God´s Eyes



It was Saturday morning and Jason woke up excitedly.      

Today he would enter a two-star wild zone again in order to test his Adept-rank strength and hone his hunting skills. It would be a stark contrast to sparring with other humans, who were intelligent and used scheming tactics instead of relying on their wild instincts.     

Beasts relied on their primal instincts to fight and only a few rare beasts had the ability or intelligence to set up traps or use other kinds of tricks to kill or manipulate others.     

Considering that most of these beasts were at the magical rank or higher, Jason wouldn't be scared to find such beasts in a two-star wild zone.      

The only thing Jason was worried about was the recent news of Goblins infesting the nearby wild zones with the information that their hunting groups had grown bigger over time.      

Some online forums had spread rumors of a Hobgoblin shaman gathering and breeding goblins in order to attack Cyro City while others said that a Goblin King was going to establish its Kingdom nearby.      

  Quite a lot of other rumors were doing the rounds, but considering the sudden increase of goblins in the local areas, it was more feasible for the first two rumors to be true.      

Both of these existences were terrifying, not only because of their advanced combat abilities but also because their leadership and scheming were at par with humans due to their willingness to sacrifice thousands of their subordinates within a blink of an eye.      

Goblins were terrifying existences. Though strength wasn't their biggest advantage, their ability to copulate made even rabbits envious while they were as tenacious as cockroaches.      

If even one male Goblin survived, the entire race could be repopulated in no time which was terrifying, as history had witnessed thousands of men getting ripped apart by the small green monsters while women taken away and raped to increase their population.      

Humanity had given its best to annihilate them but apparently, they had sprung up like pests and were back to torment humanity once again.     

Jason came across many Mission issues on the school mission board which were connected to the hunting association and government, as they issued most missions.      

The big three schools would also accept these missions and convert the rewards into lace points which were much more valuable for students due to the wide variety of skills, materials and other rare resources. The benefits received in lieu of the lace points overshadowed the rewards as it gave them access to things one couldn't purchase outside school without having a certain authority.     

Through this exchange, schools would still receive a slight profit and it was a win-win situation for everyone.     

Upon seeing that the rewards for killing Goblins were very high, Jason asked himself as to what exactly was going on.     

After reading through the issued mission carefully, Jason found out that hunting 40 Goblin soldiers would reward 1 lace point while hunting 5 lower Goblin mage apprentices could also be exchanged for 1 lace point.     

It was extremely rare to see awakened Elites or Mutated Goblins, let alone Hobgoblins, as they reached the evolved rank within a few days after birth.     

Hunting a single one of these would award 1-5 lace points which were 20,000 to 100,000 Credits.     

Considering the common price for awakened beast corpses to be between 50 and 500 Credits, the given rewards were definitely worth the effort.     

Goblins didn't hold a commercial value for humans as their hides or organs were of no use to create anything valuable. Thus, their worth would normally be at most around 100 Credits, while their equipment could even be worth more than their corpse.     

Jason was tempted due to the high rewards and accepted the mission.     

It was only 5 am and he ordered a shuttle, which arrived after he finished his morning workout and showered.     

On his way to the two-star zone inside the shuttle, Jason didn´t forget to practice the Heaven's Hell technique with his five-strand helix.     

Jason calculated that the increase of soul energy he received daily was around 2.5%. It was a vast difference from his previous attempts and solely because of him being able to practice it thrice a day.     

Otherwise, the increase of soul energy would have been slightly higher than 0.8% which was still high, but even normal practitioners could achieve it     

For someone with 100 soul energy units, this increase would be 0.8 soul energy per day and it would only grow further.     

Jason wasn't sure how much energy was needed to form a contract with a magical ranked beast, but he imagined that it was definitely a vast amount and nothing to scoff at.     

When the shuttle had been just a kilometer away from the dome, he finished his practice of the Heaven's Hell technique.     

The city was so huge that the shuttle needed more than 90 minutes to reach the dome which was more than enough time for him to finish his soul energy practice.     

After Jason left the shuttle, he wore his leather garment, the daggers were sheathed in his newly purchased scabbard that was clasped to his thigh and the completely filled mechanic knife holder was fastened behind his lower back.     

The quiver was attached to his belt, and he was ready to receive some credits and lace points.     

Though he was armed to the teeth, it would be a huge lie to say that Jason wasn't at least a little bit frightened.     

But, he tried to calm down his nerves with a few deep breaths and cracked his knuckles to prepare himself to fight with beasts once again.     

Jason remembered the time when he had puked and questioned himself about killing beasts, but after killing hundreds of beasts and getting to know more about humanity's history and their sacrifices to build relatively safe cities, he didn´t think like that anymore.     

With his current abilities and weapon, Jason could barely kill intermediate awakened beasts and only advanced beasts with weak defenses, because his throwing knives were at the lower-grade-1, while his bow was only at the mid-grade-1.      

His daggers could be considered slightly unique among the mid-grade-1 weapons and they were able to easily penetrate the defenses of advanced awakened beasts.     

Advanced awakened beasts would be much faster than Jason and attacking them without a plan would be similar to a death sentence.     

Luckily, Jason had also bought a holder for his mana pistol and four magazines, which were attached to his belt and could be easily retrieved in case of an emergency.     

He had only loaded common bullets in the magazines, but they were more than enough to kill awakened beasts with ease, while even evolved beasts would suffer from the impact's after-effects for some time.     

Jason inspected his whole equipment once again while slowly walking up to the dome and sighed deeply when he stepped through it.     

As expected, he was once again assaulted by the huge mana density outside the dome's protection, overwhelming him.     

Adjusting to the sudden mana density change, Jason could see many youths absorbing mana directly outside the dome with bodyguards protecting them against beast attacks.     

He thought this was a clever way to save credits and nodded his head in agreement.     

Instead of hiring someone to construct a mana gathering platform at home, bodyguards at the expert or master ranks that could be hired to protect the new generation were much cheaper in contrast.     

There are many advantages and disadvantages to everything and one would need to find a solution to figure out what was better.     

If Jason would have had the credits, he would have rather hired a runemaster to construct a mana gathering platform at his house to save the time needed to make a round trip to the dome and back.     

As he walked through the two-star wild zone, it didn't take long for Jason to spot the first Goblin hunter group.     

To his astonishment, Jason saw that compared to his trip a few weeks ago, this group seemed to have more than 30 goblin soldiers.     

Their weapons seemed to be better than before and it almost looked like they belonged to other hunters, which caused Jason to frown slightly.     

Some of these goblins still had old-looking stone weapons, but they looked sharper and tougher than a month ago with something disturbing radiating from them, while others had Jade iron and other forged weapons.     

`Do Goblin runemasters and blacksmiths already exist?` Jason asked himself.     

Even though most weapons looked rather crude they were not only forged but some stone weapons had runes inscribed on them in a weird color.     

`Why are the higher-ups not doing anything against these Goblins? If they continue to multiply and grow even further, Cyro-city won't be able to guarantee their citizen's safety??`      

Fortunately, Jason was more than 50 meters apart from them, and he retreated back to increase the distance a little bit.     

Looking at the group of Goblin soldiers in front of him, he was sure that there were only a few archers, while not a single Goblin mage apprentice could be seen.     

His archery proficiency had increased by a lot over the last month and Jason could already hit slower evolved ranked beasts in their head, even if they were repelled due to his previous weak pulling force.     

But now that Jason's strength had increased to the Adept rank, he was confident in beating the shit out of the Goblin soldiers in front of him.     

Taking out his bow, he nocked the first arrow to the bowstring before he pulled it back, aiming at the Goblins a hundred meters away from him.     




Three arrows flew out in rapid succession and Jason could only marvel at the accurate and smooth sequence he had perfected over the last few weeks.     

Not wasting any time, he lodged the next arrow to continue shooting them at a fast pace.     

The first arrow killed an archer by piercing through its skull, while the remaining two arrows hit another two Goblin-archers next to it, piercing their heart and abdomen respectively.     

Before the Goblins were even able to notice the disaster approaching them, another volley of arrows killed two of their brethren.     

Not knowing what was going on, another batch of goblin soldiers fell and now all archers had been annihilated.     

The whole situation turned chaotic and even the cumulative intelligence of the goblins was not high enough to immediately figure out where their hidden enemy was. They looked around warily and it took another volley of arrows for them to find out Jason's rough position.     

Only slightly more than 20 Goblins were able to continue fighting as they roared in anguish, while their eyes turned bloodthirsty.     

Charging at their sole enemy they ran to him without a plan and Jason easily picked out five Goblins, before he decided to store his bow away.     

It was only now that he started to feel the pressure of a quantitative disadvantage, as he pulled out multiple throwing knives to injure the raging goblins' legs and joints to further decrease their combat prowess.     

Their numbers dwindled steadily and only around 10 uninjured Goblins were left when they were at a distance of around five meters Jason. Beckoning them to come forward, he pulled out his two, tempered Jade iron daggers.     

Exerting the Weightless steps movement technique to its fullest along with the Weaponry Knight technique at the same time, Jason leaned forward and pushed himself a little. Within seconds, he found himself standing in front of the first Goblin soldier that was shocked to see him materialize out of thin air.     

It thrust its long spear at him, but it was at a huge disadvantage because its opponent was already too close for the spear to cause any real damage, while Jason didn't need to exert much strength to slice through the goblin's throat.     

The dagger didn't meet much resistance and Jason disappeared from the dying Goblin's side before a huge fountain of blood spurted out of the cut-open throat.     

Due to his amplified speed, Jason was much faster than the short-legged Goblins and they weren't able to overwhelm him despite their high numbers.     

As such, Jason gracefully moved through the group of Goblins and slaughtered them,  while his golden eyes glimmered in excitement.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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