Lord Shadow



To his shock, Will found himself feeling his movement to become sluggish and slower the moment that sensation swept his body     

it was like something is tying itself onto his feet, his hands and his neck. Time Threads appears all over his body, tying him down.     

He could move even in Time Field but now his speed is decreasing. The threads are draining his speed away.     

Will takes a step backward to try to lessen the effect but then he halted his step. His eyes narrowed.     

He found out what Jean is trying to do to him. Because if he changes his course of speed right now, a minimal loss of speed would happen.      

It might be minimal but it is crucial for the plan.     

If he retreated, he and Azief need to once again gather speed.      

And Jean would interfere again and again until he could not gather more speed.      

The thing about Jean is not the fact that they are the same realm in Disk Formation that enable him to suppress Will to such state, it but his mastery of his Path.     

Jean ability in controlling time is peerless. Even Azief is here he would not dare say that his mastery of Time is even more proficient than Jean.     

This sudden interference by Jean is unexpected and unplanned. Even if Loki is here, he would not have predicted such change in the storyline.     

Loki had always been paying attention of how much the people around Death Monarch had changed.      

Loki noted the change in Sofia the Divine Archer, the change in Katarina the Ice Queen and those around Azief.     

But he did not pay too much attention to Jean.      

The reason is not because Jean is not important. The reason is because Jean had rarely interacted with Death Monarch in the beginning.      

In the original timeline, Jean did not really come into play until the Contention for the Divine Throne.     

It was only after that event, that Jean interacts more with Death Monarch.      

And like in Loki timeline, Jean as expected did not meddle much with the matter of Death Monarch and they rarely meet each other or even talk to each other.     

So his appearance right now, trying to obstruct Azief and Will plan is something no one ever expected.     

The reason is simply because in this world there is Death Monarch that things changed so much. Azief never had the title Death Monarch in that other timeline.      

His title was Prince of Darkness and he was regarded as such even after he became a Sovereign. But in this timeline, he had become the strongest person in the world earlier than Loki had expected.     

As such, certain things have changed. And one of those changes is the mastery of Time Laws by Jean.     

Jean only need to take a step forward to reach Divine Comprehension.      

Unlike Azief path of perfection that requires thirteen Laws, Jean had always cultivated only one law.      

There is power in concentrating of one path.     

It is because of that Jean had been able to sense the change of the world Time Stream and come out from his Room of Clocks to try to stop this plan of Death Monarch and Will.     

'It is over' Jean said but the moment he said that he felt his Time Field is being encroached by something else     

Smiling Will said     

'Yes. You were right. It is over' Will look toward the other side. He could see Azief is coming toward him     

There is a reason why Will push Jean until the Time Field become larger. The Time Field is weakened     

After they passed Jean in the ocean a moment ago, Azief and Will split up to gather more speed and not assimilating their speed just yet     

Their speed at that time is unbalanced.     

Will have too much speed. Azief speed is a little inferior.      

When Jean suddenly appeared on the ocean, they look at each other and like they could read each other mind a plan formed in their minds.     

They knew that Jean probably come out from his area to stop them. And there lies an opportunity.     

Will wanted his speed slow down. But he could not just take a break which would stop his momentum. The other way was to discharge the speed at certain point of Time in the past.     

But when Jean came there is an opportunity for him to try another way. Like they planned, Jean appears again, this time on the mountain and uses his Time Field to rewind back time     

Will had to act like he was conflicted in leaving when he needs to lose a bit of his speed.      

But his shock when Time binds him is was a real shock.      

He notices that if Jean kept going with that Time manipulation, his speed would really decrease a lot and that would make his plan and Azief plan crumble.      

Thankfully, Azief had been ready and is now coming for him     

Jean look at Wil conflicted. He could sense that he was schemed upon.     

But he is not sad. He is just conflicted     

Right now, Jean could already see that Azief is coming near to him. To others all they could see is two lightning bolts and a purplish glow.     

They could not see the solid form of these three people. In the time field it appears they have been fighting for a long time.      

After all they did traded thousands of blows.      

But in the real Time Flow, only a few second had passed.      

Two second passed when they were at the ocean and Jean appears on top of the mountain. And another second where he talks with Wil and traded blows with him     

Jean saw that Azief is coming toward him and he sighed. There is like a different time Flow around Azief.      

So, even though Azief is fast, in Will eyes it appears to be slow     

Jean then ask Will     

'Is it worth it?' Will smiles bitterly listening to Jean question.      

He knew Jean try to stop them with kind intention. Will himself is not that ignorant about what will happen if they succeeded in breaking through the barrier of Time and Space     

And the speed that two of them would generate would create enough propelling force to see a lot of things in the future.     

That is not necessarily a good thing. Will answer Jean question     

'My brother think it is worth it. And I too think it is worth it. So, it will be worth it' he answers. Jean shakes his head     

'You know, that there are two probable possibilities of what is going to happen the moment you see the future. Either you set it in stone by looking at it. Or changing it to a much worse future'     

Azief appears then. The Space around them break and a sound like a glass breaking could be heard.      

Azief also heard Jean words.     

He smiles and then answer the question that Will is supposed to answer.     

'It will be worth it' It looks like that is the answer that Azief had reached. Or maybe it is a word means to convince himself.     

Jean closes his eyes and then as Azief is about to push him with his hand, Jean took a step back, his expanded Time Field shrink to only a foot in front of him.     

But that one feet around him is so dense with Time Essence that it is approaching the comprehension of laws of time.     

Azief then close his fist, and pointed one of his finger. This finger holds the might of Heaven. The force coming out of his one finger is enough to flatten any mountain on Earth     

If it attacks Jean, Jean would probably break Time and Space and end up millions of miles away. It come closer.     

And then it is close to one feet to Jean chest.     

Azief finger that is about to poke toward Jean chest stop.      

Azief eyes widen in shock and amusement colored his face. He revolves the laws that is inside him and his finger finally move.      

But it is trembling.      

The Time Field around Jean one feet distance is cracking…. but it is holding on.     

'Impressive' Azief unconsciously muttered. Jean only smile bitterly at the compliment     

'I'm still not good enough' Jean said as he takes another step backward. Jean disappeared like he was never there in the first place.     

Time distorted and the flow of Time around the area returns to normal.      

The moment the flow of time around them become normal, the mountain where they were having their battle exploded and disintegrated almost instantly.     

The sound of the blows that Will and Jean traded with each other finally appears in the world, like the sound was delayed before.     

The sound of the blows created sky quakes, the sound travels the world three times.     

All kinds of living things around the mountain also disintegrates into small particles of atom like they were reverted back to simple energy particle.      

Everything was annihilated like a divine storm had destroyed them.     

Azief did not try to seek Jean. Instead he strikes toward Will with his palm. Will was not surprised. He even has a face of excitement seeing the strike from Azief.     

The palm is swirling with energy.     

The palm transferred the speed that Azief had collected toward Will. And Will take the speed and making sure that it reached a balance between his speed and Azief speed.     

And the moment their speed merged with other, they reach synchronicity of speed.      

Like thunderbolts that is chained together, they felt each other speed reaching an equilibrium. Smiling, they nodded at each other.      

Then they ran and Time and Space followed them as a rip up in the sky opens.     

Now, there is no one in the world could stop them.      

The space above them opened up, the sky that acted like a blanket that covered the world is temporarily cut open.      

The coldness of space invades the world.      

If Earth is still the same Earth before the Fall, these coldness of space would have frozen the Earth over.      

But the moment the coldness enters the Earth like it is automatically rejecting the cold, the Earth core heating up and all kinds of phenomenon happened that resist the cold.      

In this brief moment, Azief and Will look up at the sky and then running so fast that the wind and gravity seems to have no effect on them, these two ran toward the rip and enters it.      

The moment they enter it, a huge blast covered up the sky, like an explosion of the sun, and a singular point of explosion that seems to attract all kinds of particles into it.     

and then the sky closed back up and the coldness of space dissipated.     

Azief and Will had gone to the future.      

Leaving the world by breaking the barrier of Time and Space, it left a scar in the fabric of reality of Earth.      

The energy that is generated from their breaking of Time and Space did not only linger. It degrades the foundation of reality and the laws of the world.     

It also messes up the Time Flows and Spatial Positioning of certain area that was affected by the explosion and the powerful energy that Azief and Will had created in their race had alter the frequency of Earth prime.     

Like a new channel that attracts all kinds of listeners, everyone is tuning in.      

They are attracted by a pulling force and a Multiversal Convergence is happening. Some worlds cold not access Earth Prime because of the altering of the frequencies.     

Worlds are colliding.      

This time, it is time for the Trickster to make his move.     


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