Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 163: Smol Tracker's Fun Hunt

Chapter 163: Smol Tracker's Fun Hunt

"So, we have everything we need?" Yun Che asked, glancing over the assortment of groceries piled up around them. Retsu, Nemu, Mio, and Cang Yue had accompanied him on a little grocery shopping expedition, riding back on Little White from the nearby town back to the Imperial Palace. They stocked up on ingredients for dinner, and the girls seemed to have enjoyed the outing after their training session.

"Hnnn… thank you for accompanying us for grocery shopping, Yuu-kun," Retsu said, her tone soft and appreciative.

"Anything for my girls. I couldn't have you girls getting hit on," Yun Che grinned, but couldn't help but sweatdrop as the girls seemed to have bought enough groceries to last a month. The System's creation mode came in handy, allowing them to clone items and multiply their supplies. Something entirely useful since all of them are gluttons.

"Ara… Don't worry, Danna-sama… we'll make sure we beat them up if they did so," Mio declared with a determined expression, flexing her arm as if preparing for a fight.

"Yue-nee-sama, is it okay for me to beat up those men? They did try to seduce me," Nemu asked, her stoic expression giving her a cute demeanor. She vividly remembered how she drill-punched one of the men who tried to grab her. She always wondered how on earth Nemu manipulate her energy into drill that surrounds her hand.

"I wish we didn't have to, but didn't your sister beat them up for you?" Cang Yue remarked, recalling the scene of Retsu wielding a ladle with a fearsome smile, defending her sister from unwanted advances. Retsu had a protective and possessive streak when it came to Yun Che, deterring other women away from him and intimidating men who tried to approach Nemu or her.

"Remember, Nemu, don't talk or let other men touch you besides Yuu-kun, or else you might end up meeting lustful monkeys like yesterday," Retsu advised her little sister, the memory of the previous day still fresh in her mind.

"Sounded kind of misleading," Yun Che chuckled, recalling the chaotic scene he walked into with Kon. The girls were surrounded by unconscious men, with Mio and Retsu wielding ladle and frying pan as weapons and Nemu using her spinning energy drill on her arm. They were cloaked, yet still managed to attract trouble. Yun Che pondered whether they should use Haoshoku No Haki to ward off unwanted attention in the future.

As for Kon, he opted to stay hidden within the depths of Yun Che's coat, strategically avoiding any eye contact with the formidable women around them. After all, Jasmine's falcon punch seemed much more bearable compared to the various creative ways Mio, Retsu, Nemu, and Cang Yue might employ to express their displeasure on Kon himself.

He vividly remembered a particular incident when he attempted to sneak a peek at them bathing. Mio strung him up and spun him like a yo-yo for his audacity, Retsu hinted at a fiery punishment involving tying him to a burning stake while roasting sweet potatoes, Nemu just drills his head with her drilling arm, and Cang Yue preferred him as a punching bag for her moments of frustration or embarrassment. Strangely enough, Kon found a peculiar enjoyment in being on the receiving end of Cang Yue's punches.

"What kind of women are you engaged with?" Kon's voice echoed from within the coat.

"No idea," Yun Che replied with a hint of amusement, fully aware that he'd be fine in their hands. He couldn't help but offer silent condolences to any man who dared to get on the bad side of these formidable women.

"Hai, Nee-sama," Nemu obediently nodded as she followed Retsu's instructions.

"It's Nee-chan!" Retsu playfully corrected, infusing humor into the lively exchange.

"I'm more focused on making sure you girls don't beat those poor guys to a pulp." Yun Che sweatdropped, recognizing the fiery temperaments of his unconventional companions. It was his insistence that had prevented these girls from dealing severe damage to those men this morning. Seeing this, Yun Che preferred a peaceful day for once.

"I could never get used to this." Cang Yue sighed.

On their way back from training outside the city, Nemu had successfully mastered basic Destruction and Binding Kido spells, ranging from #1 to #5, unleashing them upon training dummies in the training room yesterday. Today, Yun Che decided to let Nemu focus on awakening her Haki, a task Mio would later supervise. Meanwhile, Mio and Retsu worked on improving their mastery of the Rasengan and Rasenshuriken, and Cang Yue concentrated on enhancing the latest addition to her arsenal.

Cang Yue had managed to extend her Haki sense to match her current level, which stood at the Third Level of True Profound Realm or Level 33. She could now sense up to 33 kilometers and had gained a basic understanding of coating. However, she recognized the need for further guidance and instruction to master these skills. Thanks to her keen intellect, she absorbed information swiftly, surpassing Mio and Retsu in comprehension speed.


In the morning, with Yun Che's guidance, Nemu successfully awakened her Kenbunshoku No Haki and Busoshoku No Haki. Following a familiar pattern, Yun Che assisted her in navigating her newfound abilities, ensuring she didn't overwhelm herself in the process. Once awakened, he guided her through the initial stages of getting accustomed to the Haki, laying the groundwork for her upcoming training. The pursuit of Eagle Vision, however, would have to wait, as mastering the basic version of Kenbunshoku was a prerequisite for its advancement.

Meanwhile, Yun Che had also completed compiling a set of moves to help Cang Yue master Santoryu and enhance her Haki abilities as a mortal.

Curious, Cang Yue inquired, "So, you mentioned compiling something for me to master. What is it?"

"As I mentioned earlier, these techniques are human-based and not suitable for Spirit Cultivators like us. Since we possess a superior version, direct cultivation wouldn't be effective. Therefore, I've crafted a condensed yet powerful adaptation of these arts specifically tailored for your use," Yun Che explained before transferring the information directly into her mind.

After reviewing the content, Cang Yue exclaimed, "This is... Rokushiki Six Arts?"

Indeed, Yun Che had spent the past two weeks compiling the Rokushiki, also known as the Six Powers—a martial arts style from the world of One Piece. These six distinct techniques could bestow extraordinary abilities upon the practitioner, cultivating the human body to its zenith. Yun Che believed that a master of Rokushiki could surpass even the most powerful cultivators in this world, pushing the boundaries of ordinary human capabilities.

Cang Yue, taken aback, questioned, "Yun Che, these arts..."

"These arts go beyond the ordinary. They allow you to hone your skills, transcending the limits of the human body. Through dedicated training, you can acquire six superhuman fighting skills, complementing both your Santoryu and the divine power of The Mirror of the Moon God perfectly," Yun Che explained, revealing the potential of the arts he had compiled for her.

Yun Che delved into the intricacies of each martial art, unraveling the essence of their power. "Picture it like this, Little Yue," he began, his words weaving a tapestry of six distinct techniques, each emphasizing a unique aspect to elevate one's physical abilities. "First, there's Soru, the art of Shave, granting the practitioner unimaginable speed, almost like teleportation. Geppo, or Moon Step, defies gravity, allowing for agile mid-air movements—essentially granting the ability to 'fly.'"

"Moving on, there's Rankyaku, the Storm Leg technique. This involves unleashing compressed air projectiles with swift, precise kicks that can slice through anything in their path. Then, there's Tekkai, the Iron Mass, a defensive move that temporarily transforms the user's body into iron, making them nearly impervious to physical attacks."

Yun Che continued, his explanations punctuated with clarity, "Shigan, or Finger Gun, is an offensive technique involving rapid and potent finger thrusts, capable of piercing through even the toughest materials. Imagining able to use your fingers like blade. Lastly, Kami-e, the Paper Drawing, allows the user to evade attacks with incredible flexibility, turning their body into a paper-like substance to gracefully sidestep harm."

As Yun Che unveiled the secrets of these techniques, Cang Yue listened intently, absorbing the knowledge of these powerful martial arts that transcended the ordinary.

For Cang Yue, the Rokushiki Six Arts felt like an invaluable treasure. These techniques represented the pinnacle of human capabilities, providing her with the means to become a formidable cultivator. Inside her inner world, Yuyun, diligently compiling everything sent by Yun Che, these arts presented a unique opportunity to shape Cang Yue into a powerful force. The potential within these six arts surpassed anything previously offered to her during her time in the middle palace.

"However," Yun Che interrupted her thoughts, "since the tournament is just a week away, it would be unrealistic to expect mastery of all these arts in such a short time. I suggest focusing on three that you find most beneficial and mastering them to a basic level. Postpone the others until after the tournament."

Cang Yue nodded, acknowledging the practicality of Yun Che's advice. Grateful for this new gift, she pledged, "For entrusting me with these arts, I won't disappoint you, Yun Che."

Expressing her gratitude, Cang Yue delved into her inner world, where Yuyun eagerly awaited to discuss the optimal techniques for her to focus on during the tournament.

As the others immersed themselves in training, Yun Che's thoughts drifted to the events of the previous day. Despite causing some trouble, he had yet to encounter the person who might play a pivotal role in shaping the future—the top-ranked disciple of the inner palace, Fen Juechen.

Fen Juechen, the son of the Burning Heaven Clan's clan master, was destined to become entangled in a series of events involving the grandmaster of the Heavenly Mighty Sword Region. Although driven by rage and vengeance, Yun Che recognized Fen Juechen as a victim himself, manipulated into surrendering his body to the grandmaster.

Determined to alter the course of these impending events, Yun Che had some time to strategize. However, for the time being, he chose to focus on the training of his girls, knowing that their growth would contribute to the strength needed to navigate the challenges ahead.


As they soared through the skies, Mio's voice suddenly rang out, "Ne, chotto! Chotto! Over there!" The group promptly hovered above the clouds for a moment, their curiosity piqued. All eyes turned towards the western gate of the Imperial City, where a vibrant and festive scene unfolded like a kaleidoscope beneath them.

From their elevated vantage point, the landscape transformed into a spectacle of colors and lively activities. A bustling festival was in full swing outside the city gates, with vibrant stalls lining the streets, adorned with colorful banners and fluttering flags. The air was filled with the lively tunes of traditional music, and the aroma of delectable street food wafted through the clouds.

"Ah, it's the Youngsters Hunting Festival. It's today," Cang Yue reminisced, her face lighting up with a mix of nostalgia and longing.

"The Youngsters Hunting Festival?" Yun Che inquired, his curiosity piqued, and the other girls looked equally intrigued, having never heard of such an event.

Cang Yue proceeded to explain, "It's a festival organized by the city for kids under the age of 10 to participate in a hunting festival. Essentially, it serves as a scouting ground for great sects to recruit future disciples. Despite their young age, these kids can hunt smaller animals quite impressively."

"I see... sounds quite fun," Yun Che mused, his eyes scanning the festival grounds where vendors sold street food. However, he noticed a distinct absence of cultivators, likely due to the festival being more geared towards normal festivities, with soldiers on guard to prevent cultivators from causing any disruptions. It was the first time Yun Che had witnessed a festival since arriving in this world.

Cang Yue's expression shifted as she ventured down memory lane. "I always wanted to join this festival, but my status as a princess never allowed it. I wonder how it feels to participate. Every year, the royal family would just visit, but I was secretly jealous of those kids who could join."

Yun Che, catching onto her wistful tone, suggested, "Why not join them today?"

"But it's for kids," Cang Yue replied, sweatdropping at the thought.

Yun Che chuckled, "Well, we can make an exception today. Isn't Nezuko a kid?"

Cang Yue widened her eyes. "Yun Che... you're not suggesting..."

"Join the festival as Nezuko," Yun Che articulated her unspoken thoughts. She had momentarily forgotten about her childlike form.

"There's no way... Muu... it's not fair though. Competing with kids," Cang Yue quickly dismissed the idea.

Yun Che patted her head before saying, "I didn't ask you to compete but just to join for the sake of fulfilling a childhood memory. Just catch a rabbit or something and be done with it. It doesn't matter if you lose, just for fun's sake."

"That's right, Little Yue. Just join for the sake of fun. Deep down, you know you want to," Retsu chimed in.

"We can explore the festival while waiting for you. I wanted to try their skewers while at it," Mio added, followed by a nod from Nemu.

After a moment of contemplation, Cang Yue sighed. "Muu... I suppose, but the child needs a legal guardian, though..."

"You do remember Nezuko has a father, right?" Yun Che grinned, and Cang Yue widened her eyes, realizing that Yun Che was planning to use his sensational swordsman form as a cover again.

"Isn't it okay to bring Mihawk in public like this?" Cang Yue asked with concern, considering Mihawk's recent trouble-making escapades. An appearance in public might jeopardize him.

"It's not like everyone would recognize him. I'll just go with a straw hat, and no one will recognize me," Yun Che grinned, pulling out a straw hat and donning it.

"Sounds like you two have a plan," Mio remarked.

"More like helping Little Yue fulfil a childhood dream," Yun Che grinned.

"That sounds sweet," Retsu chimed in.

"What about you girls and Kon?" Yun Che inquired.

"We might explore the festival. There are so many street foods we can taste!" Mio suggested, donning her cloak.

"I'll just hide under Nemu's cloak, but do buy something for me to eat," Kon raised his plushy hand.

"Just veil yourselves; at least people in this city won't bother with veiled women," Yun Che suggested to avoid unwanted attention due to their beauty.

"Hai~~~!" Retsu, Mio, and Nemu responded before donning their cloaks and veils.

Seeing everyone ready, Yun Che nodded towards Cang Yue and descended towards the forest. Looks like lunch might have to wait. "Let's land Little White somewhere and explore this festival."


High above the top wall of the west gate, two figures stood, gazing down upon the bustling festival below. Their exclusive beauty and esteemed status prevented them from venturing too close to the hunting games, avoiding unnecessary attention.

Draped in snow-white robes, their appearance resembled that of divine beings gracing the mortal realm. Veiled and mysterious, their natural hair danced in the wind, creating an aura of elegance and intrigue.

"Any potential recruits, sister Lianqie?" inquired one veiled beauty, her attire blending seamlessly with the snow-themed robes.

Beside her stood Jun Lianqie, renowned as one of the top fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, holding the third rank after Chu Yueli. Jun Lianqie's beauty surpassed description, an embodiment of ethereal grace that could only be compared to a goddess descending to the mortal world. Flowing black hair framed her face like cascading silk, and her eyes sparkled with an otherworldly depth.

The delicate curve of her lips portrayed serenity and enchantment, and her skin, touched by a gentle breeze, radiated an otherworldly glow. Jun Lianqie's presence transcended the ordinary, carrying an aura of divinity that captivated all who beheld her. In every aspect, from her regal poise to the intricate details of her appearance, she left an indelible mark on the mortal world.

"No, sister Lanyi. As expected, there aren't any girls participating again this year. I don't understand why the Asgard Mistress wanted to scout recruits here. Isn't this supposed to be Sister Yueli's task?" Jun Lianqie spoke with skepticism, her tone carrying an air of calmness.

Mu Lanyi, the other veiled beauty, possessed an equally peerless appearance—a manifestation of divine grace in the mortal realm. She currently holds fourth after Jun Lianqi. Silver hair flowed like liquid moonlight, shimmering with an ethereal radiance. Her eyes held enigmatic depth, drawing in those who met her gaze, and the delicate curve of her lips added to the mystique of her beauty. Her skin, reminiscent of alabaster touched by the moon, emitted a subtle luminescence, hinting at a connection to realms beyond mortal comprehension.

Mu Lanyi, draped in a robe reminiscent of snow, stood alongside Jun Lianqie at the top of the west gate wall, their eyes surveying the lively festival below. Their ethereal beauty and esteemed status compelled them to observe from a distance, avoiding unnecessary attention.

In every aspect of her being, Mu Lanyi embodied a goddess-like grace, as if she had descended from celestial heights to grace the world below. Her silver hair, a crowning glory, accentuated the divine beauty that seemed to linger in every feature, leaving an indelible impression of otherworldly elegance.

"She and her sister needed to go into seclusion for a few days. I don't know why. Haven't heard from them for two days now," Mu Lanyi replied, recalling the mysterious moment when Chu Yueli fell ill and left the meeting hastily, followed by her sister. An oddity indeed, as neither of them had been seen for two days, including their Seven Fairies leader, Chu Yuechan.

"*Sigh… Like I said, there's no reason for us to be here," Jun Lianqie spoke, sighing again.

"Well, it is a potential recruit festival. Most sects came here to find suitable children and develop them from the beginning," Mu Lanyi expressed her agreement.

"Only children from the three great sects are here. If only there's a girl, we might have a purpose here," her fellow sect sister remarked.

"Shall we set off?" Mu Lanyi suggested.

Looking around, Jun Lianqi nodded before they prepared to depart for their sect. "Hnn… there's nothing for us to…"

"Sister, look!" Mu Lanyi shouted as she spotted something amidst the crowd.

"Someone sent a female child to the hunting area," Jun Lianqie commented, observing the straw-hat middle-aged man cradling his daughter as he entered the hunting game stage.

"She… she's the first after a few years. No one dares send a female child due to their lack of potential at an early age," Mu Lanyi expressed her shock.

Jun Lianqi scanned the girl's cultivation and detected no aura emanating from her. Puzzled by the absence of a typical cultivation level in children from the Imperial City, she suspected something was amiss. Nonetheless, she couldn't deny the girl's adorableness.

"Should we scout her out?" Mu Lanyi suggested, and the other fairy nodded in agreement, eager to stay and observe what would unfold. "Yeah… let's just stay and watch and see what happens."


"Yun Che... this is embarrassing," Cang Yue spoke, now transformed into her five-year-old Nezuko form, cradled in Yun Che's arms as he took on the appearance of Mihawk. Yun Che had opted for more casual attire, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and his signature black boots with double belt straps on each boot. Instead of his usual sword cape and hat, he decided on a simpler look.

Using just a straw hat.

As for Cang Yue, she just wore her oversized Nezuko kimono alongside her bamboo strap.

As they strolled through the festival, Retsu, Mio, Nemu, and Kon followed from behind. Yun Che had given them lower-rank coins for spending money to avoid using the Purple Profound Coins recklessly on street food. He hoped they wouldn't exhaust their funds too quickly.

"No one knows it's you," Yun Che assured Cang Yue in his Mihawk persona.

"Muu~~~, so envious getting carried like that," Mio teased from behind. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy seeing Cang Yue being cradled by him.

"Don't worry, girls, I'll carry you whenever you want," Yun Che reassured them through their mental link.

"Ehee," Mio sweetly smiled, and Retsu glanced sideways. She never revealed to Mio that she used to ask Yun Che to bridal carry her during their midnight walks before Mio joined their small family. If Mio found out, it might lead to some envy issues later on. Maybe tonight she can ask him to carry her again.

Nemu tilted her head, fascinated by witnessing Cang Yue's Nezuko transformation for the first time. The information she had gleaned from the system indicated that Cang Yue had cultivated the Yin Lunar Body as a result of awakening the Mirror of the Moon God cultivation art. The Yin Lunar Body took the form of a small child, but what impressed Nemu was Cang Yue's ability to alter the age of her body to suit her needs. The older the body, the stronger she became.

The festival lived up to every expectation with its fun stands, music, and carnival games. Although more tailored to commoners, as cultivators usually refrained from associating themselves with such festivities, Yun Che and the others found it to be a pleasant distraction after the chaos of the past few days. Surprisingly, the festival wasn't canceled despite the recent rebellion.

While Retsu and the others explored the delicacies of the festival, Yun Che took Cang Yue to the Youngsters Hunting Quest. People were bewildered the moment they saw Nezuko up close. She was like a heavenly sculpture—adorable, beautiful, and cute beyond imagination. Her rare pink eyes, small button nose, and white porcelain face evoked envy in parents who wished for a child as stunning as her. Particularly striking was her long black hair with fuchsia ends, cascading down past her height, adorned with a small ribbon on the left side of her forehead. What added to the peculiar sight was the fact that she was biting a bamboo shoot with a red strap on her mouth, dressed in an oversized, symmetrical flower kimono, a checkered obi with a yellow strap, and a brown haori. She even wore custom-made sandals with white socks.

Yun Che sighed, realizing that even in Nezuko's smaller form, her beauty attracted attention wherever they went.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Annual Youngster's Hunting Festival Hunting Games!!" The announcer's enthusiastic voice reverberated through the air. Yun Che observed the bustling crowd in the seating area, with many children wearing matching sect outfits. He sighed, realizing that even in seemingly innocent events like this, the great sects seized the opportunity to showcase their prowess. Not only them, but even unrelated sects were eager to join the competition.

"These events are meant for kids, for heaven's sake. Why are these sects treating it like a battleground?" Yun Che mused, trying to distract himself as he cradled Cang Yue while entering the venue—a vast seating area in front of the entrance to the forest.

"So, you mentioned this is some kind of hunting game?" Yun Che inquired.

"The Youngsters Hunting Festival revolves around this particular game. The youngsters' hunting game is organized for kids under the age of ten, where prized animals are released into the wild, and the participating kids' job is to hunt and capture them," Cang Yue explained.

"I see..." Yun Che nodded, understanding the basics. "What's this hearsay about a grand prize animal, the Golden Rabbit?"

"Yes, the Golden Rabbit is an elusive bunny known for its tricky movements, making it harder for kids to locate and capture. In fact, no one has ever caught the Golden Rabbit, making it famous for its elusiveness," Cang Yue elaborated.

"Golden Rabbit, huh? Looks like you know what to avoid capturing." Yun Che smirked, reminding her of the plan to capture an ordinary bunny.

"Hnnn.." Cang Yue nodded while pumping her hand upwards, her excitement evident as she shown it in her Nezuko form.

"Cute," Yun Che thought to himself before recomposing. "So, do you have to traverse this entire forest?"

Cang Yue shook her head. "No, a five-kilometer circular barrier is erected across the forest to prevent participants from venturing outside. Each participant is tagged with energy bracelets, so the organizers can find them once the game is over. There will be no organizers inside the barrier during the game to avoid cheating or favoritism."

Yun Che nodded before raising an eyebrow. "Understandable. You seem to know the rules."

"I... It was my dream to join, so I kind of read the rules in case I managed to participate," Cang Yue admitted, holding out the rule book given to everyone at the entrance.

As they reached the registration area, Yun Che set Cang Yue down. Amusingly, her height didn't even reach the table's height. Without looking, the attendant asked, "Name?"

"Nezuko," Yun Che spoke in his Mihawk persona.

"Odd name, is he…" The attendant raised his head, expecting to see Yun Che and realizing the possible confusion. However, upon seeing nothing but the father, he looked down and saw the small Nezuko before him. "Ohh…"

"What seems to be the problem?" Yun Che asked, noticing the attendant's skeptical expression.

"He… I mean, she's a girl. No girl has ever participated in the hunting games for years. She is the first one," the attendant explained, prompting Yun Che to inquire, "So she can't join?"

"She can, but… like I said, there were never female participants before," the attendant concluded.

"She's the first one then." Yun Che nodded before the attendant asked for her age, only for Yun Che to reply, "Five years old."

"What? Isn't she too young?" The registering attendant spoke out, unable to believe his ears. A five-year-old in the competition? The youngest participants were nine years old, with most being ten.

"There aren't any rules saying she can't enter as a five-year-old," Yun Che explained, showing the rule book for the hunting games.

"But… she's basically the smallest and the youngest participant in this game. Not to mention the only girl among boys," the attendant eventually sighed and nodded. "Done, she can go to the participant section to wait for the session to begin."

With that, Yun Che held Cang Yue by her hand before letting her go to the participating section alone. "Be careful now," Yun Che teased her, as if a father letting his daughter go.

"Muuu… who do you think I am?" Cang Yue waved her small hands, making her look even more adorable.

"A five-year-old kid? Who in the right mind lets such a small child participate in this game?" The spectators were bewildered. Cang Yue, or Nezuko, was indeed the smallest girl among the boys once she stood on the starting stage. Moreover, she wore an oversized kimono, making her look odd, but everyone admitted she was adorable to the core. Even the other kids looked at her as she stood there, the youngest participant among them.

"A five-year-old?! Is her father mad for letting her participate in this game?" Mu Lanyi spoke her mind out.

"It is odd indeed. Perhaps he is just letting his daughter enjoy the event without expecting anything in return. I say he is really confident in letting such a beautiful child participate in such a dangerous game," Jun Lianqi spoke, captivated by the sheer adorableness. It almost made her want to grab the child and hug her like a plushy.

Instead of feeling nervous, Cang Yue was sort of excited. She had always wanted to join the games when she was just a little girl. Now, she was participating, both the oldest and the youngest at the same time. To ensure she wouldn't ruin the competition, she resolved to give the other kids as much of a handicap as she could.


"Remember… Capture the prized animal and come back here! If you find the golden rabbit, make sure to give it your all," sounded the organizer to the participating kids.

"Youngsters! Start hunting!!" The announcer's enthusiastic voice echoed through the arena, and the children eagerly dashed into the forest. The three sects' kids took the lead, followed by others hoping to locate the prized animals. Cang Yue, however, stayed behind, giving the children a head start. Her small stature raised doubts among the spectators, and some were even surprised that she didn't cry a lot.

"Yosh, just capture a normal rabbit and be done with it," Cang Yue encouraged herself. As she started running, she slipped on her haori and immediately took a pratfall on her face, causing a momentary silence in the seating area. Being the only female participant this year, spectators couldn't help but pity her for participating. If she were an adult, laughter might have ensued.

"Little Yue…" Yun Che sweatdropped but silently cheered for her, like a father cheering for his daughter.

"Little Yue… ganbarre…" Retsu encouraged, despite knowing full well of Cang Yue's capabilities.

"Yue'er… Make mama proud." Mio teasingly cheered, and Nemu even pulled out a pair of pom-poms to cheer her.

"Owiee... that was embarrassing," Cang Yue spoke to herself as she slowly got up, dusted herself off, and then ran into the forest with her hands behind her back, reminiscent of Nezuko's famous run. Everyone at the starting line could only whisper one thing the moment she fell on her face, dusted herself off, and initiated her run.

"So cute…"

Cang Yue ran into the forest, hoping to find a rabbit. However, running in her five-year-old form proved to be quite challenging. She was accustomed to her seven-year-old form, but the energy she gathered last night was just enough to sustain her five-year-old form. Opting for a form beyond five years old might result in reverting to her original form somewhere during the festival. Maybe this was the chance she needed to test out her five-year-old form.

Moreover, she refused to use any of her profound skills due to the competition being with just kids. However, she clearly underestimated the kids from the three sects as some of them actually knew how to use profound skills. It might be crude, but it was expected from kids, after all. To the common kids, this was just a small hunting session, but to the three sects, it was a battleground.

Suddenly, a bunny hopped in front of her, and she set off to capture it only to pratfall again for the second time.

"Sigh… being a kid is hard," Cang Yue spoke internally before getting up, dusting herself off, and setting off again. If she had her Haki, she might be able to locate animals or other kids in the area, but that would be cheating.

She wouldn't ruin the fun as she was already cheating by being an adult in a child's body.

"Just capture something and be done with it." Cang Yue walked slowly as she observed a lot of kids trying to capture rabbits, chickens, or even cats. Most of the animals were domestic, not demonic beasts. These animals were released into the forest by the organizers as targets for the kids. The winner would be determined by how big their catch was.

Some kids gave up halfway, some were crying out of fear, and others just strolled in the forest. Since it was a small five-kilometer diameter from the edge of the barrier, it was easy to locate anyone and bring them out. The duration for the hunting game only lasted an hour.

"Well, there's no need to rush. I wasn't planning on winning anyway," Cang Yue spoke to herself as she began running, looking for targets to capture.

In a secluded spot, a lone disciple skillfully dismantled a small portion of the barrier hastily erected by the organizers. With the badge on his arm bearing the crest of an eagle, he pushed a massive, restrained demonic beast toward the weakened barrier at the same time casting it with a profound skill that prevented it from being detected by cultivators. The disciple grinned, revealing an unsettling plan, "The elder's instruction was simple: let it in, scare the kids, and let it back out again."

However, in an unexpected turn, the restraints on the demonic beast suddenly snapped, catching the overconfident disciple off guard. The ferocious creature seized the opportunity, pouncing on its captor who had underestimated its strength. As the disciple's confident demeanor turned to sheer terror, he cried out, "Warrgghh...!! Save me!!" The disciple's plea was cut short as the demonic beast silenced him with a deadly attack, ripping him apart. In a macabre twist, the beast, now freed, sprinted towards into the barrier, ready to unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting crowd.


"Isn't he familiar?" Someone sitting next to Yun Che nudged his partner and pointed at him. Yun Che quickly covered his upper face with his straw hat as people around started to look at him, questioning whether they recognized him.

"Hmmm... maybe this was a bad idea," Yun Che muttered. He hadn't expected to be recognized in the Imperial City. Could pictures of him have spread after the events in Gao Ling City?

"Little Yue, hurry up and..." Yun Che stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widening. His Haki had detected something infiltrating the barrier. He scanned the surroundings, realizing that none of the organizers seemed to have noticed.

"Yuu-kun, are you sensing this?" Retsu's voice sounded through their mental link.

"Yeah," Yun Che replied.

"Should we do something?" Retsu suggested, expressing concern for Cang Yue.

"No, let's leave it to Little Yue. I'm sure she can handle it. If it becomes dire, we'll intervene and rescue her and those kids," Yun Che decided, and Retsu nodded in agreement. Cang Yue possessed enough strength to handle such situations.

As they pondered, the kids from the three sects emerged from the forest, proudly displaying the animals they had caught, marked with prizes. One of them even held a golden rabbit, a prized capture. "We have our first capture! The boys from Xiao Sect caught one of the prized rabbits!"

"Hmmm... that was fast," Yun Che wondered, surprised that they had managed to capture prized rabbits within just ten minutes of entering the forest.

Yun Che's eyes suddenly darted toward a hidden corner of the seating zone, where he noticed an unknown sect elder talking to a cloaked cultivator. Something felt suspicious, so he extended his Haki and picked up on a disturbing conversation. "Has he released it yet?"

Widening his eyes, Yun Che wondered, "Hmm? Release what? Are they referring to the mysterious presence at the edge of the barrier?"

"Yeah... he will release that thing to scare off the other kids so our kids can claim the prized animals," the informant spoke quietly, but Yun Che's Haki caught every word.

"Bastard…" Yun Che murmured. Even in a simple hunting game like this, they dared to cheat. He had to trust Cang Yue to handle whatever that "thing" was.


"Strange, those kids from the three sects really know how to target the larger ones easily," Cang Yue mumbled to herself as she observed the kids effortlessly selecting their targets. Something felt off, prompting her to get closer to one of the children. She noticed a peculiar bracelet on them and, involuntarily, activated her Eagle Vision. What she saw was a special tracker bracelet. A tampered version of the ones given by the organizers.

"They're cheating. They must be instructed on which animals to target, guided by these bracelets. How immoral!" Cang Yue expressed her disapproval.

"Hmm, you're right, Little Yue," Yuyun commented. "The sects likely placed trackers on the prized animals, and the kids wear the bracelets to lead them to the targets. Numerous animals are released into the forest, but the major sects are only interested in the prized ones."

"It makes sense. I was hoping for a simple capture game, but it turns out the sects care more about their reputation by doing this," Cang Yue sighed. However, she acknowledged her own adult presence disguised as a child was a form of cheating as well. Nevertheless, she only wanted to enjoy the event, not necessarily win.

"We're not in a position to speak, Little Yue. Let's finish this so we can resume your Rokushiki training," Yuyun suggested.

"Hmmm… let's…" Cang Yue's heightened senses picked up something through her Eagle Vision. Turning her eyes towards the source, she heard a child's cry in the distance. However, her enhanced vision revealed a significant concentration of energy.

"Peak Spirit Profound Realm?!" Cang Yue exclaimed. A massive force in front of her was causing all this distress. Something formidable loomed ahead.

"Little Yue, someone's in trouble!" Yuyun warned her. Cang Yue decided to use her Haki to boost her speed towards the source and sensed many children running away. Upon arrival, her pink eyes widened.

Facing her, a demonic tiger, as colossal as a small house, loomed threateningly over a participant. Its strength matched the Peak of Spirit Profound Realm, and the boy, paralyzed by fear, had involuntarily marked his terror. The menacing beast growled, its eyes fixated on him.

This Peak Spirit Profound Realm tiger was no ordinary creature; its fur radiated an otherworldly glow, and its robust frame exuded a blend of power and grace. This encounter wasn't just a meeting with a potent predator; it was a glimpse into terror itself.

"Are there no cultivators nearby who can deal with it?!" Cang Yue urgently asked, extending her Haki to detect any cultivators in the vicinity.

"None… no one is in the vicinity. They probably didn't expect the barrier was broken somewhere, and this beast just sneaked in," Yuyun informed Cang Yue as she witnessed the unfolding events through Cang Yue's eyes.

"It's now or never," Cang Yue bolstered herself as the tiger lunged at the boy, but her speed instantly surged. Channeling her strength into her fist, she delivered a powerful blow to the tiger's head. With her strength at the First Level of the Earth Profound Realm and Yuyun boosting her offense with some Moon Energy, the massive tiger was defeated with a single strike, collapsing unconscious to the ground creating a tremor in the forest.

"That was close," Cang Yue spoke to herself as she landed next to the subdued beast. She then turned her attention to the crying boy.

"Poor boy, he must be traumatized seeing the beast in front of him," Cang Yue reflected, embracing the boy to provide comfort. She removed her bamboo, speaking in a soothing tone, "There… there… you'll be fine…" Despite the vast difference in height between them, she hugged the almost ten-year-old boy as if he were her own age.

"Uwahhh!!!!" The boy continued crying, but Cang Yue patiently comforted him until he gradually calmed down. Once the boy was composed, Cang Yue gently patted his head, saying, "There… there… You're a strong boy, aren't you?"

"Hnnn!" The boy nodded and wiped his snot away.

"Let's get out of here," Cang Yue suggested, putting her bamboo back on before tightly holding the boy's hand.

Leading the boy out of the forest, Cang Yue paused and pondered, "Hmmm… I shouldn't leave the tiger behind. If it wakes up, it'll endanger more lives. I should let the organizers know before coming back here for that rabbit." With that decision, her free hand grasped the tiger's whiskers as she guided the boy away from potential danger. Then, she saw something in the corner of her eyes.


More and more winners emerged from the forest with their prizes. Some contestants, however, came back empty-handed. The prized animal tags seemed to be concentrated among the kids from the three sects, leading to admiration for their supposedly impressive training. However, Yun Che sensed that something was awry, and the speed with which some of them claimed the prized animals seemed suspicious. It was just a children's hunting game, but the sects rigged it to showcase their young talents rather than being a genuine scouting ground.

As the event continued, Cang Yue hadn't emerged from the forest yet, but Yun Che was confident that she had likely taken care of any trouble. The atmosphere in the seating zone remained typical until an unexpected twist unfolded.

The entire area fell into stunned silence as people's eyes widened, jaws dropped, and expressions turned incredulous. Even Yun Che, along with his companions and Kon, was taken aback. The organizers, sect escorts, and Frozen Cloud Asgard scouters shared the same shock.

Retsu sheepishly smiled, muttering, "Araaaa... Little Yue," indicating that Cang Yue might not have realized the extent of her actions.

"Yue'er… what are you doing?" Mio remarked, rubbing her temples.

"Sugoi!! Nee-san caught a tiger!" Kon exclaimed from under Nemu's robe.

"Sugoi.. Yue-neesama!" Nemu joined in, expressing her amazement with sparkling stars in her eyes.

The unexpected turn of events had everyone in the festival on the edge of their seats, and the tension lingered in the air.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" one of the spectators spoke while pinching his cheeks.

"What the hell is this?" the sect elder responsible for releasing the tiger exclaimed. He wasn't shocked that it was defeated; he was shocked by who had defeated it.

"How is that girl pulling a tiger out like it was nothing?!" The cloaked person beside him spoke, baffled.

In the midst of the stunned crowd, Cang Yue continued to pull the massive tiger by its whiskers, dragging it along with a boy as they exited the forest. Upon seeing his parents, the boy ran toward them, crying. However, his parents were in shock at the spectacle unfolding before them, and the entire seating zone fell into an eerie quiet.

A mere five-year-old girl effortlessly hauled a tiger, a creature ten times her size, out of the forest by its whiskers, and to the awe of onlookers, the girl displayed no signs of exertion whatsoever. The scene unfolded like a surreal spectacle, leaving the spectators dumbfounded and the atmosphere charged with a sense of disbelief.

In the midst of the forest, where the hunting games were supposed to be a playful endeavor for children, the unexpected spectacle had transformed the entire event into a breathtaking showcase of unprecedented strength. The gasps and murmurs from the crowd were drowned out by the sheer incredulity of witnessing a child handle such a formidable beast with seemingly little effort.

The small, pink-clad figure, now identified as the only female child participant, stood beside the subdued tiger, her bamboo strap on her mouth and her blinking pink eyes. Despite her petite frame, there was an air of undeniable power emanating from her. The silence that hung in the air was punctuated only by the occasional gasps from those who couldn't fathom the extraordinary strength concealed within this seemingly innocent child.

As the crowd tried to come to terms with the astonishing display, the image of a five-year-old girl effortlessly controlling a beast of such magnitude etched itself into their collective memory, leaving an indelible mark on the Youngsters Hunting Festival's hunting games.

Yun Che's voice suddenly resonated in Cang Yue's mind, "Ummm... Little Yue, what are you doing?"

"I caught this tiger sneaking into the forest and trying to eat one of the kids. I decided to bring it here to show the organizers that it was dangerous," Cang Yue replied confidently.

"You were supposed to capture a rabbit, remember?" Yun Che reminded her.

"I did..?" Cang Yue tilted her head in confusion. Why is everyone so quiet suddenly? Capturing a Spirit Profound Realm tiger is quite normal among cultivators, right?

However, what she missed and Yun Che was desperately trying to convey hit her like a thunderbolt. Among normal cultivators, it might be ordinary, but the current Cang Yue, in her Nezuko form, wasn't normal at all.

"Little Yue…" Yun Che spoke with a dire tone.

"Yes?" Cang Yue wondered, still puzzled about the silence.

"You do remember, you're still Nezuko right?" Yun Che dropped the bomb, and Cang Yue widened her eyes as she looked at her tiny hands. Then, her gaze shifted to the massive tiger.

Back to her hands and then to the tiger, over and over again.

Then, she turned her eyes to the silent crowd.

"Oh…. My… What have I done…?" Cang Yue finally realized the situation. She had completely forgotten she was still in her Nezuko form. Right now, she was a five-year-old girl who had beaten a tiger into submission.

And then the crowd erupted.

"Holy hell, she caught a Spirit Profound Realm tiger!" One of the spectators shouted.

"Not just a normal Spirit Profound Realm tiger. It's a Peak Spirit Profound Realm Tiger!!" Another exclaimed.

"How old is she?! Forget that, how strong is she?!" Another spectator shouted, unable to believe that a child so small could achieve such a feat.

"Isn't she not more than five years old?!" The other replied in disbelief.

"That's not true, right? Tell me it's not true!" The spectator refused to accept the reality unfolding before their eyes.

High above the wall, Mu Lanyi was unable to divert her eyes from the small girl and was in disbelief. A girl not more than five years old dragged a massive tiger, ten times her size, out of the forest like it was nothing. "Sister! Are you seeing this?"

"I am!" Jun Lianqi shouted, equally shocked. That fragile-looking girl was stronger than she appeared?

"Oh, shit." Yun Che's reaction was palpable as he sighed. Cang Yue had really caused a lot of trouble with her carelessness this time.

"Yun Che…. What am I going to do now!?" Cang Yue shouted through their link, panic evident in her voice.

"I think this is our moment to skedaddle," Yun Che remarked, rising to his feet. Cang Yue wasted no time and dashed toward him, only to be intercepted by one of the organizers of the hunting game. The organizer held a Profound Measuring Orb, a device used to scan the children's cultivation.

"Eeeep!" Cang Yue stifled a nervous gasp, desperately contemplating her escape. "Don't worry, my strength was entirely sealed. They won't detect anything."

"Umm... Little Yue? You do realize I unlocked your powers to beat that tiger, right?" Yuyun's revelation echoed in their mental link, and Cang Yue internally screamed.


As the organizing elder approached her, Cang Yue began to back away slowly. The organizer, without physically touching her, activated the Profound Measuring Orb to scan her strength. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Heavens... First Level Earth Profound Realm!?" The elder's exclamation hung in the air, rendering the surroundings silent once again. Then, as the reality of the situation sank in, the seating area erupted into wild excitement.

A five-year-old girl with the strength of the First Level Earth Profound Realm! The news spread like wildfire, causing a stir among the crowd. The organizers were dumbfounded, and the spectators couldn't believe their eyes. It was a spectacle that defied all expectations, and Cang Yue found herself at the center of the storm. A celestial prodigy had graced their city, eclipsing even the children from the three sects in her brilliance. The aura of her First Level Earth Profound Realm cultivation at such a young age left everyone in awe.

On top of that, she was a girl.

"First Level Earth Profound Realm?! She's just a little girl!" Mu Lanyi exclaimed in disbelief, her beautiful eyes unable to contain the shock and wonder at the scene unfolding before them.

"What is this?" Jun Lianqi questioned, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the girl's cultivation. Not yet five years old, she had already surpassed the majority of sect disciples who spent years honing their skills. The realization dawned on them that a prodigious talent had emerged, and she was just a child.

"Sister, she could be the next genius for our Frozen Cloud Asgard. No, she is going to be our heavenly genius!! On top of that, she is a girl," Mu Lanyi spoke with infectious excitement. The prospect of recruiting such an extraordinary talent fueled their determination to descend and present themselves.

"A heavenly genius! We must secure her immediately!" The elders declared, rallying the crowd's attention. Cang Yue, seizing the opportunity, began slowly backing away, feigning fear to elicit genuine concern from the onlookers.

"All right... that calls for an emergency exit," Yun Che declared. With a swift activation of his Flash Step, he teleported to Cang Yue, cradling her in his arms. Recognizing him as the one who had brought her to the hunting games, the elders and representatives from the sects immediately began vying for her.

"Halt! Are you her father? Please send her to the Heavenly Sword Villa! Her future will be bright there! We will compensate your family for this," one elder shouted.

"No, please give her to the Xiao Sect! We will compensate your family monthly!" another representative clamored.

"The Burning Heaven Clan will ensure your family's future prosperity!" echoed voices from the Burning Heaven Clan.

Hearing their desperate pleas, Yun Che couldn't help but cringe. Just days ago, they had shown blatant disrespect to Cang Yue, and now they were vying for her even though she's in a different form. The sudden change in attitude irked him, and the insincere offers for compensation left a bitter taste.

Not only them, but numerous representatives from other sects were shouting their offers, attempting to sway Yun Che's decision. However, he paid little heed to their clamors. The commotion created by Cang Yue's inadvertent revelation of Nezuko's power had caused quite a sensation. In response, Yun Che swiftly activated his flash step, whisking Cang Yue away from the area.

The surrounding elders were left in shock, unable to fathom the incredible speed of their departure. Despite their desire to give chase, the man and his daughter had vanished without a trace. The disappearance only heightened their suspicion that her father was no ordinary individual. Simultaneously, three figures from the crowd also vanished, trailing the duo.

A sudden revelation swept through the crowd of elders at the Heavenly Sword Villa as they cast their eyes upon the man with the straw hat. Though he attempted to conceal his identity, a telltale signature facial hair pattern gave him away. In an instant, realization dawned on one of the elders, causing his body to shudder with a mix of awe and disbelief. It wasn't just a simple father accompanying the Heavenly Child; it was someone far beyond the ordinary.

The shockwave of recognition rippled through the assembly, reaching elders from other sects who, too, began to piece together the puzzle. Whispers and murmurs circulated as the truth unfolded before them. The man who had brought the extraordinary Heavenly Child to the hunting games was not just any ordinary person but someone with a formidable presence that resonated across the sects.

The heavenly child was 'his' child.

Yun Che reappeared atop the gate, finding himself face to face with Jun Lianqie and Mu Lanyi. Though the Asgardian fairies attempted to speak, he paid them no attention before disappearing once more. The two Asgardians were left in awe, trying to comprehend the speed at which he moved.

"Who is that man? To be able to move this fast," Mu Lanyi pondered, her eyes still fixed on the spot where Yun Che had stood. She noted the peculiar yellow eyes that seemed to regard them with contempt.

"I don't know, but someone with such speed is not to be trifled with," Jun Lianqi speculated, a tinge of regret in her voice. She had harbored hopes of coaxing the Heavenly Child into joining the Frozen Cloud Asgard, but the man's disdainful look and sudden disappearance shattered those aspirations. The familiarity of those yellow eyes lingered in her thoughts.

"It's a shame we couldn't secure such a genius. She surpasses even our sect's pearl in talent," Mu Lanyi sighed, expressing her disappointment. The prospect of discovering such a heavenly talent was exciting, yet the inability to recruit her left them with regret. As they reflected on the situation, Jun Lianqi expressed a final thought.

"A five-year-old at the First Level Earth Profound Realm—an extraordinary genius. Just imagine her potential in the future," she mused, lamenting the missed opportunity to recruit the heavenly talent that had appeared right before them.


"You really stirred up trouble this time, Little Yue," Yun Che remarked as they touched down on one of the buildings within the Imperial City. With Cang Yue's cultivation sealed once again, she emanated no cultivator aura, ensuring her presence remained undetected from afar. Yun Che discarded his Mihawk persona, returning to his usual appearance.

"I'm sowwy… I just wanted to let the organizers know there was a dangerous tiger in the forest. I couldn't leave it there. Killing it wasn't an option, especially considering the boy I was protecting," Cang Yue explained through their mental link. Three shadows materialized before them as Retsu, Mio, and Nemu shed their cloaks. Kon leaped onto Yun Che's shoulder.

"Little Yue, Onee-san didn't know you wanted to win this badly, Ufuuu" Retsu teased.

"Instead of catching a rabbit, she caught a tiger," Kon laughed, only to find himself pulled by Cang Yue, who delivered a series of frustrated, strengthless punches. To his delight, he rather enjoyed it. From the others point of view, it looks like she was venting on a doll for their teasing.

"I forgot I was Nezuko and restored my strength to beat that tiger. I'm sorry, Retsu-chan," Cang Yue replied.

"Well, at least we enjoyed the food stalls," Mio chimed in, reminiscing about their exploration of the festival.

"Mio-neesama, you bought something from every stall," Nemu pointed out, recalling the curious glances they received for visiting every street vendor.

"I wanted to try every one of their foods," Mio justified.

"You bought every skewer from that one particular stall," Retsu teased, recalling the grateful stall owner who benefited from Mio's fondness for their food. They managed to finish every street food while waiting for Cang Yue to conclude the hunting games.

"Eheee… I couldn't resist," Mio rubbed her head.

"Little Yue, if you really wanted to win, all you had to do was capture the Golden Rabbit, but instead, you caught a tiger," Yun Che playfully teased.

"Muuu…." Cang Yue puffed her cheeks in response to the teasing.

"I'm kidding... So, did you have fun?" Yun Che inquired, trying to lighten the mood despite the unexpected turn of events.

"Yeah… I was able to fulfill my childhood wish," Cang Yue somehow smiled in her Nezuko form. Her long-time wish was finally answered. It might not have gone as planned, but at least she had fun despite being an adult in a child's body.

"With some trouble," Yun Che teased, and Cang Yue rubbed her head from behind. "Ehe…. I really messed up."

"Not really. You saved a boy from being eaten and even gained the main prize," Yun Che spoke, referring to the Golden Rabbit she had in her kimono. Cang Yue pulled out the rabbit, and it was indeed a pure gold rabbit. It was not just an accessory or anything; it was literally a live animal with glowing sparkling fur. A small domestic demonic beast that the organizers caught as the main prize for the hunting games. "I found it unconscious due to the tiger's immense aura. I couldn't leave it there."

"Keep it as your pet. A Golden Rabbit is hard to come by," Yun Che suggested as the rabbit woke up and snuggled inside Cang Yue's Nezuko's kimono.

"All's well that ends well," Yun Che concluded despite the trouble they caused. By tomorrow, Nezuko's name as the heavenly child will spread like wildfire, but that was none of their business. Turning back to his girls, Yun Che spoke, "Shall we go back to the palace? To celebrate Little Yue's victory, I am cooking Western Cuisine for dinner."

"Really?!" Retsu and the others really enjoyed his Western cuisine, as it was something they had never tasted before. Now, that he's willing to cook to celebrate Cang Yue's win, they might help with the ingredients.

"Then, let's go home!!" The girls shouted before Yun Che cradled Cang Yue's Nezuko form, and all of them began jumping roof to roof to go back to the palace.

"Home…" Cang Yue murmured. Yun Che once said a home isn't actually a place where they were born, but a home is where her heart is. And her heart is with her current family. She is glad that she now has someone or people she could call her home.

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