Battle Royale of the Sinners

[SLOTH] - Part 2

[SLOTH] - Part 2

Chapter 164 – [SLOTH] - Part 2     

For half a day, Tong did nothing but push-up. He also lost count of how many he did as he stopped counting since the 5th session.     

Tong already threw away his robes, leaving only his pants on. His smooth and toned upper body was drenched in sweat after the stressful work-out. Several young maids peeked at Tong from a distance as their face blushed, while the male servants looked at Tong in awe.     

Tong ignored the onlookers and was about to start a new session.     


The heart of Tong shook. The familiar sensation came back again. It was the feeling of that day when he successfully got rid of his [Lust].     

The sensation of his body splitting into two came back. His vision also changed, he could see himself from a third person's viewpoint again.     







Learned from the previous experience, Tong managed to control his original body with a little effort. He turned around to look at his demonic soul [Sloth].     

This soul was not the same as [Lust]. Instead of a naked woman, it was an old man in a brown police uniform. His appearance was an Asian man with a height of 185cm. His muscle was neither too thick nor floppy, it was the shape of someone who worked out daily but he was not at a level of a professional muscle builder. The wrinkles on his body told Tong his age, he should have been in his 70s or 80s by his appearance.     

Tong remembered his face very well. It was the face of his previous life when he was living in the modern world, but it was his older version. If he had not died young in his previous life, he would have looked like the demon soul in front of Tong when he got older.     

The police uniform was also the uniform that he usually wore at work. In addition, Tong could see the insignias on the soul's shoulder and several emblems on the chest. The insignia of Chief Inspector could be seen which it was his career goal when he was working as a police officer.     

Tong looked at his demon soul with a bitter smile. Nostalgic memories and forgotten memories flooded out from the depths of his mind.     

The time when he took the entrance examination.     

The time when he got into the boot camp the first day.     

The time when he got punched by a drill sergeant as part of the training.     

The time when he graduated from the police school as the top ace of the platoon.     

The time when he saluted to the tearing drill sergeant who used to beat him with pride.     

The day when he apprehended a criminal for the first time.     

The memories of his police days came back. Tong could now recall the events of his police life from day one to the end of his journey when he was killed by Ping's bodyguards.     

"Looking back, I could have done it better…"     

"If I were a bit calmer, I could have put that matter to the international court."     

"I could have sought asylum in other country and asked for help in the social world."     


"But at the very least, I was never lazy at all, right?"     

"I worked very hard for it, right?"     

The demon soul gave Tong a warm smile, even though it was himself who smiled at his original body. Tears rolled down from Tong's both eyes as his spirit was cleansed from the past regret.     

Tong had not noticed yet, two small black tentacles at the size of a finger wrinkling behind his back. It was the same color and shape with what Morning Star had.     


Tong texted Dong Bai again. "I've completed [Sloth]. What can I do with it?"     

As usual, Hua Shi and Li Feihong spammed the chat with their nonsense. However, Dong Bai was mature enough to answer him properly.     

"Move him into your body for now. Once it gets inside, the two bodies will move together so it will be easier for you to handle. If you have free times, you can practice moving two bodies at once. It's similar to playing piano or writing a circle and a star simultaneously with both hands."     

"By the way, that was freaking too fast! Were your previous life a monk!? [Lust] and [Sloth] are one of the hardest sins to overcome! How the heck can you get them so fast!?"     

Reading Dong Bai's reply, Tong had an inspiration. He ignored Dong Bai's retort and asked her again.     

"Can my demon soul use my system skill?"     

It took a second for Li Feihong and Hua Shi to scream in the chat again. They want Tong to demonstrate the "ZA WARUDO" skill with his [Sloth].     

"Shouldn't you ask the system? I don't know everything, you know?"     

Tong slapped his forehead. "Oof"     

"System, you heard us. Can my soul use the system skill?"     

[… Yes, but the skill cost will be ten times the normal rate.]     

"Da hack! Why is that!?"     

[It involves an exploit you can do with the souls. It won't be fair to others if I tell you everything. To be honest, I want to keep this a secret. But since you're working so hard, I can tell you. But with a condition. You will have to complete some extra missions from me.]     

Tong shook his head without thinking. Why would he trust the system who was trying to kill all reincarnators in this world? Besides, a mission from the system could be something troublesome or risky. He could not afford to gamble with the sinister administrator.     

"I refuse. I won't take a mission from you."     

[My dear, I haven't finished yet. In exchange for that, I'll teach you how to control your souls and better tips for reigning your rampaging sins. I have a much better way than sacrificing one of your soul to seal your future.]     

"What do you mean?"     

[That demon girl, I meant the ex-demon, was only a four-winged. She can't possibly be more knowledgeable than a senior with more wings, right?]     

Hearing about wings, Tong came to a pause. Dong Bai mentioned it earlier today, but he did not ask her further about the details. Tong guessed that it should connect with the number of sins ones overcame.     

"What's the connection between wings and sins?"     

[You should have already guessed it. The number of wings the immortals have is the number of sins they cleansed. You have cleansed [Lust] and [Sloth], so you have now two wings! Congrats, little devil!]     

Hearing that he had two wings, Tong touched his back again. He could feel small branches of tentacle on his back. The moment his fingers squeezed them, a sharp pain ran through his back. It felt like he exploded a zit on his back by accident.     

"Shit! Ouch! What the hell!?"     

[I suggest you return your soul into your body for now. If you leave him outside, your wings won't go back into the body. Besides, you have been talking to me in front of the onlookers for a while now. They might think you've gone crazy.]     

Tong looked around by reflex. The servants and maids were indeed looking at him in shock and fear. They could see the old man in the police uniform, and they mistook the soul as a ghost. Furthermore, Tong had been talking alone for a while, so they thought he was conversing with the ghost.     

Realizing what happened around him, Tong ordered everybody out.     

"Everybody, leave me alone for now! And also don't tell anyone about this!"     

With the words, all onlookers dispersed in a hurry. Tong had to recheck with his radar map again to ensure nobody was still around.     

Fortunately, the servants were obedient as no one dared to sneak around to eavesdrop him.     

Tong controlled his demon soul to enter his body. It was still too hard for him to control both bodies at the same time. For such a simple task, it took him five minutes to complete.     

After his soul entered the body, his vision changed again. When he gazed to the distance, he could see everything clearer. Tong tested his sight on the tree leaves 50 meters away, and he could notice a line of ants on the tree.     

His hearing also got sharper. The sound of wind, bugs, birds, and the servants at the distance away could be heard.     

Tong concentrated more to feel everything around him. Suddenly, everything turned into slow motion. His brain processed the data from his five sense so fast that he thought he had activated his [Time Stop] skill.     

He observed everything in a daze for a minute before he could feel a sharp pain inside his brain. Blood slowly dripped down from Tong's nose as he overclocked his brain for too long.     

'Holy Hell, am I a spiderman now?'     

Instead of getting shocked by the pain, Tong was excited by the new experiences.     

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