The Monster Inside: The First Vampire

An Epic of Exile

An Epic of Exile

At Rima's question, the Tribesman raised an eyebrow in curiosity.     

"I think we should the ones asking that," he said, "You are on our territory after all".     

Rima bit her tongue in order to keep from snapping back that the Tribes technically didn't believe in the ownership of land. What right had she to say such things? Clearly her mother's knowledge had not alluded to everything.     

"We're looking for a Tribe," Tigin stated from behind her.     

The Tribesman's gaze turned to him, "And which Tribe would that be?"     

"The Blue Suns," Tigin replied.     

The Tribesman around them all seemed to recognised the name before the one before Rima dropped his sword, planting it on a rock before him and leaning on it, "Then you best turn back around, lest you want death to find you".     

Rima frowned, "They kill strangers?"     

The Tribesman huffed, "No, the Blue Suns are one of the most successful Tribes because they are far more sociable than others, or rather, were".     

At this stage, any information about the Blue Suns was welcome. Rima pressed him, "Were?"     

"The Blue Suns were supressed by the Black Sands nearly two decades ago now when they revoked on a marriage alliance. The Black Sands took man of Blue Suns' lands and resources as compensation, any surviving remnants of Blue Suns are targeted by them as well. They keep to themselves now," said the Tribesman.     

Rima's gaze dropped in disappointment. Her mother had caused this? It had to be. Her mother had fled an arranged marriage after all. She looked over at Tigin who also looked disappointed.     

"What's your business with such a Tribe anyway?" asked the Tribesman.     

Tigin looked up at the question, turning to Rima. Clearly indicating that it was her decision whether to tell them or not.     

Rima sighed, turning back to the Tribesman, "The Blue Suns are my mother's Tribe. I guess I was hoping to find some kind of purpose there".     

The Tribesman seemed to measure her for a moment with his amber gaze before his picked up his sword and sheathed it, the two others near Tigin followed suit.     

"I see you're of no threat to my Tribe, and despite being a Triad, your quest is a noble one that I cannot find fault in," he said, "In saying that, I cannot help you, we have not heard word of the Blue Suns in well over five years. We believe they fled south to escape the Black Sands hunting parties, but we cannot be sure, and you can guarantee that there will be few Tribes willing to offer you as much information as we have".     

"Yes, that has been the general feeling. We've been in the Hava Rastellan for over a month and you are the first Tribe to freely offer such information," said Rima, "Thank you for that".     

The Tribesman actually smiled at her then. He'd appeared so mean and intimidating beforehand, now though, the smile seemed genuine.     

"What's your name, boy?" asked the Tribesman.     

It occurred to Rima then that she'd been with Aegin and Tigin for so long that she���d forgotten that prior to their journey she had in fact been posing as a boy. She then frowned in the knowledge that she didn't like being referred to as a boy now that she'd gotten so comfortable with Aegin and Tigin knowing she was a girl.     

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Rima".     

The Tribesman seemed to realise his mistake with the feminine sound of her name. He cleared his throat awkwardly.     

"Right, well, it's cold out here at the best of the times, and we aren't the only ones out here," he said, "Surely you'd prefer a proper bed and meal for a few nights to recuperate before you go wherever you're going".     

Rima's frown disappeared as she glanced back at Tigin in surprise.     

"You're offering us a place to stay?" asked Tigin.     

The Tribesman shrugged, "You're not a threat".     

The arrogant way in which he said it indicated that he wasn't going to give a further explanation, it also told them all they needed to know about their Tribe. Whichever Tribe that was. Was it rude to ask now that they'd gotten an invitation? That seemed like something one should know beforehand.     


A familiar sigh of frustration interrupted her as a new arrival came from the far side of the fire pit.     

"I leave you two for less than half an hour, and somehow you find trouble. I left you to practice," Aegin frowned, turning to Aegin, "You didn't accidently throw a knife at one did you?"     

Tigin shook his head, "No, I-"     

Aegin spun to Rima, "Then did you threaten them?"     

Rima's lip curled up in annoyance, "Fortunately, that joy currently belongs to you alone".     

Aegin smirked, he folded his arms, lifting one hand up as his fingernails extended into long claws and his lavender eyes started to blend into red, "Well then, am I going to get to have a decent meal tonight-"     

"No," Rima snapped.     

Aegin paused, surprised. He cleared his throat as he looked away, his claws retracting as he cursed under his breath. When he turned back, his eyes were lavender in shade once more, "Then does somebody want to tell me who our visitors are?"     

"You're of Chaos," observed the Tribesman behind Rima. Rima turned to looked over her shoulder at him. He seemed legitimately shocked.     

Aegin seemed surprised as well, "Ah, yes?"     

The Tribesman's expression sobered, "Excuse my rudeness, we encounter your kind so rarely. It's an honour".     

"My kind?" asked Aegin.     

The Tribesman nodded, "Yes, someone who walks one of the paths of Chaos. Though from what I can tell, you are no Djinn".     

Aegin tilted his head, "That…no. I'm not…What's a Djinn?"     

The Tribesman looked legitimately confused as to why Aegin didn't know, "The Djinn are powerful sorcerers. If you gain one as a friend, they are bound to grant you any wish you desire".     

Aegin's eyebrow rose, "Huh. Well I'm not so much the wish granting type, more like a, find my own path, not take orders, kind of guy".     

The Tribesman nodded, "Many paths are, though within their own individual restraints. I was just offering a place to stay for the night to Rima and…?"     

The Tribesman seemed to realise he hadn't asked for Tigin's name.     

"Tigin," the man in question promptly replied.     

"Right, to Rima and Tigin, you are welcome to come as well".     

Rima frowned, "I guarantee that if anyone is going to be a threat to your Tribe, it'll be him".     

The Tribesman frowned, "Those who walk one of the paths are blessed individuals chosen by the God of Chaos himself, how could we turn them away?"     

Aegin snorted, "I don't feel all that blessed, but sure, I'll come along, the name's Aegin".     

The Tribesman smiled at being offered the name and nodded his head in greeting, "I am Sevin of the Ruby Eyed Snake Tribe. Come, I'm sure there will be plenty back in the village that wish to speak with you".     

The 'you' clearly meant Aegin. Though to Rima, Aegin didn't seem to reciprocate the excitement.     

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