Lord Shadow



The demonic side of him resisted as dark aura mixed with red aura of bloodlust is trying to resist the Immortal Bestowing.     

He was an Ancient Asura as Azul and he gained the Defiant Heart from Azul as well.     

And while he had the Celestial energy he also had Demonic energy and if one looks at his personality there is no doubt in anyone mind that he is more suitable to walk the Path of a Demon.     

He took another step as he become slower now as he could feel a twinge of pain.     

His entire nerves are frayed. He quivered, the pain he was experiencing was indescribable. He almost felt like his body was being ripped apart.     

In his flashes of pain, he could see many things yet he remembers none of it. But even through the pain he manages to make sure he is conscious      

And his eyes shone with determination.     

The Immortal Steps wanted to cut his Defiant heart and Azief could do it if he wanted to. If he did that the energy, he had in his body from now on would be primarily Immortal energy.     

Immortal in Azief understanding is not those who live for thousands of years, (though it is their primary trait)     

The Immortal Azief is referring to is a race of the Universe that is long lived and used Immortal Spells and Immortal Energy.     

They are the ancestors of the Celestials just like the Ancient Asura is the ancestors to the Asura race.     

But he did not sever the Defiant Will in his heart. He would not. It is a gift and also an energy he is accustomed to.     

This stubbornness of course has a price.     

And that price is pain. Each step he taken now would doubles and triple his pain the more he walks.     

But at the same time his Defiant Will also become even more powerful because of this resistance from the Immortal Will.     

This is how you tempered your Will.     

On Earth, there is no Will more paramount and more powerful than his Will. He could even summon his Willform to do battle on Earth and in his recent fight with the Heaven, his Will occupies part of the Heaven Will.     

The other people that is chasing behind him is still not meeting the threshold to fight him in a Will battle other than Hikigaya or probably Jean.     

But now, as he stubbornly wanted to keep his Defiant Will, it had to clash with the Immortal Will.     

To be clashing with other Will of opposite nature, that is the only way for someone to strengthen their Will drastically.     

And that is exactly what happens now.     

His body felt like he is being thrown into a large meat grinder, taking his flesh part by part as second passes like an eternity.     

Yet through the pain his eye shone with steely determination and his heart keep being Defiant and it almost seems with each steps his figure grows to be larger and larger     

Behind him, his Willform is slowly appearing, a golden silver manifestation of his Will that takes his appearance and is growing larger and larger.     

His Willform have long black hair and red glowing eyeballs and the aura of golden and silver is lowly being suppressed by a dark red aura like it is about to seal those golden and silver auras.     

Azief then felt the pain is too hard to bear and he shouted to the Universe, his body is sweating now and while there is not physical pain that is observable with the eyes, only Azief knows that he is experiencing extreme pain right now.     

He then shouted     

'Submit to my Will!' Azief had made his decision as he walk through the steps.     

instead of severing his Defiant heart or fusing it which would become more work for him Azief decided to suppress the Will of the Immortal that is trying to kick out the Demonic Presence in his body.     

His eyes are shining with decisiveness as he let out a powerful roar and his entire body exploded with energy and his eyes turns red and his hair grows long.     

He looks like a Demon as he is trying to suppress the Immortal Will.     

The more he resisted the more he felt intense pain and he bite his own lips as blood flows down from him mouth.     

His Ancient Demonic Energy roared up and the energy seems to be howling out as it seems Azief entire body turned into a black hole forcefully absorbing the Immortal Will that is coming out from the stairway.     

'SUBMIT!' Azief said hoarsely, through gritted teeth as he nearly finished walking all the steps.     

And then as he took the last steps the Immortal Will have submitted and Azief suddenly bursted with energy as golden aura mix with the silver white light and fills this dark abandoned Universe.     

And while Azief did not realizes it in the beginning, now that he had passed the Immortal Steps, Azief could feel the source of life is beginning to form again in this abandoned Universe.     

He stops for a while and spread out his Divine Sense to confirm something.     

To his shock and amazement, he felt the Source of Life thrumming and Immortal Energy started filling this Universe like an empty bowl being poured with water.     

Now that he had walked twenty steps, his entire body is full of energy that resembles the ancient Immortals.     

It was like his entire being emanated an aura of primeval nature. Countless golden rays dazzled brilliantly from him as he looks like he was the Sun of this Universe.     

He takes a deep breath and he could feel the many energies that he absorbed with only one breath.     

And when he exhales he breathes out Immortal Energy which only added the reconstruction of this abandoned Universe.     

Azief believes that each time the Supremacy Stairway appears is also the time of beginning for this Universe.     

He had passed the rank to become Supreme Immortal yet he had felt nothing changed to his Disk.     

It was only his body, mind and soul slowly being purified. Other than that his Will was also being tempered but other than that, nothing is happening to his Disk.     

And there was one other thing that makes him felt that this is not the end of this stairway.     

When he takes that last step in the Immortal Steps, for a few seconds there is an image flashing through his mind.     

It was the same Thirteen Steps and Thirteen Statues he saw before. But it was only a flash of images that passes through him     

This only made him even more curios and more intrigued.     

The Supremacy Stairway should have transformed his Disks so that he could break through to Divine Comprehension.     

But right now, as he walks the stairway all he could feel was that this part of the Stairway is to prepare him and if he failed to walk until the end then his good fortune will have ended.     

He looks in front of him and he chuckles a bit. There are thirteen more steps on these stairways.     


Next chapter in a couple of minutes. Stay with me. Still have your SS. COudl you imagien if I posted all of thsic hapter in one big chapter? You all would have complained...Huhuhu. Hope you enjoy it and try to see the hints     

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