God´s Eyes

Weightless Steps

Weightless Steps

Jason wasn't all that sad that the class battle was over for them, rather he wished to complete some missions in order to be able to purchase a tiered movement technique.     

He immediately logged into the school website before he clicked on the section for lace points where many columns like a trading section, mission board, purchase, and sales could be seen.     

What made him curious was the sales section because he might be able to sell something he owned.     

However, he became disappointed because the items the school would purchase were extremely rare and the offered price was below average in his opinion.     

Looking at the purchase section however was the complete opposite experience for him, as he was immediately dumbstruck.     

Thousands of manuals, magical plants, weapons, armors, accessories, and so on could be purchased, only the price seemed slightly high, compared to his meagre balance of 75 points.     

He wanted to know what types of tier-1 movement techniques he could purchase.     

Only around 100 techniques could be seen and even the cheapest of them would cost 500 Lace points...     

It roughly converted to 10,000,000 Credits, but in the end, it was probably more, considering that it was harder to obtain Lace points.     

This frustrated Jason and he closed his holographic screen while his mood hit rock bottom.     

He had 75 points but even the worst Tier-1 technique was extremely expensive and wouldn´t satisfy his needs.     


It was Friday afternoon and Jason was walking towards the school gates to enter the shuttle with a frustrated look as Seron ran after him.     

"JASON!! Wait a moment!" Seron said and Jason stopped in his tracks, shaken out of his absentminded walk.     

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Jason asked because Seron somehow looked serious and hesitant.     

Seron was similar to Greg and didn't have many friends.     

He had been extremely intelligent since childhood but his malfunctioned mana channels caused him to be a disgrace to his family who thought of him as a nuisance.     

Sparring with Jason for an entire week had been a different experience and he felt accepted around him, even if he couldn´t show his true combat prowess all the time.     

Because Jason would hide his master´s secret and not train the floating sky movement technique anymore, Seron felt bad and had a short discussion with his master about it.     

Clearing his throat he began, "Jason! Thank you for keeping our secret!! My master and I want to gift you something in order to say thank you… you are not allowed to decline!! I don't know what happened, but my master feels bad about something he apparently did to you, and I  also feel guilty because you experienced the might of a secret movement technique.     

Now we forced you to stop practicing it, and it must be frustrating.     

Our present will help you increase your combat prowess!! Maybe, I won't have to hold back next time hahaha."      

Seron's silly laugh was annoying, and he felt embarrassed as he sent Jason a file before running back to the school, leaving an astonished Jason alone.     

Jason wasn't sure what to do right now when he received a notification that his shuttle was waiting for him.     

After entering the shuttle, he immediately opened the file sent from Seron.     

[Tier-1 Weightless Steps] `Huh?` Jason was astonished to see that Seron had sent him a movement technique!     

Was Seron really sorry that he sent him the Tier-1 skill manual or was it his teacher's guilty feelings?      

Jason didn't know the reason but after finding out that Seron and his teacher both belonged to big families that governed an island with over 400 million citizens, he thought that a tier-1 skill might not be worth much for them.     

Nevertheless, Jason was still grateful for this opportunity.     

He thanked Seron sincerely and even wrote a message to his teacher in order to thank him sincerely.     

While the 14-year-old Seron seemed quite happy, Mr.Greil messaged him `It's okay, you deserve it`, which confused Jason.     

It was not like Jason did something to deserve that, or did he?      

Without really thinking about his teacher's answer, he messaged Seron.     

`If you need help with picking your second soulbond, I might be able to help you. I'm pretty good at picking beasts with a high potential.`      

Seron couldn't really gauge the true meaning behind his words, as he looked in confusion at the holographic screen. But to Jason, it was quite dangerous to tell anyone about his ability to distinguish between a beast's mana core purity.     

At least, until now, Jason had reviewed his mana eyes abilities over and over again but he couldn't figure out their limits or what all they could do.     

Somehow, he roughly knew what they were supposed to do, but it was still difficult for him to comprehend it and express it in words or actions.     

In the end, he decided to stop pondering over his eyes' ability with the conclusion that he could detect almost everything with them, including the purity of beasts which was probably their potential.     

Furthermore, Jason knew that his eyes could intimidate his opponents even without injecting mana, as they were cold and fierce at the same time.     

Adding his released killing intent to his frightening aura, even someone with a slightly higher mana core rank than him would be horrified by him.     

Remembering the battle against Leo Heart, Jason knew that his abyss effect was only the amplification of this intimidation effect thanks to mana, or at least that was what he thought.     

Jason was almost entirely clueless about what made his eyes special or why and thinking about it frustrated him a lot.     

He was eager to open the [Weightless Steps] manual to learn a movement technique that he was allowed to practice without anyone hindering him. As he cleared his head and tried to focus on learning, his soul world began to shake slightly.     

Unsure of what was the issue, he entered his soul world and noticed that the thick cocoon around Artemis was slowly starting to thin as sweat drops began to appear on Jason´s forehead.     

`Darling!! I'm not ready yet!!!`  He thought and based on the speed at which the cocoon was disintegrating, Jason could estimate that Artemis would finish her evolution in one or at most two weeks.     

`F*CK` He cursed in his mind and he decided to read through the Weightless Steps manual later before he went closer to his soul world core.     

Over the course of the week, Jason's soul energy had reached 11.1 units while he had used up 10 units for his soulbonds.     

Considering that Artemis would at least reach the awakened rank, he would have to speed up his increase of soul energy by a few folds, which was extremely annoying.     

But right now, he was too worked up and he tried in vain to practice the Heaven's Hell technique with a normal helix formed by two strings.     

However, his mind was too bogged down to practice a higher difficulty of his Heaven´s Hell technique. It was close to being suicidal due to the dangers as Jason was rational enough to discard this stupid thought without looking back.      

He estimated that his soul energy increased by 0.1 or 0.2 units daily right now which was astonishing, considering the fact that Jason´s innate soul energy was only 11.1 units right now.     

Normally, others would need 3 days for that, but Jason´s insanely fast reproduction of soul energy was the cause for this astronomical speed.     

The increase in one's soul energy was exponential instead of being linear and Jason was confident that it would only take one week's time, with his current speed to have a consistent increase of 0.2 soul energy per day.     

This meant in two weeks, Jason would be able to increase his soul energy to 13.2 at the worst.     

After deducting the soul energy used for Scorpio, he would have 7.2 soul energy for Artemis.      

If Artemis had a soul energy of 11 units at the bare minimum, Jason would receive an amplification of his own soul energy of 2.3.     

Calculating everything, Jason noticed that his soul energy would still be short of around 1.5 soul energy units.     

This calculation was the best-case scenario, including the fact that Scorpio could enter the five-star wild beast rank in the meantime, and the high possibility for Artemis to have an innate soul energy of more than 11 units.     

Jason didn't like the thought of his soulbonds reaching a higher soul energy than him. For some reason, he felt that they would hate him once they grew stronger causing them to break out of the soulbond contract or even worse.     

While everything under the sun was possible, Jason was confident in the strong connection with his soulbonds.     

He adored them more than anything, and even Greg, who had become his best friend over the last few weeks, was not as important for Jason as his two little companions.     

Jason felt extremely pressured by Artemis' surprise burst in evolution and before he could continue with his train of thought the shuttle arrived.     

Upon reaching home, he decided to have dinner with the Flers and everyone noticed that he was absent-minded, which had happened quite often over the last few days.     

Greg wasn't concerned about Jason as he had to think about his own combat prowess, because his own Class battles had also started.     

Only now did Greg finally understand the strength of his peers, which was nothing to scoff at, even if his combat experience was superior.     

Malia had it slightly easier, but she would have to leave her home soon for an expedition mission. It had been allotted by the school as one of her exams and it made her somewhat hopeful and anxious at the same time.     

A single mistake could kill her and the whole expedition team, which was quite a big responsibility for a 16-year-old kid.     

Gabriella and Mark looked at their kids with worry, but there was not really anything they could do to help them.     

Their own strength was at most above average, considering that both of them had entered the magus rank, but that was it.     

It was only that their beast capturing ability was superior to others which made them slightly famous and caused them to receive a noble title.      

But to real nobles, their title wasn't worth anything because commoners like the Flers couldn't enter the real royal society according to their beliefs.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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