Rise of Humanity

Lion Mount

Lion Mount

"Biggest winner, biggest winner…", another voice came behind Qiu Qingshan.     

Feng Wuji has miraculously appeared behind Qiu Qingshan, he was looking at the bright moon mirror as he said casually, "I have my eyes on the East Barren for a very long time already, and it is finally falling into my hands … Hehe, Zhong Shan Clan member, I could have deceived Feng Shang and schemed on him, of course I can do that on you as well. You, you will die with Shi Buyi while I sit back and watch the two of you crushing one another. And all in the end, I will be the new monster overlord, the ruler to all monsters and the East Barren will be mine to command!"     

Qiu Qingshan seemed nonchalant to Feng Wuji's arrival, as if he knew the latter would come. Qiu Qingshan laughed and said, "As soon as I saw Shi Buyi turning happy as he knew Long Yue was breaking through to the next level, I knew the time has come, the time to become the biggest winner. Shi Buyi has been waiting for Long Yue's eye for many years. With Long Yue becoming a True Spirit magnate, Shi Buyi wouldn't be able to refrain himself back anymore.     

"While Long Yue was Zhong Yue's incarnation, he was waiting for an opportunity to kill that lion as well, surely he wouldn't waste such a good chance. They both thought they were smart and are the winners, but who knew, the true winner doesn't need to do everything himself. All he needs to do, is to pull the strings in the dark."     

"And this biggest winner, is me.", Feng Wuji smiled and said, "Shi Buyi's name is just like what it means, being teacher isn't easy. None of the disciples he has taken now were loyal to him, shame on him. However, he would suspect Lang Qingyun, he would suspect Long Yue, but he would never suspect the who one spared his life to save him, Qiu Qingshan. The last time he was struck hard by Feng Shang, when everyone left his side, only Qiu Qingshan has risked his life to save him. It was precisely because of this, Qiu Qingshan was able to walk into his heart and become his only trusted subordinate."     

"Furthermore, Lang Qingyun was sent to die in the insect planet by him, his suspicions on me has lessened as the spy of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race has been taken down, he would never direct his suspicions on me anymore.", Qiu Qingshan continued and said, "He has taken me as his trusted subordinate, he didn't hide too much from me anymore and that gave me a good chance to scheme at him."     

Feng Wuji smiled gently, he said, "I have also poured in some efforts to ensure Lang Qingyun's death. Once he is dead, Shi Buyi would lower his guards on you."     

He was smiling gently like a refined scholar while Qiu Qingshan smiled like a simple and honest commoner. But oddly enough, their smiles were miraculously similar, the tips of their mouths were all curling up in the same angle.     

"Qingshan, Shi Buyi won't last any longer. Go and inform the four elders, Tian, Di, Xuan and Huang were the four most loyal subordinates of Shi Buyi, they will surely embrace you, Shi Buyi's most trusted disciple, as the new monster lord after his death."     

Feng Wuji said placidly, "They are too loyal to Shi Buyi. Once they saw Long Yue, Gu Hongzi and Zhong Yue gathered up together in killing Shi Buyi, they wouldn't accept Long Yue and Gu Hongzi to be the new East Barren monster overlord anymore. Even the lords wouldn't have support Long Yue as well. Thus, that leaves you to be the only candidate to be the next monster overlord. Don't worry, the other monster lords wouldn't be of your match."     

Qiu Qingshan stretched his body, he kept the mirror and left, he was smiling as he said, "To inform the four elders, I will have to force some tears out again to earn their trusts. I'll be going now then. You can go and send Gu Hongzi and the Zhong Shan Clan member on their last trip!"     

Rays flashed across Feng Wuji's eyes, he didn't leave immediately but sat down quietly instead. He didn't look at the battle but took out a scroll to look at.     

The scroll was drew with marvelous arts, totem patterns filled to the corner of the scroll and it was the [Monster God Ming King Art]!     

This [Monster God Ming King Art] was not even taught to Qiu Qingshan and Lang Qingyun, and yet, Feng Wuji has gotten his hands on it!     

How overly dominating, how overbearing … No wonder this big lion is so strong…     

Feng Wuji read it carefully, he looked at the arts and praised while smiling, "Shame, no matter how hard you tried to stop it, the cultivation technique has still been leaked. Not only did the Zhong Shan Clan member has learnt it, Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei was cultivating it as well. It was hard to get it from Long Yue but wasn't quite a trouble to acquire it from Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei."     

He studied it and simulated the cultivation technique in his mind, calculating of its strengths and weaknesses. Moments later, he laughed and said, "Soon, soon! Shi Buyi is dying, the longer he gets tangled in a battle, the more the flaw of the [Monster God Ming King Art] would damage his mortal body. Even if you are able to withstand to the end, it wouldn't be the Zhong Shan Clan member and Gu Hongzi that kills you, but you yourself that dies in your own weakness!"     

Meanwhile, the battle situation grew even more intense. Shi Buyi would roar from time to time, and each roaring was able to shudder the mountains, tremble the sky. He was tangled in the battle with Zhong Yue, Long Yue and Gu Hongi.     

The weapons they wield were fully unleashed in power, the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons were able to push back the divine weapons one time after another. Even Zhong Yue who has cultivated the Immortal Body was continuously struck into a shabby mortal body.     

Gu Hongzi was even more wounded, his legs were nearly incapacitated. While Long Yue was on the brink of death, his arms were broken and not a single part of his body could be seen fully intact with muscles.     

The three of them clashed with the lion, each exchange of bout was done even harder and intense.     

All of a sudden, flash of rays burst out from Zhong Yue's eyes and shot toward Shi Buyi and a swirling action. They were like two dragons, one white like the snow and the other darker than black, they were moving around Shi Buyi's mortal body and would strike as long as there was an opening in the lion monster's stance.     

While Zhong Yue's divine third eye was opened up wide, the godly ray brimmed in his eye waiting to give Shi Buyi a killing blow.     

Furthermore, he was also calculating the next possible openings in Shi Buyi's stance.     

The Golden Feathery Peng Sword has been lashed into the sky, it was flitting through the air like a flash of lightning, clashing with the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons numerous times. While Zhong Yue's eight arms were casting the [Yin Yang Celestial Demon Style] as he engaged with Shi Buyi in a close-quarter fast-paced frontal combat. He went head on with the monster overlord, withstanding the strikes with his Immortal Body so Gu Hongzi and Long Yue could be spared from most of the attacks.     

At this point in time, Shi Buyi's nine heads have the divine eyes bleeding continuously, the nine Ming King divine eye were nearly crippled.     

This was a fight of life and death and for him to use the Ming King divine eye so frequently has acted a huge pressure on him internally. His cultivation technique was incomplete, casting the Ming King divine eye could gravely threaten his life. If it wasn't because his life was depending on the outcome of this battle, he wouldn't have use it at all.     

In addition to that Zhong Yue has been able to foresee the openings in his stance and struck at his flaws incessantly, his Ming King divine eyes were further impaired, to a point where they nearly explode.     

The battle has came to a point where the slightest mistake would cost their lives. The only time they were able to stop was when either one of them dies!     

Zhong Yue has moved his eight arms to his limit, the [Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art] has been fully imbued in his mortal body so every swung of hands, every flicking of fingers and every movements of his body would carry great power in it. He has forcibly fought against the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons and was wounded the most among the three experts.     

While Shi Buyi knew very well that Zhong Yue poses the biggest threat to him and has thus lashed most of his attacks on Zhong Yue.     

On the side, Gu Hongzi wields the serpent spear. Despite his strong prowess, he couldn't see through Shi Buyi's openings and flaw. Thus, Shi Buyi wasn't that much guarding on him.     

Whereas for Long Yue, although he was already a True Spirit magnate, he was still the weakest of them all. But the two venomous fangs were too horribly threatening, even Shi Buyi has to guard against them.     

Suddenly, Zhong Yue changed his attack, he suddenly bowed and with the [Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art] as the altar, he himself was the worshipped object, he has raised his blood essence to a new level. The sky above turned reddish in color and abruptly, he bowed down at Shi Buyi.     

Shi Buyi roared loudly and mustered all of his strength, the Eight Extreme Slaughtering Array has slashed down and clashed with the [Worshipping of Gods].     

The earth beneath them cracks and a huge rift was created between them, the rocks crumbled and stones pulverized. A huge valley was created just like that!     

Zhong Yue muffled a groan in pain, his eight arms were crushed and he fell backward. Just at the moment he clashed with Shi Buyi, Gu Hongzi has dashed over and thrust the serpent spear into Shi Buyi's chest. Right in the middle through the muscles, Shi Buyi has instantly stopped the spear by controlling his muscles and clenched tight on it.     


Gu Hongzi shouted loudly, he clenched the spear with two hands and pushed Shi Buyi backward with all his might. Feathers appeared behind him and formed into a pair of wings that fluttered quickly as he tried to pierced through Shi Buyi's body.     

The monster overlord was spurting out blood from his mouth, they were shot out like arrows and perforated Gu Hongzi's mortal body.     

While Gu Hongzi's wings slashed forward like rolling wheels. At an instant, the two of them were covered in each other's blood.     

Shi Buyi opened his mouth wide and roared, Gu Hongzi was pushed back and fell to the ground.     

While Shi Buyi held on the serpent spear in attempt to pull it out. However, a Xiang Dragon has dashed over and rammed right on the spear, Shi Buyi spurted out another mouth of blood. Just as the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons were going to be slashed down and kill Long Yue, the two venomous fangs have flew over and caused the Eight Extreme Malefic Weapons to give up on Long Yue so to block the venomous fangs.     

Long Yue who has turned into the Xiang Dragon pushed forward and suddenly, the tip of the serpent spear has pierced through to the back of Shi Buyi!     

Shi Buyi staggered as he moved, just right at that instant, the dragon-like Yin Yang Qi has seized the chance and soared around Shi Buyi's mortal body. They clawed and swung their tails on his muscles, destroying one part of his body after another.     

Shi Buyi's flaw wasn't on a fixed point, it was the point where his blood essence were concentrated at and it would move around his body. In order to injure him gravely, they would have to find the flaw and struck hard on it.     

While Zhong Yue's Yin Yang Qi was exactly striking on the point where his flaws were at.     

Shi Buyi's mortal body was stunned, crackings came within his body and blood fountained out of the wounds.     

Meanwhile, Feng Wuji suddenly laughed in a little pavilion located a few thousand miles away. He stood up and flew toward the battlefield while mumbling, "It's time. Shi Buyi is going to die in his own hands! And this Zhong Shan Clan member and Gu Hongzi are on the verge of dying as well, it won't take much to kill them now."     

Although he seemed to be flying slowly, he was actually fast like the lightning traveling toward the battlefield, he was mumbling in a gentle smile, "Biggest winner, this is exactly what I call the biggest winner…"     

At the moment Shi Buyi's mortal body was stunned, Zhong Yue has dashed to the front of Long Yue. At the same time, Long Yue has clawed down the Ming King divine eye on his forehead while Zhong Yue cleaved open Shi Buyi's forehead and plucked out the Ming King divine eye from him.     

In Zhong Yue's light wheels, an insect magnate has flew into Shi Buyi's forehead and entered his psyche ocean, crawling all over Shi Buyi's Yuan Shen and infected on it.      

Then, Long Yue flicked his finger and sent his Ming King divine eye to replace on Shi Buyi's missing Ming King divine eye.     

Shi Buyi's blood essence was disrupted, his mortal body and Yuan Shen were on the verge of collapsing. While suddenly as his Ming King divine eye has been replaced by Long Yue's, his disrupted blood essence has been balanced again and his wounds stop worsening.     

"You try to control me?", Shi Buyi was shocked and shouted in rage, he stared at Zhong Yue with a pair of eyes filled in killing intent. The monster overlord laughed in anger and said, "Zhong Shan Clan member, you dare to humiliate me…"     

With a change of thought, Zhong Yue has ordered the insect magnate to start tearing on Shi Buyi's Yuan Shen and caused the lion monster to roll on the ground in the most unbearable pain he has ever felt.     

"Shi Buyi, I'm lacking of a mount.", Zhong Yue was coughing blood out from his mouth as he said, "From now on, you will be my lion mount."     

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