Battle Royale of the Sinners

Zhang Tong VS Khan – Part Two

Zhang Tong VS Khan – Part Two

Chapter 320 – Zhang Tong VS Khan – Part Two     

Tong also unsummoned his spirits, which two black tentacle wings made an appearance behind his back as well. Unfortunately, until he got the fourth wing, the third wing would not come out.     

Once the souls entered Tong's body, he could feel that his strength increased.     

But so did Khan.     

Because of such a disadvantage in the strength gap, Tong used one more technique that he had not yet mastered.     

"Time Alter: Square Accel!"     

Tong could feel that a few of his veins burst from the activation, but his perception got faster by a notch. He used the increase of his speed to dash backward, getting away from Khan's range of attack.     

Khan's monstrous halberd strike missed the target as Tong leaped back.     


Tong pulled new weapons from his inventory as he would not be Khan's match if he were to against him in the close combat.     

They were Te Langpu's new frag grenades.     

Though Tong doubted it would work while the flow of time stopped, he had to try.     

Throwing three grenades at Khan, Tong continued running backward.     

"Stop running like a coward! Fight me like a man, scum!"     

Khan was offended when Tong tossed three round toys at his face. They did not explode as Tong had expected.     

'Figured. How about guns?'     

Tong pulled out two pistols to both hands and pulled the triggers.     



It worked this time. The bullets hit the forehead of Khan who did not know about the firearms.     

Khan staggered backward and stopped charging, leaning his head back because of the impact.     

"Scum! Using a hidden weapon in a duel? Despicable!"     

Tong was surprised by Khan's resiliency. Handgun bullets could not even penetrate through his skins even though it was a direct hit.     

'If handguns didn't have enough firepower, then how about this?'     

Tong put the pistols back into the inventory and pull out the pre-loaded Benelli M4 shotgun. Without hesitation, he pulled the triggered again.     


The shotgun shell firepower was different than a small lead of handgun bullet. As it was shot out of the muzzle, it deployed metallic round buckshots inside the shell forward which caused spread damage to the target.     

The small shell hit Khan again which stopped him on his feet. Still, they only caused minor wounds on his body and temporarily stopped his movement.     





Six more shots rammed on Khan's torso and face as Tong spammed the trigger. Without reloading, he changed his out-of-bullet shotgun with a new pre-loaded one.     

"I don't believe you can outlast this!"     

Unlike the previous shotgun which was loaded with buckshot shells, Tong picked a shotgun loaded with slug shells. These shells had more penetration power than the widespread buckshot balls.     





Tong seven shells in succession. This time, Khan flew backward and landed on the ground, not moving.     

Without waiting for Khan to get back up, Tong reloaded with slug shells as he got into the aiming stance.     

Khan did not get back up even after the [Time Stop] effect was over.     




The frag grenade that Tong threw earlier just exploded, but they did not cause any harm to anyone.     

'System menu.'     

From Tong's experience, he did not believe that a 4-wing-angel could be killed with ordinary shotguns of mortals. Unless he could confirm it from the system that he was genuinely dead, Tong would not let his guard down even a second.     

He glanced at the number of survivors. It was [8:4], Eight otherworlders with skills and four without skills. The number of skill possessors had increased, but that was not the main point of interest for Tong.     

As long as the total sum of all otherworlders was 12, Khan had not died yet.     

"Seriously, you scum are despicable."     

Khan sat up and smiled at Tong. All bruises and wounds on his body disappeared as well. He also had Tong's [Immortal Yang Vein] and his regeneration skill.     

Tong clicked his tongue in annoyance. What would he have to do to kill this monster?     

Khan muttered, "I like your skills. Therefore …"     

The eyes of Khan became weird, and Tong's instinct told him that he had to flee right now. Tong shut his eyes by instinct and ran backward again.     

"Be my slave!"     

[Eyes of Domination], the skill of Xu Da who used it on Lu Bu to force him to kill Tong and Ding Yuan. It reappeared here to haunt Tong.     

Tong could feel that there was a current of strange force going through his body, but he was not affected.     

Khan frowned from the frustration as Tong closed his eyes in time before he could activate his trump card.     

"If that doesn't work, then die!"     

Khan disappeared from where he was sitting and reappeared behind Tong in an instant.     

"[Negate Defense]!"     

He activated another skill, which he copied from Li Jing. The next strike from him would not be blocked or defended by any system skill.     


The crescent halberd cleaved Tong from his left shoulder to his right waist. This time, he was cut in half!     

Khan extended his hand and grabbed on to Tong's neck before he fell onto the ground. The severed lower torso collapsed, revealing Tong's innards and spine.     

"It's over, Zhang Tong. Accept your death! HAHAHA!"     

With the last bit of strength, Tong summoned his soul, so he could activate his skill one more time. His [Sloth] got out of his body and chanted, "Regen!"     

Tong's severed body recovered in a flash. At the same time, Tong unloaded his inventory, and twenty grenades with activated fuses dropped on the ground next to Khan.     

"You should have gone for the head."     

Tong converted his skins into snake scales again as he braced the suicide bombs explosion.     




Gunpowder explosive and shrapnel flew all over the place as Tong and Khan took the brunt of the impact. Because of the shocking force, Khan's hand grip was loose for a second.     

Tong summoned another shotgun from his inventory and shoved the muzzle at Khan's left eye.     


The buckshot shell exploded into his eye, shattering his inner brain!     

The monster finally collapsed on the ground while Tong lay down from the exhaustion.     

It was the longest minute of his life.     

Thankfully, Khan had not mastered the usage of his 4-wing power. Had he excelled it like Friday or other angels in the Netherworld, Tong would have had no chance of winning.     

Secondly, Khan relied too much on his skills without using the advantage of his speed and power of the immortal. As a result, Tong found a gap and exploited it.     


Although Tong and Khan had a long one-minute battle, to the onlookers, it lasted only a few seconds.     

Tong suddenly rushed at Khan in speed beyond their understanding. Then, several explosion noises followed. After the dust settled, Khan held the dismembered Tong in his hand. Yet, Tong regrew his body and limbs, and both of them exploded again.     

Nobody could tell what had happened during their fight as they could only see multiple explosions and hear loud noises.     

Xiahou Dun and his colleagues stared at the lying bodies of the two, dumbfounded.     

"What on earth?"     

Pu Jing and Jiang Man, who recovered from the shock, also observed the battle from afar.     

"What kind of skills they have? Is that grenade explosion?"     

Cao Cao also locked his sight at Tong and Khan. His fists and legs were trembling as he did not like the overwhelming immortal superpowers.     

"Heaven is unfair! This conflict should have been decided by mortals. Why do you have to interfere!?"     

Liu Bei did not exclaim or say anything. He only glanced back and forth between Jiang Man and Tong from a distance. No one knew what he was thinking.     

Meanwhile, Jia Xu and Xun Yu could not sit still. They texted to the clan chat to request assistance from the other side.     

Jia Xu: "Tong was in a critical condition. Send help!"     

Xun Yu: "Tong fought with the Xiongnu King. They both have collapsed from mutual destruction. We need help!"     

Kong Rong and the other minor lords were astounded as their mouth turned into O.     

"Are they even humans?"     


On the other side, two clones who were still alive rushed back to help their lord. They ran to Tong with the intent to kill this upstart coalition leader.     

Sensing the incoming enemies, Tong crawled back on his feet with his shotgun. He simply aimed at their head and pulled the trigger.     



Two clones, whom the coalition generals had a difficulty fighting, fell on the ground with their head busted open.     

Just like that, all clones were killed.     

Unfinished with his business, Tong turned around and walked the should-be-dead body of Khan. He shoved his shotgun into the open wound and fired again.     



The eyes of Tong glanced at the number of survivors. No matter how many times Tong blasted the brain of Khan, the number was still [8:4].     

"What's going on!?"     

After a minute of repeatedly shooting the supposed to be a corpse, the body of Khan turned into dust. Yet, the number was still [8:4].     

"Having fun, Zhang Tong?"     

The voice of Khan from behind alarmed Tong. He turned around and aimed his shotgun at the head of the person behind him.     

Then, Tong was shocked. To his horror, this Khan in front of him still wore clean armor and clothing as if he had not fought in the battle against him at all. The four light wings were still behind his back, proving that he was real.     

"Let's consider it a draw. It was fun even though you cheated. Well, cheating is also a skill. I don't really mind it actually. Let's collect more lifespans and duke it out again."     

Khan walked back to Hulao Gate and disregarded Tong and all the commotion in the coalition army.     

No one but Khan knew that he used two more skills to break away from Tong repeated gunshots.     

Xu Da and Li Feihong's [Self-Resurrection],     

Jiang Man's [Ninjutsu],     

These were Khan's lifesaving skills in the case of an emergency.     

Khan glanced at his remaining lifespans with a grumpy mouth. He had 14,000 lifespans left, which was not even enough to pay for the upkeep of his skills by the end of the years.     

'War is about wasting resources. I should have waited until I have over a million to start another war. Well, I've learned something about Zhang Tong and two other otherworlders. I made a mistake using the Qi Shield early on instead of saving it to surprise the enemies. I still have a room for improvement.'     

As Khan entered the gate, his calm demeanor, which he had shown it to Tong and his allies, disappeared. He staggered back with wobbling legs and whispered his command to the men.     

"If they assault the gate, hold them for the day. At night, we'll retreat from Hulao Gate."     

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