized the need to tread carefully, particularly in the presence of Cang Yue, daughter of the Blue Wind Emperor.

Though the clamor behind him grew louder, with sect masters and clan leaders expressing their disapproval, Ling Wugou weighed his options. Ultimately, he chose to prioritize adherence to the rules, however lenient they might seem. "Since they have arrived before noon," he announced, his voice cutting through the din, "I hereby permit the registration of the Blue Wind Imperial Family."

The decision quelled the rising dissent, allowing the group to proceed with their registration despite their late arrival, much to the chagrin of some and the relief of others.

"This is unacceptable," the sect masters protested vehemently, their voices rising in a chorus of disapproval. However, their objections fell on deaf ears as Ling Wugou remained steadfast in his decision, unperturbed by their dissent. As the host of the tournament, he stood firm in upholding the rules, regardless of the opinions of others.

"Are we qualified?" Yun Che inquired, his gaze unwavering despite the clamor behind Ling Wugou.

"The Blue Wind Imperial Family is qualified to enter the tournament," Ling Wugou confirmed, his tone resolute. "However, only three participants are allowed to enter."

With a nod from Ling Wugou, the elder responsible for registration began to record their names, though his expression betrayed his reluctance. Despite his misgivings, he complied with the host's directive, mindful of his duty.

Stepping forward, Yun Che and Retsu bowed their heads in acknowledgment. "Yes, I, Yun Che, will enter the tournament alongside my companion, Unohana Retsu," Yun Che declared as Retsu approached them and bows her head.

The elder, noting only two figures before him, assumed that only two participants would represent the Blue Wind Imperial Family. However, to his surprise, another voice spoke up.

"As am I," declared Princess Cang Yue, her unexpected announcement sending shockwaves through the arena. The audience erupted into a frenzy of speculation and disbelief. The princess herself, entering the tournament? Many questioned her qualifications, as her lack of discernible profound aura raised doubts about her ability to compete. However, amidst the uproar, the elder granted them permission to proceed to their seats, marking the completion of the registration process.

Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling stood frozen, their eyes widening in disbelief at the unexpected announcement from Princess Cang Yue. Xue Ling felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through her, torn between the instinct to rush forward and intervene, and the realization that Cang Yue had come into her own, capable of facing her own challenges. Despite her inner turmoil, she remained rooted to the spot, silently acknowledging her sister's newfound strength and determination.

Meanwhile, a smile spread across Cang Wanhe's face, a mixture of pride and astonishment dancing in his eyes. He had never anticipated this turn of events, unaware that his daughter harbored such resolve and prowess. Her victory over Cang Lin, despite the odds stacked against her, spoke volumes about her resilience and determination. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride swelling within him, knowing that his daughter was prepared to confront whatever challenges lay ahead, even within the confines of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament.

As they made their way to their designated seats, Yun Che reflected on the significance of this moment. No longer would he fight alone for the glory of the Blue Wind Imperial Family. Now, alongside Retsu and Cang Yue, he would strive to uphold their honor in the tournament arena. And though Mio was also qualified to participate, Yun Che made a deliberate choice to let Cang Yue take center stage, allowing her to fight for her family's legacy on her own terms.

"We barely made it here on time," sighed Cang Yue, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"I told you we should have been here hours ago," Yun Che remarked teasingly, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"Someone took her sweet time getting ready," Mio chimed in with a playful jab, earning nods of agreement from Retsu and Nemu.

Cang Yue pouted in response, feeling a mix of sheepishness and amusement at her own tardiness. Despite the special outfit Yun Che had provided her with, adapted from the Narukami Law, she couldn't shake the sensation of all eyes on her, particularly with the breeze teasing her skirt. Even with specially chosen undergarments, the attention made her feel self-conscious.

"Well, since we're finally here, we might as well enjoy ourselves," Yun Che declared, leading the group toward their designated seats. All around them, gazes lingered, drawn by their presence—whether for their charm, strength, or a combination of both. Qin Wushang greeted them as they approached, a wry smile on his face, acknowledging their tardiness without dwelling on it. He had long given up on trying to control their timing, knowing it was futile.

"You're just in time, Yun Che," Qin Wushang remarked, his tone laced with mild exasperation at their lateness.

"Yeah, someone woke up late," Yun Che replied with a smirk, earning a playful punch from Cang Yue in return. Despite the playful banter, they were relieved to have made it on time. Xue Ling watched her younger sister with a mixture of fondness and amusement, unable to stay cross with her for long.

"The seating zone is now prepared exclusively for the Blue Wind Imperial Family, right next to us," Yun Che observed, turning to acknowledge the disciples of the Blue Wind Profound Palace with a friendly two-finger salute, unaware of their puzzled expressions at the unfamiliar gesture.

"Brother-in-law! Sister-in-law as well… Senior sister... and..." Xia Yuanba came jogging from the Blue Wind's Profound Palace towards them, his eyes widening at the sight of Mio and Nemu. Despite his usual boisterous demeanor, he couldn't help but blush in the presence of the two stunning beauties. It wasn't enough to shake him as he was used to his sister's presence.

Xia Yuanba, dressed in his Blue Wind Profound Palace disciple robes, approached them with a mix of excitement and embarrassment. "Mio-desu…" Mio introduced herself with a respectful bow, her demeanor graceful yet alluring. Mio had heard of him and knew him as the brother-in-law of Yun Che, his childhood friend turned brother-in-law. Despite his childish aura, she found him to be remarkably kind.

"Nemu-desu… pleased to meet you.." Nemu followed suit, her voice soft and gentle as she greeted him with a polite bow. People's heart skipped a beat at her shy demeanor, captivated by her beauty despite the veil concealing her features.

"Trunks... you entered as well?" Yun Che called out, clapping Yuanba on the back with familiarity. After all, Yuanba was like the Trunks Brief of this world to him.

"Yes… Trunks? You called me the same name when we met at the New Moon Profound Palace. Is Trunks your nickname for me? You called me Yuanba since childhood." Yuanba couldn't help but wonder about the unusual nickname Yun Che had given him. Despite their long-standing friendship, Yun Che's evolving persona and newfound titles still caught him off guard.

"Yeah… you like it?" Yun Che grinned mischievously, enjoying Yuanba's puzzled expression.

"I don't know what it means but it's probably the best if you come up with it. By the way, Are these two my new sister-in-laws as well?" Yuanba inquired, his curiosity piqued as he glanced at Mio and Nemu, who listened intently. Mio's smirk hinted at her pride in being associated with him, while Nemu blushed and cast her gaze downward, her bashful demeanor captivating the onlookers.

"Kind of…" Yun Che replied with a playful grin, eliciting deeper blushes from Mio and Nemu. Clearing his throat, he quickly changed the subject. "Ehem… mind sitting with us?"

"Can I? But I am not representing…" Yuanba hesitated, unsure if he was permitted to join them. Oblivious to the envy and resentment from onlookers and his fellow sect members, he couldn't fathom the significance of sitting among the four ultimate beauties, especially when the Frozen Cloud Asgard was off-limits.

"Nah… no one minds. Join us, it'll be fun," Yun Che reassured him, though he sensed an underlying tension in his own words.

"Hmm… it's kind of plain, we decided to change things up." Yun Che explained their unconventional seating arrangement, taking the liberty to modify the large seating zone to suit their preferences. With a wave of his hand, tatami mats covered the floor, and a red and white kotatsu took center stage. Yun Che settled into his seat, gesturing for Yuanba to take the spot on his right, leaving one vacant seat to his left.

The four beauties then engaged in a playful game of rock, paper, scissors to determine who would claim the coveted seat next to Yun Che. In the end, Nemu emerged victorious, either by sheer luck or skill, prompting playful pouts from the others.

As Retsu set up a green tea set and Mio presented her homemade cookies, Yuanba couldn't help but compliment Retsu's radiant appearance. "Sister-in-law, you look dazzling as always," he remarked, earning a blush from Retsu at the endearment.

Graciously accepting the compliment, Retsu responded with a playful tease. "Myyyyy, thank you for the compliment, 'brother-in-law'," she teased, her words laced with amusement as she emphasized the title he had bestowed upon her.

Mio's jealousy was palpable, evident in the tick marks that appeared on her head, accentuating her frustration. "Ret-chan, you're not married to Danna-sama yet," she retorted, her tone laced with envy.

"Same as you are… maybe you should stop calling him Danna-sama," Retsu shot back, her own eyes flashing with irritation. Yun Che observed the silent clash between them, their imaginary sparks of lightning reflecting the tension that simmered beneath the surface. Meanwhile, Cang Yue opted for the role of spectator, whistling innocently as she observed the exchange, preferring to stay out of the fray.

As Mio edged closer to Yun Che with a stoic expression, Yuanba couldn't help but voice his concern. "Are those two going to be okay?" he asked, casting a sidelong glance at the brewing conflict.

"That's just how they are, but they're closer to each other than anyone else in this world. They're chef buddies, after all," Yun Che reassured him with a nod, indicating the strong bond shared between Mio and Retsu. Meanwhile, Yuanba found himself thoroughly impressed with Mio's cookies, prompting a smug look from Mio as she basked in her small victory.

Suddenly, Kon emerged from Yun Che's coat and made himself comfortable on the table, casually helping himself to one of the cookies. "Your coat is quite stuffy," he remarked casually, revealing his unexpected presence to Yuanba, who still struggled to comprehend the idea of a sentient plush toy.

"Sup?" Kon greeted Yuanba casually, their previous encounter making them somewhat acquainted.

"I still don't believe this doll just talks," Yuanba admitted, still bewildered by Kon's presence.

"Who the hell are you calling a doll? Ore-sama is a great lion. Wanna be my lackey?" Kon retorted proudly.

"I'll pass," Yuanba declined, not particularly keen on becoming anyone's lackey.

"Your loss," Kon shrugged nonchalantly as he continued to munch on another cookie, unfazed by Yuanba's refusal.

Observing this interaction, Yun Che couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Despite being part of the tournament's main story, he found himself in a position where his overwhelming strength made the challenges feel like a mere formality. Nonetheless, he decided to embrace the moment and enjoy the ride, fully immersing himself in the experience.

Meanwhile, Ling Yun watched from afar, his teeth gritted in frustration. Seeing Xia Yuanba seated comfortably with the heavenly goddesses, even managing to bring smiles to their faces, fueled his growing resentment toward any man who caught their attention.

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