Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

In front of Claymore Mansion, where countless roses were now blooming, there was a man who was only half as tall as an adult fixing every action of a man much taller than him.     

"Say the line again."     

"Nice to meet you. I am Os from Jackal Bank."     

"You still sound too arrogant. And please, stop shaking your leg like that."     

The taller man had brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a brown jacket that only minor workers in banks would wear, and he got mad at hearing what the shorter man, wearing a golden jacket with a medal, said.     

"What is wrong with shaking my leg, Minos? Maybe you should do something about your height first."     

"Even though a short man does draw some attention, no one would get suspicious. And my lord, it is extremely hard to walk when I extend my height so suddenly."     

"Yes, you've been falling at least once every ten steps. That is why we are at the nymph's house only now."     

Minos felt angry since that was not why they had arrived at the Claymore Mansion only now.     

It had taken many, many days for Minos to teach the attitude of a bank worker to that stupid gold dragon. Now at least he was good enough to not arouse too much attention, but he kept insisting that he was perfectly ready, so here they were.     

But to be honest, Minos was sure they would be kicked out in less than an hour for being rude.     

"My lord, as we have discussed, you must freeze time if we get busted."     

"Okay, but then our transformation will be undone."     

"It's fine. If we freeze time and talk to the duchess, only she will get to see our true forms."     

"But I'm sure it won't happen. My acting is so perfect," Ios said as he picked his right ear.     

"You cannot pick your ear like that in front of the duchess."     

"Oh, okay. Let's get this done quickly, or I'll miss my kids' watering time."     

Minos sighed again and again. Ios was the most untrustworthy man, no, dragon in the world.     

"I will introduce ourselves, so please just get along with it."     

Then, he told the doorkeeper they were from Jackal Bank. He probably knew Jackal Bank was handling the duke's personal wealth as he soon led them to the butler.     

"You came to gain an audience with the duchess?"     

The butler with white hair gave them a sharp gaze. Minos resisted the urge to take out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat that ran down his forehead and explained with a smile.     

"We came to thank her for entrusting funds to us and also give her a small gift."     

"Hmm, but you could have sent a messenger for that."     

"As she is one of our most important clients, we would like to gain an audience with her. And we wish to explain the savings account she made and the other products of Jackal Bank."     

The butler looked them up and down. Even though goblins and humans did work together sometimes, they were not exactly on good terms. He also didn't like the fact that he had never head Jackal Bank hired any humans, but their identity certificates and contract were real.     

"Please follow me to the reception room. Elise, would you tell Her Grace she has visitors?"     


The two were led to the reception room after that, and Minos could wipe his sweat with a handkerchief only then. Ios, however, looked around the room and frowned the moment he spotted a vase full of roses.     

"That's exactly what is wrong with humans. How they dare to do that to such pretty flowers?"     

"Please calm down. We're on an act to fool the nymph and you cannot forget that."     

Minos warned him in a low voice, lest a maid or a servant would hear him. However, Ios wasn't that concerned and simply reclined on the sofa.     

"So, you think the duchess is the nymph?"     

"Yes. I've done some research. The duke was born in this mansion and grew up here, so he seems to be an ordinary human, but the duchess is extremely suspicious. She used to be a noble lady of low rank from the countryside, but then she suddenly came here and became the duchess. And most of all, she entrusted money to us goblins when she could have chosen among all those human banks. No human would ever do that. I think she is a nymph who fell in love with a human and came here."     

"I just don't understand how she can fall for a human."     

Then, Minos's keen ears heard footsteps coming downstairs. He warned Ios the duchess was coming, and he had to be careful while standing up to prepare himself. Soon, the door was opened, and a beautiful lady came in.     


Minos silently exclaimed at seeing her. The yellow dress with tree pattern which she was wearing gave a fresh feeling. Moreover, what decorated her chest had to be the ribbon he had heard about. He was sure she had to be the nymph.     

Then, he suddenly turned to check on Ios, but then he was shocked. The dragon was staring hard at the ribbons on the duchess's chest. Dragons just couldn't resist pretty things, just like crows loved shining stuff.     


Minos quickly pulled at his pants and woke Ios up. He smiled like a banker as he had been practicing hard. It looked terrible to Minos, but he had no choice now. First he politely bowed to Rubica.     

"It is an honor to gain an audience with you, Your Grace. I am Minos from Jackal Bank, and this is Os."     

Ios bowed like a banker as he had learned from Minos. And it worked since the duchess asked them to sit down.     

'Hmm, so easy.'     

Ios felt so proud of himself and said the prepared line with a smile.     

"Thank you for trusting us with your funds."     

Then, he silently complimented himself for perfectly imitating a banker. However, Rubica could immediately see that he was not a banker.     

Bankers usually tended to quickly look around to check the client's financial status by examining the condition of the mansion, just like Minos was doing. However, this man called Os looked so relaxed. The smile on his lips, which he just couldn't hide, showed he was quite enjoying the situation.     

'This Minos is an ordinary banker, but that Os is not.'     

So, on what purpose had they come to meet her? For now, Rubica decided to greet them with a smile.     

"I am glad that you came. I had a few questions to ask."     

"Is it about the trust for Ms. Angela Berner?"     

Minos rubbed his hands and asked back. He was quick-witted, so he had to be a banker. Rubica nodded and called Ann.     

"I think this is going to be a long conversation, so it would be better to have some refreshments. Do you drink coffee?"     

"Oh, with two spoonfuls of sugar and lots of milk."     

Ios said as he crossed his legs. Silence fell in the room, but the dragon couldn't see what he had done wrong. He just played with a pot right next to the sofa while Minos quickly tried to fix it.     


"Ann… please make sure milk and sugar are brought with the coffee."     

"Yes, madam."     

As Ann gave the order to a maid, she frowned at Ios to warn him, but the dragon didn't even care. Only the poor Minos was sweating like crazy.     

"I think that much interest will be enough to fund Ms. Berner's study at the Academy, so it would be better to put the rest of the savings to installment savings or investment."     

"Do you have any appropriate product for that?"     

Minos reached his bag to take out documents.     

"That rose!"     

But then, Ios jumped to his feet and yelled at seeing the vase the maid brought with refreshments. In it, there were three pale purple roses which he had never seen before.     

Minos put both hands on his forehead. He had prayed the dragon's patience to last for just an hour, but it couldn't last even ten minutes. He regretted coming to no other place but a nymph's home with the impatient dragon.     

"I've never seen it before. Where did you get it?"     

He was talking down to Rubica so naturally. Both she and the maid with the vase were surprised, but Ann wasn't. She had not liked Ios since the moment she saw him. She took a step forward and opened her mouth to scold him for his rudeness toward the duchess.     


Ann froze. Rubica looked around, and everyone had stopped as if time itself had stopped. She couldn't even guess what was going on.     

"Stop looking at the others. Answer my question," Ios came closer and said.     

His camouflage had been undone to use a new magic, and Rubica's jaw dropped at his golden hair and eyes. Tiny lumps of gold kept falling from his hair as he moved, and Minos couldn't resist it and gathered them.     

"Your… question?"     

"That rose. Where did you get it?"     

Ios pointed at the pale purple roses. He didn't seem to be hostile, but Rubica couldn't help fearing him. Her mouth was frozen with fear and she couldn't even utter a word.     

Then, Minos spoke to help her.     

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