Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Final round

Final round

After that battle with Hasta, Kretos had no other satisfying battle in the tournament. All the matches up to the finals were won without even actually fighting. This truly irritated Kretos to no end. Not only was the whole tournament unsatisfying, but his reputation also took a huge hit.      

It was speculated that Kretos had somehow blackmailed the other fighters. This kind of thing wouldn't bother Kretos if all they were doing was talking behind his back. But because of his current reputation, most of the inn's didn't allow him to stay the night. They gave out different reasons like they were fully booked, they are having renovations or other such nonsense. Kretos knew that they didn't want him to stay since he currently has a sh*tty reputation.      

The only inn's that would take him were those at the brink of losing their inns and needed all the customers they could get. Not only was he unable to get a good fight, but he was also unable to have a good meal and rest. It has been a horrible few months for Kretos.     

'Should I just kill all these people?' Kretos thought for a moment and shook his head. It was fine to kill those that try to kill him, it was fine to kill those that bother him since both sides were ready to fight him to the death. But killing people that just think he's a coward isn't something he wants to do. Since those kinds of people would not fight him properly, making him unable to enjoy the fight. The only ones worth killing are those ready to kill and die.      

'Whatever I just need to endure this sh*t until I get to meet the demon lord. Once I see that old vampire I'll be sure to release all my frustrations on him.' Kretos gritted his teeth as he was getting even more frustrated.      


After a few more useless battles in the tournament where the opponents beat themselves up, Kretos finally became a finalist in the tournament. The last battle was to take place in the capital city of the western lands, Narkia.      


The moment Kretos stepped foot into the city of Narkia he felt something was off. He looked around and saw nothing of interest, it was just like any other city in the western lands. He then tried to use mana sensing but that also showed nothing was out of place.      

Kretos started frowning as his instincts were telling him that something was wrong, but no matter how he looked at it there was nothing to be found.      

'My instincts have never failed me, is this going to be the first time?...' Kretos who was already irritated due to the past battles, could no longer think as clearly and was getting even more irritated.      

As his irritation was about to reach a new peak Kretos closed his eyes and started calmly breathing in and out. Once he had calm himself down a bit, he started to assess the situation again. Yet no matter how hard he thought about it he couldn't find the answer he was looking for.      

At first, he thought that all the people in this city were vampire slaves, those people bitten by vampires and forced into doing their bidding. But those kinds of beings had a certain mana fluctuation that those of the Shadow Clan were sensitive to. Also, they don't exhibit the symptoms of being enslaved, then don't even have the most basic trait which was having shallow eyes.      

They also couldn't be vampires themselves since the vampire tribe has a distinct smell that Kretos would've noticed the moment he comes in contact with one. So then, what was this uneasy feeling Kretos had?      

'Well, no matter what it is, I'll just have to deal with it when it comes.' After coming to that conclusion Kretos headed straight to the underground fighting ring in this city.      


After walking for a while Kretos found the supposed underground fighting ring in Narkia. To his surprise the place was neither underground nor was it a fighting ring. It was a huge arena in the middle of the city. It was a rather grand building that spans a few hectares. It was bigger than the Demon Empress Nimune's castle.     

When Kretos got close he could smell the heavy stench of blood that covered the arena's walls. As he entered the arena he was greeted by a member of the arena officials who guided him directly to the ring. This was going to be his final battle in the tournament before he faces the demon lord Darius.      

Unlike those that came before him Kretos didn't feel anxious of the upcoming battle, in fact, he wanted the final battle to be a proper one, where there was a chance he could lose. As he walked behind the guide he felt something strange. It was only momentary but it made Kretos feel like escaping the arena.      

There were now too many signs telling him that this was a trap. He couldn't think of what kind of trap, but his instincts were telling him that it was something deadly to him. Still, even with this knowledge, Kretos didn't retreat instead he smiled that vicious smile of his and felt exhilarated.      

'Finally, something to get excited about!'      


The guide then told Kretos to enter through the door in front of him. As he opened the door he was greeted by the sight of a thousand spectators. He was now in the middle of the arena. In here there was a no ring, no stage, it was only dirt filled ground. As Kretos looked around, he noticed that the grounds were littered with teeth and bones. Most probably from those that lost their lives in this arena.      

Seeing this just made Kretos feel thrilled for what's to come. Kretos licked his lips as he could feel his blood pumping in anticipation. He was actually feeling that death was near. It has been some time since he felt that indescribable feeling.     

"Ladies and Gentlemen. On the right, is the newcomer that swept through the tournament like a raging storm. The slayer of a thousand demons, KRETOS!"      

"Now for his opponent in this final match of the tournament. The reigning champion of this arena, the one who rules over the night. The feared lord of all, our monarch and master, Vampiric lord, DARIUS!"      

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