Rise of The Undead Legion

From Bad To Worse

From Bad To Worse

Wan Yi whirled both his hand axes and charged at Dave.     

"That sword is gonna be mine!"     

"In your dreams!" Dave replied and blocked the barbarian's twin chops with his sword, using his shield's [Consume] ability. The metallic jaws of the shield bit on the axes, holding Wan Yi in a deadlock against Dave.     

It became a match of strength to see who could throw back the other. The Strength stat of Wan Yi was incredibly high due to his Legacy, his supporting accessories and his stat distribution, however, it was no match to the undead who had gone above the limit and then doubled down. The backlash would hit Dave, but for now, he'd be unstoppable.     

"Up you go!" Dave jerked the big barbarian upward and swung his sword onto the helpless Wan Yi.     

A blood spear struck Dave's Durandal from the side, forcing his swing to miss completely.     

"Don't forget about us," Zhang Shi reminded him.     

Dave cursed inwardly. The priest hadn't even moved yet, and he was already having a hard time with just the swordmaster and the barbarian.     

Zhang Shi ran toward Dave with one hand on the hilt of his sheathed katana. Dave anticipated from watching many of Zhang Shi's videos that he was about to use his famous unblockable quick draw slash, it was a far cry from the Tengu's own quick draw, but Zhang Shi's own attack was nothing to scoff at.     

"Now!" the priest shouted and stabbed the bottom of his staff into the ground.     

Wan Yi understood the signal and heaved mightily, then threw his axes forward at Dave.     

Light gathered under Dave's legs and took the shape of chains that wrapped around his legs, locking him in place.     

Zhang Shi arrived at Dave's close quarters and drew his katana while at the same time Wan Yi's Axes were flying hot at Dave's bound self from the opposite direction.     

At this time, any normal player would panic, forced to choose between trying to remove the rooting spell, block the swordmaster or block the twin axes.     

The optimal choice seemed to be to leave the spell alone and try and at least block one of the incoming attacks… However, no matter the choice the trade would always end as a loss for the player in question.      

Dave's mind raced like never before. If time were to slow down, one might see a grin slowly creeping its way onto his face as he reacted.     

He held his shield forward, against Zhang Shi and used [Reject], exploding the attack he had saved from Wan Yi earlier against Zhang-Shi.     

Zhang Shi had no knowledge about Ajax' ability to save and eject spells. To him, it appeared as if Dave had dumbly chosen to attempt to block his unblockable attack. Yet he didn't prepare for the blow that came out from the shield. Dave didn't even stop there, thankfully, the rooting effect did not block his [Immortal Apparition]. He teleported behind the stunned Zhang Shi, and in one motion switched his grip on Durandal to a backward grip and stabbed behind him.     

Durandal dug into Zhang Shi's armor causing him to falter and at the same time found himself in the way of Wan Yi's thrown axes.     

The two axes dug themselves into Zhang Shi's chest and shoulder, forcing a groan out of the swordmaster.     

"Oh, I didn't think the friendly fire was enabled…" Dave taunted them     

"Man I swear I didn't mean that!" Wan Yi tried to apologize.     

"They were thrown weapons, they have no master! Now focus on the goddamn fight." White Ghost ordered.     

"Nice reactions there, but how much longer can you keep it up?" Zhang Shi growled his words. The guild master didn't miss the slight amusement in Wan Yi's eyes. He swore to pay the other guild master back, even if this was just bad luck.     

Dave shook his legs as the binding effect had dissipated.      

"All night long, baby! Now, how about we turn up the heat."     

Dave activated [Infernal Tyrant's Oppression]. Flames surged from within Dave, raging beyond what normal fire should do. A gigantic black skull materialized itself above Dave and looked at all creation in utter disdain.     

"An aura skill, huh?" Wan Yi looked at it, both his hands held forward as he recalled his weapons back. "I also have one! [Power Aura]!" Wan Yi shouted, his own aura flared to life, pumping his muscles with more energy.     

"[Life Aura]!" White Ghost said. A glowing light emerged out from within him and covered his party. Zhang Shi's wounds began to visibly heal, although at a slow rate.     

"Though this isn't a skill book aura, it's one of my basic skills. [Blood Tides]!" Zhang Shi used his own skill to create a domain that was filled with the stench of blood. The ground became a quagmire of mud and blood, and the red liquid rained down within his domain.     

Three auras against one caused the sneering skull to actually change to another expression. If skulls could do so, the one above Dave's head howled.     

Its fire raged stronger to fight against the three auras that were attempting to extinguish it.     

"You're mine!" Wan Yi charged ahead in a shoulder bash, yet the moment his foot stepped inside Dave's [Infernal Tyrant's Oppression] it caved in, his knee struck the ground, and his avatar began sweating and shuddering.     

"Fuck! It has a fear effect!"     

"[Cleanse the Pious]!" White Ghost disabled the fear effect on Wan Yi.     

"Thanks," spoke the barbarian, then he took another step in, only to have his avatar scream against the user's will.     

"Damn! It's a continuous output! I can't get closer, this shit is broken! It even causes flat maximum HP damage and steals mana, what the fuck is this skill!"     

Dave had no intention of correcting Wan Yi's wrong assumption. His aura was not responsible for all those things together, it was a combo of that and [Demonic Ascension].     

Just then, Dave almost facepalmed himself. He himself had overlooked that he now had wings. He could easily leave the area! He flapped them once and hopped into the sky only to slam into an invisible barrier.     

"Did you really think us so stupid? This place is closed off! The only way for you to get out is through Limbo!"     

"I wasn't planning on getting out," Dave pretended shamelessly.     

"I just like it when I'm on top," he teased. He raised both hands up and said, "Let this be a lesson. Never lock yourself in while there is a fire raging. BURN!"     

Dave summoned his [Spectral Dragon Skulls].     

48 dragon heads made of pure flames materialized into the area, empowered by Dave's own aura, their color changed from crimson fiery red to an abyssal black. The abysmal flame dragons surged forward, diving onto the players like bombs, blowing up upon contact and devastating their HP.     

"Light God, [Bless our Health]!" White Ghost prayed.     

Almost immediately, the player's HP climbed back up to full in seconds.     

"God damn annoying priest!" Dave shouted back in frustration.     

'I should kill him first, the heal is annoying, I might slip and actually die at this rate.'     

Dave dove downward toward the priest, yet having played with Wan Yi too many times, the White Ghost didn't falter.     

"Wan Yi, [Ragnarök], now!"     

"Damn, it's a high cooldown skill! ROAAA!" the player howled like an enraged beast and his skin became crimson as he charged ahead, the fear effect from Dave's skill no longer affecting him. it was as if his skill completely ignored the effect. The darkness from Dave's aura parted giving the player way toward his friend.     

Dave's swing came close to landing, but Wan Yi's intervention swatted away the blade, saving the priest.     

"[Bright as Day]! [Everlasting Faith]! [Blind the Infidel]!"     

A glowing light shone brightly against Dave's avatar, fully neutralizing his aura and forcefully dissipating his [Demonic Ascension].     

"Shit!" Dave cursed, the light became too much to bear. Given his undead nature, he was feeling the light burning against his skin.     

The forceful and relentless attacks from Wan Yi were unstopping, and White Ghost's light was pushing him back, not to mention the dissipation of his skills. His Herculean Strength was also nearly up, weakening him for the upcoming five minutes.     

"Damn, I can't deal with a priest in this form," Dave raised his hand up, the ring on his finger shone bright and returned him to his human form. The light from White Ghost's body no longer affected him, yet a grin on the player's face irked him.     

"FINALLY!" White Ghost's face revealed the joy he felt as seeing this change occur.     

"I've been waiting for that!" came Zhang Shi's voice. "Blood, heed my call, come forth, beckon my call!"     

Dave's head buzzed and he forcefully threw up huge chunks of blood. His eyes started bleeding, out blinding him and his ears whistled as blood from his nose and ears burst out.     


You are under a bleeding effect!     

You are losing 1% of your Maximum HP every second.     

You have been blinded     

You are slowed.     

You are disoriented     


"Shit, shit, shit, this is really bad!" Dave cursed.     

"You have no chance, You're outwitted, have been overpowered and you'll die," White Ghost spoke up. His hands never stopped casting heals on his allies.     

Dave could barely see or even hear, yet he could faintly make out the howls of Wendigos. Given his situation, this meant they were getting closer. Dortha must be on his way, but would he come faster than those three could finish him?     

He had prepared many traps inside the capital, but he couldn't have accounted for the fact that they actually had a way to force him of his base. This completely threw off his plans, and now he had to improvise.     

Dave laughed and wiped the blood off his mouth.     

"Damn, you're really forcing my hand, Alright, enough playing around, it's Clobberin' Time!"     

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