Godly Empress Doctor

Travel (1)

Travel (1)

The carriage set off in the afternoon.    

Feng Xun and Feng had to ride their horses, while Feng Wu sat lazily in the carriage.    

This carriage had definitely undergone shock-absorbing measures.    

The carriage sped along the way, but Feng Wu didn't feel any bumpiness on the road.    

The interior of this carriage was more than twice the size of an ordinary one.    

Two-thirds of the space was occupied by a soft couch. Feng Wu could still lie down and even roll around.    

There were a total of eight windows, and when they were opened, the sunlight shone on her face, making her sleepy.    

There were all kinds of mechanisms on the wall, and tea and snacks were all prepared and within Feng Wu's reach.    

Jun Linyuan only spent a few hours preparing for this trip, but everything was very well-prepared. Nothing was out of the way.    

Jun Linyuan sat in the carriage with Feng Wu. There was a book in his hand. His eyes were lowered, and he kept reading.    

The teenager had well-defined features and was already unbelievably beautiful. Now that the sun was shining on his face, he looked even more ethereal and graceful. It was impossible to describe how beautiful he was.    

All the spiritual essence in the world seemed to have concentrated on him. The Creator really liked him.    

Sensing Feng Wu's gaze, the teenager looked away from the book. "You're awake."    

His voice was clear, deep, and refreshing.    

He didn't look as terrifying as before.    

"Ahem…" Feng Wu struggled to get out of bed, but she was too weak. The next second, Jun Linyuan was by her side and put a cushion behind her.    

The cushion was specially made from the finest natural silk cotton. It was so soft that it almost wrapped around Feng Wu.    

"How are we going to get there?"    

The two of them were so close that Feng Wu changed the subject involuntarily.    

The teenager who had dared to point his sword at the emperor carefully tucked Feng Wu in with a duvet, fearing that he might miss anything.    

He moved carefully and sincerely, as if he was doing something very important.    

After tucking the duvet in, he sat down, glanced at Feng Wu, and tossed her a booklet. He said coldly, "Read it yourself."    

Feng Wu thought to herself, "What? He was so gentle when he tucked me in, but he's being so rough now."    

However, Feng Wu was used to Jun Linyuan's "two-faced" behavior, so she wasn't offended. Instead, she read the map carefully.    

They had decided on the time and purpose of their trip. Three months later, they would meet Huyan Yanbo at the Northern Yan Palace.    

But they hadn't figured out how to get there yet.    

"What would you have gotten there if it were up to you?" Feng Wu looked up from the map and asked Jun Linyuan curiously.    

"I'll fly there," Jun Linyuan said succinctly.    

Feng Wu nodded. She knew it.    

Jun Linyuan was simply too powerful. As a Spiritual Saint, he was indeed capable of taking her all the way to Northern Yan by air. Moreover, it would save her a lot of time.    

"But Master Linghu said that we have to travel the world." Feng Wu grinned at Jun Linyuan. "Are you mad?"    

Jun Linyuan only looked at her without saying a word.    

Feng Wu answered for him as she flipped through the booklet. "You must be very angry."    

Crossing his arms, Jun Linyuan glanced at her. "Why do you say that?"    

Feng Wu snapped.    

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