Lord Shadow



Azief and Will disappear from the world. Nobody knows about the disappearance of these two.     

 The battle that happen between Azief, Will and Jean was too fast that no one had ever noticed the fights.     

And after they enter the time space rips, a change happened in the world that obscure even more the matter of Azief and Will.     

At the same time that the blast covered up the sky, someone come out from a ship made of bones.      

This person had dock his ship on one of the dockyard of the Island of Peace.     

Beside him there is a woman archer. It is Loki and the Divine Archer Sofia and they already arrive at the Island of peace.      

Loki look toward the sky and smiles bitterly. He could feel the change of the world. And he could feel energy is gathering on Earth.     

'In the end he still did it' he sighed a bit     

He could not see the whole world but he could guess what is happening right now all over the world and the worlds beyond this world     

The world is about to collide with each other's and the Laws of the world will be altered.     

Energy is filling up the world again. This rush of energy is like the first emergence of magical energy in the Fall     

All over the world changes is happening     

The land of the world seems to stretches even further as new mountains sprouted from the ground, nurtured by magical energy, becoming new stake that balance the world and the lands that is expanding      

A village that one could arrive in a few hours' journey now become a place where it would be days before they could reach it.     

Rivers appears from the cracks as some parts of the world get depressed and some others get elevated.     

A sense of the world getting larger could be felt by everyone who have acute Divine Sense     

The entire Universe around Earth seems to be affected. It is known that even if one planet is out of orbit; the consequences is dire.      

But in a world of magic, things also have a certain change.      

When Earth Prime expanded, the orbits also follow their rules. If Earth becomes bigger, the Sun, and the Moon and the planets that affect Earth also changed accordingly.     

Stars stretched out and the entire galaxy seems to be expanding in a speed that a naked eye could see.     

The distance between stars widened.     

The reason why all of this is happening is because surges of all kinds of energies is coming inside the world. The world is full of energy and as such it transforms the world.     

Plants absorbs it, the land absorbs it and even the Heavens absorbs it.     

With one look it looks like a blessing. Earth Prime is once again being rained down by energy. If it's in the past, maybe some people would not like it.      

But in this world, that now have people like Death Monarch, everyone desires to become stronger and wanted to affect the whole world.     

A few places that is devoid of worldly energy after the battle of powerful people is once again filling up with energy.      

Some places which became the site of powerful battle which causes it to have no grass growing on the soil, and the area around it wrecked with instability is quickly recovering.     

It probably would birth more of Disk Formation levelers.      

But that is not the case at all. because rarely there is such things that happens without reason. There are other worlds. And these worlds are entering Earth through the rips.     

 The energy of those world is coming inside Earth.     

'It would be balanced' Loki thought to himself. He did not avert his gaze from the sky. Loki seems to be waiting for something. And then he saw it.     

A rip appears in the center of the Island of Peace. At first it is only one rips.      

Then suddenly the sky exploded with the sound of ripping. It was like the sound of paper being ripped by a powerful force.     

This sound travels the world and everyone in the world could hear it.      

All the Seven Great Powers look at the sky. Those who were hunting stop and look at the sky.      

The merchants that sell their wares along the street, stop selling and buying thing and look at the sky.     

Everyone who could not see the sky from their vantage point would find a place where they could see it.     

And they all saw a rip. It did not matter whether one is in Pandemonium or in the Republic. As long as one could see the sky, they could see the rip.     

And the sound of space being ripped did not stop. It continues and echoes across the skies of the world     

Then chaos begins.     

On the Island of Peace, Loki was prepared.      

He clicks his fingers and a few ravens appears in front of him, flying in the air. He touches these raven's forehead with his fingers and then waves his hand.     

The ravens disappeared and appears up there in the sky.      

These raven eyes shines with intelligence and then flapping its wing to fulfil the order of its master, it fly forward     

 And in the island of Peace the sound of space being ripped suddenly blasted off inside the island and its surrounding sea area.     

A space rip appears out of nowhere and creating a blast of energy that distort the area and the Time Flow around it.      

This space rips also emanated otherworldly energy, foreign energy that is not found in Earth Prime.     

The rip is around ten feet tall with ten feet width. And it is growing bigger. All over the world, such space rips could be seen appearing without rhyme or reason.      

Some of these space rips are small. Some of them are large. But all of them is slowly expanding     

Energy gushes out from this space rip with certain element that did not exist in Earth Prime. Some of these element is conducive to life while some other promote death     

The situation in the Island suddenly become chaotic as the World Gate in the secret area of the World Government is cracking and breaking.      

The rip on the center of the island is directly above the area where the World Gate is located     

And it is probably the largest rip in the world.      

The expansion of the space rips almost seems like something is about to come out from the rips     

And they are not wrong.     

Whatever coming out from this rip, it must be a large. The Trickster look at the Space rips and he frowned a bit     

'They are coming finally. This would be a little hard'     

'As long as they are still in the future, then these rips would not be closed. Though the Orvanians will probably sent some reinforcement. But in the end, who knows what Yewa Hafar would do. I still have to rely on myself in the end' He thought to himself. His eyes are trained to the portal.      

'I guess it is time for me to make a move'     

Loki waved his hand and a staff appears on his hand.     

Taking a step forward he slowly floated upwards as he flies toward the sky. Sofia did not follow Loki to the sky.     

Her method is different     

She squinter her eyes and focus on the portal. It was like she wanted to see what lies beyond the space rip.     

She squinted harder and she finally could see it. Her expression turned hard     

'It is nothing good after all' She heard the explosion in the sky before and then after that there is this rips that appears all over the sky of the world.     

This is what Loki means.      

Azief did something with Will      

And that something had cause all of these space rips and started this event of Multiversal Convergence.     

That is what Sofia presume.     

The sky is filled with space rips with all kinds of sizes and the energy of these space rips are all different. As it slowly fills the sky, these rips also appear on the ground.     

Then a roar sounded that echoes through the island, and something is coming out from one of the rip.      

She scoffed.     

Sofia make a move.     

A flash of light appears and the roar that sounded so powerful at that time suddenly turns into roaring of pains. A few more light appears and then the roar quiet down.     

Sitting on the top deck, pointing her bow toward the sky is the Divine Archer Sofia. She had made her move.     

'If Azief is here, he would say that you are noisy and swat you with his palm' And then she smiles a bit as more arrows of light formed at the end of her bow point.     

And she plucks the bows and lights exploded toward the sky     


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