Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

My Favorite Person Is Mom

My Favorite Person Is Mom

However, Jiang Tingxu didn't bear to refuse her son.     

"Alright, alright. I was sent here by my boss."     

But she knew that it wasn't that simple.     

Even if it wasn't Mo Boyuan's handiwork, it gonna had something to do with him!     

Anyway, she was quite happy with the situation.     

After all, she had thought that she would be separated from her son for a long time.     

But now she became the team doctor for the crew and would be able to see her baby son every day.     

The little boy didn't know it.     

"Wow, your boss is awesome!"     

The boss was awesome to send his mom to his side.     

No, to be precise, his mother was sent to his father's side by his Uncle Tan.     

The mother and son chatted and laughed as they went to the next door. The difference between room No. 1 and room No. 5 was very obvious.     

It was a two-story house. The the courtyard was paved with cement. The outer walls of the house were all pasted with tiles. The inside of the house was even better.     

Jiang Tingxu suspected that the production team did it on purpose!     

The two houses were close, but their differences were so obvious.     

"Hello, Shitou! Uncle Ye!"     

Inside the house, Shitou and his father were staring at the pile of food materials on the table in a daze. Shitou yelled, "It's Ningning calling me." As he spoke, he jumped down from the chair and ran outside.     

In the courtyard, the little boy excitedly introduced his friend to his mother.     

"Jiang Tingxu, I like Shitou very much."     

It was a surprise.     

The boy didn't make friends easily.     

Jiang Tingxu had just arrived and didn't know much about these children. However, hearing her son's words, Jiang Tingxu vaguely remembered what the father and son of the Ye family looked like.     

"Oh? What about the other children?"     

The child pursed his lips.     

"I also like An'an, Xinxin, and Yu'er, but I like Shitou the most."     

He had put them in order in his mind.     

Jiang Tingxu continued to ask, "Why do you like Shitou the most?"     

The little guy thought about it but couldn't come up with a specific reason.     

"Well, anyway, I just like him."     

Jiang Tingxu burst out laughing.     

"Oh? Then who do you like the most, Shitou or your mom?"     

This kind of wicked question seemed to be quite common.     

It seemed that most mothers would ask their children this question.     

Of course, the answer was clear for the boy. "It's Mom!"     

There was no doubt about that!     

In children's mind, the position of a mother was unrivaled, even a father couldn't replace her.     

Shitou ran out of the house.     

"Ningning," he blurted out.     

At the same time, he saw the person standing next to his friend.     


Jiang Tingxu couldn't control herself and rubbed her son's little head. She turned on the headset for her son and waved at Shitou with a smile.     

"Hello, Shitou."     

However, her son was unhappy that his mother was smiling at another kid, even though that kid was Shitou.     

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