Battle Royale of the Sinners

Complication of the Former Empress

Complication of the Former Empress

Chapter 287 – Complication of the Former Empress     

November 13th, 183 A.D.     

Luo Yang.     

Li Ru had a deep frown on his face as he compiled all reports about the movements of all warlords.     

The tribute convoy of provision, which Cao Cao forwarded it to Luo Yang had reached here months ago. However, Li Ru was confused as he did not understand why Tong used the Xuchang route. This matter had been in his mind for months.     

Li Ru found out about the truth later. His spies discovered that the convoy bodyguards did not return to Julu, but they went to Xuchang instead.     

'Wang Yun and that little girl weren't behind this. This is definitely Cao Cao's move. Our intel said Zhang Tong joined forces with that little girl by sending the convoy to Xuchang, but Cao Cao misled us by forwarding this tribute caravan. But for what … I see, that's a good plan to sabotage Zhang Tong.'     

The deep frown on his face disappeared as he was enlightened.     

'This move is interesting. I'll play along with you, Cao Cao.'     

Li Ru exited his resident and sought an audience with Dong Zhuo.     

When he arrived at the palace, he covered his nose by instinct. The smell of sexual fluid and sweat gave a nauseous feeling that Li Ru almost vomited.     

With his sleeve cloth covering his nose as a filter, Li Ru entered the throne room without being stopped by a guard. Upon entering the room, a dozen naked women lied around the hall, exhausted.     

Dong Zhuo, however, was energetic as ever. Dong Zhuo's fat and rough black skins exposed as he did not wear a cloth. On his lap, a mature woman was riding on top of him, panting.     

As Li Ru glanced around, he could not find a single assistant, eunuch, or a guard. Dong Zhuo might have dismissed all of them, Li Ru thought.     

"Your Majesty, I request a moment of your attention. *Cough*."     

Li Ru coughed and choked by the smell as he tried to breathe.     

"Ah? Oh, Wenyou. If you want me to issue an edict, just take the seal and write it yourself. I'm busy impregnating all these sows."     

Li Ru did not speak. He walked toward the side table, taking the seal and several golden scrolls before leaving.     

After getting out of the palace, Li Ru took a deep breath to clean the dirty air in his lung.     

"Disgusting bastard!"     

Li Ru spat as he returned to his resident. Looking at the Imperial Seal, Li Ru smiled.     

"Foolish Dong Zhuo, I'll use this to my liking. You can't complain since you just gave it to me."     



January 1st, 184 A.D.     

A minute passed after the clock ticked midnight.     









"Hahaha! I got the rewards even though I didn't join the war!"     

Hua Shi read the system messages with excitement as they completed another year of defending their affiliate cities. Although they had to replace the [Yellow Turban] flags with [Han Empress] flags, Tong and his officers still held the authority over the cities as they had official titles. As a result, the system treated Tong as the real owner of the designated cities.     

Hua Shi whistled, "An easy year for the people, but another difficult year for the leaders."     

Friday clicked her tongue, "It's the other way around. Hell, all factions and their grandmothers conspired and framed us like it's a natural thing to do!"     

Three women and one man sat around a round table in the courtyard in the middle of the night.     

Hua Shi and Friday sat side-by-side, bickering at each other as usual. However, a new member sat beside Tong, nervously looking at the two quarreling girls.     

He Xing trembled as she gazed at the two. Though she wanted to sleep, the fear of death outweighed her exhaustion as it gave her the strength to stay awake. Her hands clung onto Tong's clothes, shaking nonstop.     

Tong patted the trembling hands of He Xing while he was busy buying back his skills. By paying 200,000 lifespans back to the system, he got [Inventory] and [Immortal Yang Vein] back.     

"Tong, did you pay the ransom? What skills have you gotten back?"     

Hearing Friday's question, Tong paused for a moment, "[Radar Map] and [Inventory]."     

"NUUUUU!! My precious all night dual cultivation!"     

Friday wailed in disappointment without realizing that Tong lied. Hua Shi, however, snorted and revealed a mocking grin to Friday. She extended a white tentacle from her palm, which it licked Friday's cheek.     

"Join the abstinent club, Friday. Look at me, I've been a virgin for a year, and I'm enjoying life."     

"Screw you, slut zombie! I'm sure the moment you get through that [Chastity], you'll throw away your façade and fOOk Tong like a depraving whore!"     

"Depraving whore your sister! You're the depraving slut! I have to move away to the guest room because you keep fOOking him at night! My baby and I can't even get a good night sleep!"     

The two began to scream and shout at the other without caring about the world.     

Tong, on the other hand, shook his head. He grabbed He Xing's hand and led her back to her resident before he returned back to his room, which was next to He Xing's current room.     

In this past year, Tong rearranged their residents. Tong, Hua Shi, Friday, and He Xing now lived in a different room as he wanted to get himself a proper rest. Furthermore, there was a political issue at hand that forced his hands into this arrangement.     

'At least I can sleep in peace for another year. Sorry, girls.'     



Tong flinched, but he chuckled.     

'It doesn't matter. I'll take my time.'     




Friday reverted back to Dong Bai and went out to play with Zou Shi, who was 3-months pregnant. On the other hand, Hua Shi stayed home to look after her daughter.     

Meanwhile, Tong went to work at the city hall, taking He Xing and Liu Xie along with him. They arrived at the main building early. Not many officers were here yet.     

Seeing that there only a couple people in the hall, Tong believed that it was an excellent opportunity to take in He Xing into his clan. Now, the New Year arrived, and the clan invite quota had been reset.     

Once He Xing got into the clan, her safety should be guaranteed.     

Tong cut the tip of his finger, dropping his blood into a water cup. He passed it to He Xing.     

"Drink this, and a weird window will appear right in front of you. Press [Accept] and those two won't be able to harm you anymore."     

He Xing stared at the cup, "What is this?"     

"A protection blessing. I can't give you before, but I can now."     

"Um, thank you."     

"Don't mention it. It's my responsibility."     

Tong did not know. A system warning message already appeared in front of He Xing, but she had not drunk Tong's blood yet.     

She hesitated, but she drank it anyway. Then, He Xing pressed the accept button.     



Hua Shi: "It's about time. Welcome."     

Dong Bai: "…"     

Hua Shi: "Don't try to kill her again. She's a part of our clan now."     

Dong Bai: "Suit yourself. But I demand 3 days a week."     

Hua Shi: "Our arrangement is 2 days a week. Don't cheat."     

Dong Bai: "Three, or they're dead!"     

Tong: "I'll give each of you three days a week. In exchange, leave them alone."     

Tong: "Next time I catch you trying to kill both of them again, we'll break up."     

Dong Bai: "Fine!"     

Hua Shi: "I feel bad for He Xing. She gets only one day a week then?"     

Dong Bai: "Serve her right!"     

The day Liu Xie called Tong [Papa] in front of Hua Shi and Friday, He Xing's life had been threatened by one of his jealous wives     

At the same night that day, Friday attempted to kill He Xing and Liu Xie. Fortunately, Tong could sense Friday's thought because of the devil contract. He prevented the worst case scenario by stopping Friday before she could murder all of them.     

The blatant murder attempts and the killing intent of Friday traumatized He Xing. She petrified and trembled in fear every time she was around with Friday.     

Since then, Tong always brought He Xing and Liu Xie around him wherever he went as he could not entrust He Xing and Liu Xie protection to the wicked woman anymore.     

Furthermore, Tong gave Friday a warning. If He Xing or Liu Xie were to disappear or die, he would break up with her as he could not tolerate her behavior.     

He Xing and Liu Xie were seeking political asylum and were relying on his protection. If Friday killed either one of them, Tong's reputation would be damaged, and many of his officers would leave him to another faction as Sima Fang, Lu Zhi, and other former Han loyalists would leave him.     

In conclusion, He Xing and Liu Xie's death would be his faction's demise.     


While Tong was tending He Xing, his action did not escape the eyes of Sima Fang, who had arrived at the hall early as well.     

'Young master Zhang has been favoring Her Majesty recently. This is going as planned.'     

Sima Fang revealed a slight smile for a second before his grumpy face returned.     

Te Langpu entered the hall later. Tong waved his hand and called him over.     

"Mr. President, good timing! I need you to do me a favor. Senior Sima, please come over as well."     

Tong explained about the clan features to Te Langpu, which he added Sima Fang into the clan as well. Afterward, Tong added a thousand lifespans to both He Xing and Sima Fang. They could feel that the slight discomfort within their body disappeared as the hidden sickness they had were cured because of the extra lifespans.     

"I see. This is convenient. With this, we can communicate with others in other cities."     

Sima Fang studied the clan chat. Then, he recalled the day Ding Yuan spoke with him about something that he could not see.     

'So, that's why he acted like that.'     


The morning assembly ended at noon.     

Tong, He Xing, and Liu Xie, who was carried by He Xing, left the hall as usual. All officials gazed at them with a bright smile.     

"It seems our young master is showing interest in Her Majesty. Will we push our original plan, senior Sima?"     

"Right, senior Sima. Should it be the right time?"     

Sima Fang shook his head, "As long as the young master doesn't declare that Her Majesty is his main wife, we won't move. All of you has to be patient."     

A dozen of Sima Fang's subordinates lowered their head, feeling dejected.     

Sima Fang stroke his white beard, "Jia Xu wants young master Zhang to lay low for two more years. I also feel that it's too early for us to move. We'll wait until young master Zhang plan to ascend the throne to make our move."     

Everybody nodded, "Yes, for the sake of our Empress, we should lay low."     

Unbeknownst to Tong, Sima Fang and his clan members were plotting something behind his back.     

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