Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Nothing to do with you

Nothing to do with you

Once Shen Mengqi saw Ye Mufan, she immediately hugged his arm intimately. "Mufan-ge, how did it go?"     

"I found out that the Ye family's bid is 78 million. You guys just need to bid higher than this and the project is yours," Ye Mufan said.     

Shen Mengqi saw how certain Ye Mufan was and obviously didn't dare to instantly believe him. She said hesitantly, "Mufan-ge, are you sure? Of course I'm not doubting you, it's just that you know how important this project is to me…"     

Ye Mufan's tone was resolute. "Don't worry, I saw the Ye Group's tender document with my own eyes - it's not wrong."     

When Shen Mengqi heard that, her eyes glistened. Ye Mufan probably snuck into the Ye family's house to peek at the document.     

This way, it really is foolproof.     

Using this fool was definitely the right thing to do!     

Shen Mengqi's face lit up as she hugged Ye Mufan. "Mufan-ge, you're amazing! Thank you so much. Really, thank you!"     

Ye Mufan rubbed Shen Mengqi's head. "Silly girl, why thank me? I should be thanking you for trusting me!"     


In the hidden corner outside the office, after Ye Mufan left, He Jun Cheng quietly walked out and spat a mouthful towards Ye Mufan's retreating figure.     

Just a fool - what's there to be proud of?!     

He Jun Cheng went into the office and hugged Shen Mengqi's waist. "Sweetie, so how did it go?"     

At this moment, Shen Mengqi was in a great mood, so she replied confidently, "78 million."     

When He Jun Cheng heard that, he raised his brows slightly. "Hehe, I didn't expect that second-generation Ye Mufan would actually betray his own family, huh!"     

Then his eyes shifted. He looked at Shen Mengqi and suggested, "Since we already know their bid, why don't you directly quote 78.1 million and clinch this project with minimal losses?"     

Shen Mengqi muttered, "But if we quote a price with such a small difference, won't they suspect something? With just a difference of 100,000, isn't it too much of a coincidence? Wouldn't we be telling the Ye family that we knew about their bid?"     

He Jun Cheng opened a bottle of red wine and poured it into his glass, gently swirling it as he smiled. "Mengqi, you already got the bid, so why don't you strive for the maximum benefit? If you go any higher, you wouldn't be making any profit. Anyway, so what if they suspect us? It has nothing to do with you at all."     

Ye Mufan was the one who found out about the bid, and he was also the one who stole the confidential information so naturally, it had absolutely nothing to do with her.     

With that thought, Shen Mengqi's eyes brightened up. "That's right. That makes sense!"     

Splendid Light was the first investment project she was in charge of. It was extremely important to her, so obviously, she wanted it to go as smoothly as possible. Defeating the Ye family at such a bargain? It couldn't get any better than that.     

He Jun Cheng lifted his glass of red wine. "Cheers! Wishing you success in clinching this project!"     

Shen Mengqi smiled sweetly. "Cheers!"     


On the day of the result of the tender competition.     

In the grand hall, six companies gathered together and were seated around a long table.     

Ye Group's representatives were Ye Shaoan and Ye Yiyi, while the Shen family had Shen Mengqi and the deputy general manager leading the company's team.     

After seeing Ye Yiyi, Shen Mengqi quickly greeted her warmly: "Yiyi-jie, haven't seen you in a while. You're still so pretty and attractive!"     

"Mengqi…" Ye Yiyi turned to her and smiled. "You're the real good-looking one. Indeed, a girl changes eighteen times before reaching womanhood [1] - I almost couldn't recognize you just now!"     

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