Battle Royale of the Sinners

Qi Blast and Qi Shield

Qi Blast and Qi Shield

Chapter 255 – Qi Blast and Qi Shield     

If a look could kill, Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ji would have killed Xun Yu several times over. Friday was also not happy with Xun Yu's attitude. Thus, she stood up.     

"The meeting is adjourned for today. We will not mobilize until our strategist come up with a proper stratagem. However …"     

Friday glared at Xun Yu without hiding her killing intent.     

"If this person deserts our army before he thinks of a good strategy, don't hesitate to kill him. Also, we don't welcome lazy people in our ranks. Please keep that in mind."     

Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu bowed and glanced at Xun Yu with a grin.     

Unperturbed, Xun Yu snorted and left the tent, returning to his designated camp.     

While Xun Yu was returning, he did not day-dream like earlier. His expression was sharp as he was seriously thinking about the correct approach to defeat Sun Jian.     

'We can't be the aggressor, but we have to be passive. We are short on numbers and the quality of the generals so taking the initiative is a bad move.'     

'Sun Jian has Huang Gai and Cheng Pu. Those three are enough to decimate our army to shred, and there's Sun Fang and Li Jing. Those immortals can destroy an army of 10,000 men by themselves.'     

'The intel from Xuchang doesn't cover Xiao Wu's true abilities. I don't know what kind of magic power she possesses.'     

'I want to ask her, but she might lie to me. That Jia Xu has already ratted me that I'm here as a spy for my family.'     

'No, I don't have times to worry about their thoughts on me. I need to stop them from mobilizing but defending this county.'     

Xun Yu's thought was in a mess, but he organized them in his own ways. As he was absentminded, his feet already brought him back to his tent.     

Inside, another strategic table was in the middle of the tent. The similar tokens and dolls were placed on the same spots as in the central tent.     

However, there was a difference.     

Xun Yu did not put Xiao Wu with any platoon of soldiers. He placed her individually instead of having her leading a battalion.     

'From the eyewitnesses, Sun Fang can fly and use an explosive magic. Li Jing can suddenly appear in a shadow of anyone and assassinate the person. This combination works against us no matter where I see it.'     

Xun Yu massaged his temples. He sat on a chair beside the strategic table to rest and think.     

For the entire day, Xun Yu did nothing but trying to find a solution to the problems without relying on anyone else.     

He did not know that behind him, a transparent female ghost was watching him. It left him alone after observing Xun Yu for a few hours.     


The ghost being was [Lust Soul] which Friday had borrowed from Tong. It returned to her body without anyone noticing its existence.     

Friday, who was resting in her tent, sighed a relief as she understood a bit of Xun Yu's personality.     

'A prideful strategist …'     

In Friday's point of view, Xun Yu might appear untrustworthy and lazy at a glance, but he was a hard worker behind their back. It was as if he did not want to be noticed by the enemy spies, or he did not like being in a spotlight.     

Friday groaned as she did not like a dishonest person. Yet, she wrote a letter and gave it to a messenger, telling them to send it to Xun Yu.     

Inside the letter, it contained her list of abilities, such as speed, power, and her [Lamia Step] cultivation. She also added that if Xun Yu were to join Tong's immortal clan, he would get lifespans and other benefits that no mortal warlord could give him.     

'I'll trust you, but you have to trust us, Xun Yu.'     



February 20th, 183 A.D.     

Sun Fang flew through the sky alone, making a beeline toward Zhao County.     

His objective, which was entrusted by Sun Jian, was to sabotage Xiao Wu Army by dropping a bomb using his skill. As someone who could fly, Li Jing suggested that Sun Fang should employ aerial warfare into this battle.     

'Carpet bomb, incoming! HAHAHAHA!'     

Feeling good by himself, Sun Fang hummed in his mind. Nothing felt better than having the upper hand or insurance in an important battle. As long as he was in the air, no one could touch him.     

It took Sun Fang ten minutes to reach Zhao County airspace. He flew down, lowering the altitude so he could get a better view of the troops below.     

Sure enough, military camps of Ye Army was there.     

'I can only drop it once a day. Which place should I aim? Eeny Meeny Miney Mo, My ex-wife is a goddamn ho!'     

Sun Fang picked the central granary as the target and pointed his palm at the target.     

'[Qi Blast]!'     


[Qi Blast] Cannot be leveled up.     

- Attack one or more opponent(s) with a ball of energy.     

- Each explosive energy ball power is 100kg of TNT.     

Skill Cost: 100 Lifespans     

Skill Upkeep: 2,000 Lifespans     

Skill Restriction: Can be used once a day. Skill resets at mid-night.     


A fireball was launched from Sun Fang's palm, heading toward the granary.     


A wide radius explosive noise could be heard as a bubble of flame engulfed wooden buildings around the center of the explosion.     

'Mission accomplished. Tomorrow, I'll blow some soldiers.'     

Sun Fang smiled and turned around, planning to head back to base. As he was about to change to the velocity of his flight, the corner of his eyes caught sight of a pretty girl with noticeable assets, running toward his direction.     

The girl made a posture as if she was about to throw something at him, which made Sun Fang laughed.     

'Silly girl. You can't do shit! I'm over a thousand feet above the ground. What are you going to do, throwing a spear at me? Pfft! Only reincarnators can harm me …? Wait a minute, a reincarnator?'     

A spear tip already appeared in front of Sun Fang's face.     



Sun Fang heard the sound of a bell as the spear was stopped by the transparent dome which surrounded his body.     


[Qi Shield] Cannot be leveled up.     

- Create a protective energy shield surrounding the host.     

- As long as the host has lifespans, the shield will not be broken.     

Skill Cost:     

- 100 Lifespans for an activation. Skill lasts until deactivation.     

- 1 Lifespan per one second as a maintenance cost.     

- Consume extra lifespans if the barrier is attacked.     

- The amount of lifespans consumed depends on the power of the attacking force.     

Skill Upkeep: 2,000 Lifespans per year     

Skill Restriction: Can be used once a day. Skill resets at midnight.     


<<16,131 Lifespans has been consumed>>     

Sun Fang's heart sunk as the number of lifespans he had to supply the shield just now was dangerous.     

'What kind of power is this? Is this a skill? Yes, it should be a skill! No human can throw such a powerful spear with great force like this!'     

Sun Fang had tested this skill with Li Jing and Sun Jian before. A casual punch of someone in Sun Jian's caliber consumed 500 to 1,000 lifespans per hit. A serious weapon strike from elite generals like Cheng Pu or Huang Gai cost Sun Fang 4,000 to 5,000 years a hit.     

However, the spear throw just now shaved over 16,000 years of his life force.     

In his point of view, the girl just now should have been an otherworlder, and she should have used her skill. Or else, she would not be able to exert such a force.     


A screech of tearing wind and a bell sound shocked Sun Fang again. Another spear hit his shield, and a system message followed.     

<<25,619 Lifespans has been consumed>>     


A sharp whistling noise came again.     




Like a child playing with a giant bell, Friday did not stop throwing spears at Sun Fang. At her sides, soldiers carried many spears rushed over and passed her ten spears at a time when she opened her palms.     

<<33,161 Lifespans has been consumed>>     

<<41,916 Lifespans has been consumed>>     

<<63,451 Lifespans has been consumed>>     

The number increased as the force behind the spears got stronger for each throw. These numbers were not a stacked number, but they were the damage that showed Sun Fang for each hit.     

'Not good. I'll run out of lifespans if this keeps up!'     



Name: Sun Fang     

Age: 18     

Lifespan: 1,413,694 Years     


Despite having overwhelming lifespans, the damages he took caused Sun Fang to panic. He ignored Friday and flew away with his max speed.     

As he escaped from the Zhao County airspace, the spear throwing stopped. However, Sun Fang had not deactivated his [Qi Shield] yet as he was still in shock.     

Sun Fang felt like he was playing an MMORPG game in the modern world, but he suddenly ran into the world boss by himself. The damage he had received gave him a fright.     


Still in shock, he screamed out of frustration. Sun Fang stared at the direction of Zhao County as he was scared that the girl might have followed after him.     

After looking around for a while, Sun Fang did not find a trace of that girl again. He deeply exhaled, feeling relieved that the nightmare had ended.     

He did not notice that, below him, a transparent naked female ghost was trailing after him. In her hands, she held a spear and aimed at Sun Fang's crotch.     

*DONG* *DONG*     

*DONG* *DONG*     

As if Sun Fang was hearing someone spamming a doorbell, the repeating sounds of his shield alarmed him, which the came from below.     

As Sun Fang looked down, a naked female ghost had been repeatedly stabbed her spear, aiming at his little brother.     

<<66,666 Lifespans has been consumed>>     

<<66,666 Lifespans has been consumed>>     

<<66,666 …>>     

Each time the [Lust Soul] thrust her spear, Sun Fang would lose over 66,000 lifespans. The face of the soul did not show a hint of hostility. Instead, it revealed a sadistic grin as if it was enjoying this.     

"What is this!?"     

Sun Fang was astonished by the ghost. Seeing that the ghost was hostile to him, Sun Fang drew his sword and struck at the transparent female ghost.     

The sword passed her as if it cut nothing but air. The Lust Soul grinned and continued stabbing at Sun Fang's shield, reducing his lifespans.     

"Dammit! [Clone]!"     

Sun Fang's body splitted into two, and both of them flew in a different direction, trying to confuse the Lust Soul.     

While Sun Fang was flying in his max speed, he sent a text message into his clan chat in horror.     

"HELP! I'm being attacked by a ghost! I can't kill it!"     

Within a few seconds, a hand appeared inside Sun Fang's clothes. It grabbed Sun Fang's neck and dragged his entire body into the void under his clothes, leaving the clothes and his weapons behind.     

Sun Fang was pulled by Li Jing's [Shadow Teleportation] skill back to their base. However, Sun Fang returned naked.     

Although it was embarrassing to him and others, Sun Fang did not mind it as he had just escaped death.     

"Fang, what happened?" Asked Sun Jian and Li Jing.     

Still in a paled face, Sun Fang opened his mouth to report his finding.     

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