Lord Shadow

A Joyful Reunion II

A Joyful Reunion II

  'You take us in for a reason. Trisha said     

Loki did not deny it and nodded     

'True. But, I do not wish for this life to be everything for the three of you. After the Fall, the world had become very harsh. If you have no use, if you do not fight and if you do not have strength, you could not live. Some people survive doing some sly and terrible things. Some are lucky enough to survive that with their sanity and moral intact. But whether it is evil or good, they are the survivors. I raised you and give you skills. There is a Price.      

Trisha only smiles bitterly and nodded, agreeing with him.      

She knows the harshness of the world and she think it was luck that they three were picked up by Loki and not some other people.     

'But, it is not like I would use you forever. And this is not the only way to live your life' He paused for a second and then he said     

'I am…. preparing things'     

'Preparing things? What do you mean by that?' Trisha said.      

There is something a little wrong with what Loki said. Trisha just don't know why, but that is the feeling she gets.     

Loki did not seem to want to talk about it but his smile seems a little sad. Then his mind remembers what is about to happen.     

Now, that the Time Crisis had ended, this period is the period where Sovereign is born. After Azief become Sovereign, the battle for the Divine Throne would begin     

He worries about this three little kids. Worry that they would get sucked into the battle for the Throne.     

They are powerful enough and resourceful enough. Loki had changed the fate of this three little girls and he is not sure whether all of it would be good.     

But other than the battel for the Divine Throne, he also needs to be prepared for some other possibility.      

Possibility that he had never entertained before     

Things had been brought forward a lot. It would be weird if some things did not change. Even fate and destiny could not hold back this tide     

The six events after the Time Crisis should happen after the battle of the Divine Throne     

But now, anything goes. The reason why he needs to prepare is that he needs to leave some protection for the girls.      

He is about to return to Origin after Azief become the Sovereign.     

That is the plan. He just didn't know the full details of that. The full details seem to be in the head of Number Seven     

He just hopes that there would be a plan that could guarantee the safety of these three people.      

Loki did not want them to be close to the Sovereigns because rarely nothing goods happen when Gods consorted with mortals     

And there is also the fact that these three might even uses the things that he had taught them and participate in the Battle for the Divine Throne.      

That would not end well.     

Then Loki just shakes his head. And Trisha could only look at Loki. There is silence between them again     

Trisha did not say anything as they walk alongside each other in the bleak dreary hallways of the prison.     

There is many prison in this facility.     

And there is even a certain theme to it.      

Loki did not walk just for the sake of it. His eyes are doing calculations and seeing through the magic circles and formation embedded deep underneath the cement.     

His eyes are looking at it and trying to see if there is any magic circle that get unhooked or untethered. That would be a huge problem if there is one and he did not notice.      

The people inside these prisons are all monsters in their own rights.     

Loki would not really feel at ease if one of them escaped because of his negligence.     

The next few days, he needs to make sure that there is no breach in the security of the spell before he could make contact with the Crime Alliance.     

But, there is still something he need to do and explain. Trisha doesn't seem impatient though. She trusts that he had make the right decision concerning the matter of Riana and Nathan     

Still Loki thinks he is taking too much unnecessary risk. And the child…. the moment he taught of Riana child, Loki also felt a little sad for the little one     

Loki however wanted to settle all of this before night. he is planning to have a feast tonight. Greisha would be back by then     

A family reunion. It is long overdue.     

Loki is heading to his office and after a few minutes of walking he arrived at the hallways leading to his office.      

Along the hallways, there is no defect.     

Even the hallways seem like a maze.     

There are only a few hundred more hallways he needs to check.      

Of course, he could not check it personally like before. Or more accurately, he couldn't check it by himself right now.     

He intends to wait for the berserk energy all over the world to calm down before using his authority to scan all irregularities in the magic formations and other protective measures that has been put into place.     

They walk a few minutes and saw some of the damages that happens to the facility. But it did not damage the integrity of the magic circle around the facility     

At least not in the area nearby. Then after a few more minutes' walk, Loki arrives at his office. He quickly enters the office and sat down on his chair     

Like he had expected, today is a quite a long day. He pours himself a drink. Loki do not need to drink.      

But the drink inside the jar that he had just poured is not a normal drink.     

It is made from some of the best herbs that is nourished by the energy of the world     

Not only it tastes good, it is also rejuvenating. He needs to calm down his mind. He is thinking too much and he fears that he would be burdened by the information     

There were a few times where he would just lose his consciousness and went into dream mode where his mind rested for a bit from all the calculations.     

He did not want that to happen.     

Taking a few sips, he finally relaxed.     

Trisha sat down on the chair near the office door. The office itself is large the size of a two classrooms.     

There is even a bed on the other side of the office. Sometimes Loki would not go to his quarters and instead spend time on the office     

Truthfully, he spends most of his time in the office than his quarters.     

As such, that bed is in case if he wants to sleep in the office. Such a normal human behavior, sleeping that is.      

But it does have its benefits even for such a leveler of Disk Formation.     

Sometimes, Loki just wanted to mute it all down and stop thinking for a while.      

Loki sighed and for a moment, there is only quietness in the office.     

There is a certain sense of calm that seems to fill in the quietness.      

Loki felt safe here because this is his place.      

Everywhere else, there is always a chance of being attacked or schemed on.      

After all, other than the Six Great powers that will be hunting him, there is also Yewa Hafar who would try to do a lot of thing to stop his plans from coming to fruition.     

But now as he is in his office he laid back on his chair as his chair stretched backward giving him that sweet comfort for a few moments.      

A few minutes just passed by like this before he opens his eyes and exhale his breath     

Then he got up from his chair and said     

'It is time to bring your sister back' Trisha who were looking at Loki the entire time, also got up and nodded.     

Then Loki brought out the grain from his Bag of holding and held it in his palm. There is a smile on his face.     

'You think your sister will be angry?' Loki said.     

Trisha think about what Loki had done and she nodded     

'She would. But, I don't think she would be mad for long. It is the best solution. For an impossible situation'     

Loki could only scoff at that.     

'I know I planned it to be like that. But, I truly did not expect that she had a child. I could guess that she had something with the Broker. I just didn't think she married him and even have a child with her'     

Then he sighed     

'Or maybe I did. And I just don't want to believe it. Sometimes, the truth we wanted to hide from ourselves is the heaviest. With you three, I sometimes, bend my principles. That is very dangerous for me. Because the stake is too high to get it wrong'     

There is silence for a while as Loki seems to hesitate. He closes his eyes for a second and then after taking a deep breath, he opens his eyes again.      

He is taking some moment to calm himself down.      

Trisha knows what Loki is worrying about so she said     

'Don't worry. Second Sister would not blame you for what you had done' Hearing this Loki chuckles.     

'This time you are wrong. I am not thinking about your second sister. Of course she would not blame me. After all, this is the punishment for trying to trick me, the Trickster…...' he paused for a second before adding     

'-but she is not going to be too happy about it either'      

Smiling he then activated the Grain Palace and coming out from the Grain palace is three figure.     

There is Riana with her baby in her arms. And beside her….is Nathan     

Loki laughed and said     

'Now, let's talk' he said.     


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