Lord Shadow



 'Sword Immortal, please spare this old man. I woul-'  before Yu Rong could even finish his word, Azief hold up his head as Xu Meng who could not differentiate between friend and fore chopped down on Yu Rong face.     

The sword stuck itself to Yu Rong skull. Azief smiles calmly and said     

'Let me help you'     

He taps the head slightly as the head push forward slicing itself into two.     

One could see the inside of Yu Rong head as he was cut horizontally from the dividing line that is his nose.     

So one could see his mouth on the lower part and from the upper part one could see the cut side of his brains from his nose.     

Xi Feng was shocked and he almost puke looking at this gory scene.     

Azief however was calm even under such gory scene. Body did not even touch his skin.     

His hand is analyzing the internal energy in Yu Rong Body. He then thought to himself.     

Could he also absorb internal energy?     

'I must try that later' he thought to himself.     

Xi Feng seeing the behavior of the Sword Immortal felt a little bit fear.     

If not for the fact he knew that Demonic Monarch Xie is fighting the Martial Alliance at the moment, on top of the Twelve Peaks of Yong Mountain, he would have thought that this Sword Immortal is the Demonic Monarch Xie     

Azief then look toward Xi Feng again. Xi Feng looks like he could not concentrate again after seeing such scene.     

'Don't be so soft. Look carefully this time. I will show you why you were not able to use the Flowing Swordsmanship effectively'     

Then he began employing sword moves that Xi Feng was familiar with against the already crazy Xu Meng.     

Outside, the sound of thunder has topped and the rain has shown sign of letting up.     

'Do not adhere to the moves with no adaptation. It must be like the floating clouds and flowing water, natural and smooth so the sword could come and go freely.'     

He then shows it to Xi Feng how easy it was for him to handle every attack form Xu Meng.     

No matter how unpredictable the attack from Xu Meng, Azief handles it like he has predicted the attack coming to him.     

It was truly a magical moves of swordsmanship.     

Xi Feng recognize some of the moves.     

Some of the moves is from the Flowing Sword Arts.     

In his hand, the sword art looks rigid and too disciplined and while it was a powerful sword manual, Xi Feng could not even show its true power.     

In the hands of the expert, he shows exactly how the Flowing Sword Arts deserve its name as the top three manual of swords in the martial art world     

Then Azief continue lecturing even while he is deflecting the attack from Xu Meng.     

'Your problem is you think too much. You look at my moves and you memorize it. In many other things that would be helpful. But to master the Flowing Sword Arts by memorizing, you will find yourself stuck. There are many moves where you did not follow through'     

Xi Feng then ask.     

But that is the move     

Azief snorted and said     

'Even though there is no such move, why can't you adapt to the flow of the battle and make it easier on yourself. As long as the essence of the sword is not betrayed, it is still the Flowing Sword Arts. That is why memorizing is useless. Any swordsman that wishes to use the Flowing Sword Arts technique must be free in their hearts and their body yet every move you employed was restrained. How could you defeat hard with hard? You will only get your sword chipped at the edge and become dull. Flow like clouds and behave like water. Then whatever they do, you could counter. Whenever they break, it connected back.'     

This word struck Xi Feng ears like the bell rings and woke him and show him a clear path.     

Azief also changes his move freely and even toss his sword from hand to hand like it was the easiest thing to do to fight ambidextrously like that     

Any attack that Xu Meng had done on him, from an attack over his head, to an assault around his neck, to an attack below to his waist, all of it was deflected, all the connections and transformations of the sword move appeared to be smooth and flawless.     

Then Azief said another word.     

'The sword should guide you. Moves are static, but the one executing the moves is alive.'     

He said and then like he has finished his lecture, Azief swirls his branch of stick on the approaching blade of Xu Meng.     

It swirls around the attack and streams of internal energy coming out from Azief is slowing down the charging attack and even its force is slowly dissipating like it is a smoke     

He breaks every move and Azief ha d a new understanding of the world as he finally felt his body brimming with his energy as the seal on his chest unravels almost half.     

Then it unravels completely. Azief eyes once again shines golden     

On the Supremacy Stairway, on the second step, the statue trembles and exploded as the fifth Law Body stood up, emanating a powerful energy that could encompasses all the Omniverse.     

Xi Feng however was still at awe with the Sword Immortal moves.     

He finally believes the rumor of the martial art world that said if any martial artist or swordsman ever met an expert in the grandmaster level, then their defeat would be guaranteed.     

To him, even if you mastered thousand or tens of thousands technique and sword moves, as soon they encounter someone like the Sword Immortal, he would surely overcome vey single one of them with ease.     

Xi Feng could see his new teacher is in joy.     

There is this aura of a grandmaster coming out from his teacher and Xi Feng could even speculate that before his teacher lost his memory, he might be the unrestrained and domineering expert in the martial art world.     

This Will of martial arts could not be faked or hidden.     

The Flowing Swords Art is one of the Three Sword Manual that is revered. It was fought over by all martial artist and swordsman     

If anyone managed to even peek a glance on the manual and memorize it moves, they would never try to change it moves because they believe that it would be changing the perfect sword manual.     

But his teacher derived the other moves of the Flowing Sword Arts just by looking at him and probably it is a more powerful version of the Flowing Sword Art     

The move while using the Flowing Sword manual as the basic become original in its conception and will.     

There is that carefree feeling of the Flowing Sword Art manual but there is also this overbearing feeling of dominance in his teacher sword moves like he was unrivaled under Heaven     

Azief on the other hand has finished trying to teach Xi Feng, if he understands, he understands. If he did not, then that is his bad luck.     

Azief break the sword move of Xu Meng and tap her wrist with the reach and Xu Meng felt the electricity jolt in her nerve.     

Even though she is crazy, she still could feel pain. And this pain slowly sobers her up     

The jolt freezes up her grip which Azief then proceeded by tapping her finger with the stick as the blade she is holding on drop to the ground.     

Azief did not say anything as Xu Meng finally broke from her madness.     

But before she had the time to regret, Azief slash his stick horizontally on Xu Meng neck as her head separated almost instantly from Azief slash.     

Blood spurted out to the wall of the cave     

Her head flew a few meters away landing on the entrance of the cave, rolling and rolling until it stopped at the wall of the cave.     

Her body slowly slid down before falling down with a thud     

Azief then look at Xi Feng and said     

'Thus, I exact justice'     


And thus Azief exact justice. hehehe,     

Hope you like the chapter. A new legend will appear in this world. Anyway next part of the chapter will conclude the chapter.     

Vote and dont forget to comment     

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