Rise of Humanity



"Yanmo He is really infected by the insect race?", Zhong Yue was also shocked as he watched at the insect god flying away. He didn't know that before and only slashed at Yanmo He because he simply didn't like the demon god. He only wanted to teach the demon god a lesson.     

But who knew, there was really an insect god parasitizing the demon god and was baited out!     

If this insect god had been able to calm himself, stay steadfast inside of Yanmo He's brain and withstood the strike of the sword. The gods of the West Barren would be able to stop Zhong Yue and he would be safe by then already. However, the insect god worried too much of his own safety and left Yanmo He's brain without even trying to fight against the divine sword. Thus, he was exposed.     

In fact, Zhong Yue was real surprised when he heard that there were two gods that have survived the insect planet insect gods. After all, there were many insect gods and mother gods that ambushed on the Ancestral Star gods, the whole expedition was a deadly trap set up by the insect race.     

It was real suspicious for Yanmo He and the other god to be able to escape from the death trap back to the Ancestral Star.     

But still, not even Zhong Yue was brave enough to openly question the gods. He has only asked little Xuan Yuan to slash on Yanmo He because the demon god has pressured and cornered him with no choice. It was out of everyone's expectation that an insect god would really fly out from Yanmo He's body!     

The other gods that were rushing over quickly changed their direction, they bolted out and chased after the insect god.     

In Swords Gate, the heads of the races were stunned in shock, their hearts shuddered in cold. One, they were terrified by the incredible power of little Xuan Yuan's divine sword; two, they were shocked by the true face of the demon god Yanmo He.     

Such a drastic change caught everyone in surprise, none were able to remain placid anymore. An insect god was just standing among them, and if this insect god has decided to act, to wipe them away…     

"You … Senior martial brothers, I would never thought that you all will fraternize with the insect god to harm Swords Gate!", Zhong Yue's face turned gloomy, he glanced coldly at the heads of the races and the divine weapons all around Great Wilderness started brewing in power.     

Now, there was enough reason for him to slaughter the heads of the races already!     

When given such a good opportunity, a voice has been shouting in Zhong Yue's heart and killing intent lurks in his heart. The heads of the races fraternized with the insect god and pressured against Swords gate, this was an event that could be let slide to the back of everyone's head or made a huge fuss out of it.     

If the heads of the races were killed dead in Swords Gate, the rise of humanity would ever since be unstoppable!     

Furthermore, he has a legitimate and reasonable excuse to do so!     

He was really having the urge to kill the heads of the races right here, right now!     

All of a sudden, Shui Zian conducted his sound to Zhong Yue, he said, "Elder Zhong, calm yourself! We humans have no gods on our side, it's still not the time yet!"     

Zhong Yue's face was changing continuously, his eyes glimmered in rays.     

Shui Zian was right, the human race didn't have any gods while there were still the other gods in the Ancestral Star. This was not the time for them to declare a war on the other races, not yet. Little Xuan Yuan's divine sword was terrifyingly strong but it could only stall a few gods at one go. But the other races have their own saint weapons as well, in addition to the many divine weapons.     

Although the other race's saint weapons couldn't defeat the Xuan Yuan Sword, they could still stall it down for some time. While if the Xuan Yuan Sword was occupied by the other saint weapons, the strongest trump card of Swords Gate wouldn't be able to protect them anymore.     

But … this was such a fleeting opportunity that Zhong Yue didn't want to let it slip.     

Clan Master Xia, Mister Kun Da, Feng Wuji and the others were anxious. The ambiance in Swords Gate Golden Summit has tensed up and the outbreak of a blood-curling battle could happen anytime now. So long as Zhong Yue showed a single sign of killing them.     

One must say, none of the heads were feeling good having their lives in the hands of a human.     

If Zhong Yue has decided to let it slide, it would still be fine. But if he has decided to galvanized into action, they would all die here in Swords Gate!     

Zhong Yue's face was changing drastically; one moment ago, his expression was gloomy and the weather would turn dark and cloudy as well; while in the next second, his face would turn placid and the weather would turn clear and fine.     

The heads of the races were getting even more nervous while the other experts started shivering in fear.     

All of a sudden, billowing godly auras cleared the clouds around, the gods descended into the Golden Summit of Swords Gate. Six tall and almighty gods shrouded in godly rays stood around them, having a naturally superior air to the others.     

The heads of the many races heaved a breath of relief, they bowed down and greeted respectfully, "Greets the gods!"     

"Stand.", the gods softly raised their hands, they then said, "No need for the formalities. Swords Gate acting headmaster, Zhong Shan Clan member Zhong Yue."     

As they arrived and spoke, the whole of Swords Gate were perturbed. The gods have been chasing after the insect god and for them to suddenly turn around heading back for Swords Gate, none of them knew what were they have in mind for the human race.     

Zhong Yue was placid still, he bowed at the gods and asked, "I am here, may I ask, where is that insect god now?"     

"Escaped, too far to be taken down.", a West Barren god shook his head and sighed, he replied, "There is still a mother god hidden here in the Ancestral Star, she has suddenly emerged and salvaged that insect god. Zhong Shan Clan member, whatever unhappy experience had happened today lies on the shoulders of the heads of the races, I request you to forgive them and understand their reasonings for doing so. They are just hoping for the best for all of the Ancestral Star livings and were deceived by Yanmo He. It's not really their fault."     

Zhong Yue replied politely, "Senior god, it was true I am in anger when it happened. But when I thought deeper in it, I realized that they are deceived as well and has lead to such an awkward position we are in now. For the misunderstandings to be cleared now, I am happy as well, surely I won't blame the senior martial brothers for this anymore. Let alone making them to hold the accountability! Hahaha, senior martial brothers, isn't that right?"     

Mister Kun Da, Shi Buyi and the others held a gloomy face, they gave a series of dry laughters and thought, Whoever believes you would be idiots! You were just thinking of accusing us of fraternizing with the insect race and taking all of us down just seconds before! You just didn't do it!     

While the West Barren god nodded softly and said, "The Zhong Shan Clan member is right, the insect god has been the one stirring the troubles here. We Ancestral Star should maintain our harmonious ambiance among us so to fight against the insect race. Since the Zhong Shan Clan member is understanding enough to let go of his anger and discontentment, you should all thank him for that."     

Despite the reluctance the repleted their hearts, Shi Buyi, Feng Wuji and the others have no choice but to step up and thank Zhong Yue.     

Rays flashed across Zhong Yue's eyes, he accepted their thanks and said abruptly, "The human race was misunderstood by the others, the peace of Swords Gate Mountain was broken with ill-intentions, a survivor of the insect race expedition and a great contributor like me has been framed and tried to be killed. I can spare my life if that brings peace to the Great Wilderness. But they wanted Swords Gate to be torn into pieces as well, to eradicate the humanity! As the human Zhong Shan Clan member, as the acting headmaster of Swords Gate, I can never let such thing unanswered! Thankings aren't enough, we need compensations!"     

Mister Kun Da immediately shouted in rage, "Zhong Shan Clan member, don't you dare act so presumptuous! Wanted Swords Gate to be torn into pieces? You dare utter such words! You dare ask for compensations!? Do you have on sense of shame?"     

Zhurong Yanqin also couldn't hold herself back and she said, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong, please reconsider the statements you have made. You are the one who trapped us here in Swords Gate and threatened us with the divine weapons, tried to kill us all!"     

The West Barren god frowned, he asked, "Zhong Shan Clan member, what compensation are you asking for? Be reasonable when you answer."     

Zhong Yue lowered his body from the waist as he said, "We humans made great merits to the Ancestral Star and yet, the many races have still enslaved our people, is this the way how the Ancestral Star threatens their contributors? Does this bring harmony to the Ancestral Star? I plead the god to ask the races in handing back the humans to us, to the Great Wilderness."     

Shi Buyi furrowed his brow, he refuted, "The humans in our land are the animals we nurture, they are like our wealth. How can we hand them to you?"     

The West Barren god furrowed his brow deeper, he said, "Zhong Shan Clan member, the humans cannot be all handed in to you, each race can only give out a few million to you. Nothing more than that."     

Zhong Yue said, "Senior god, a million is too little, I ask for at least ten million."     

The god raised his brow, there were only just over ten million humans in the Great Wilderness and Zhong Yue was asking for another ten million still. What a huge appetite Zhong Yue have there.     

The West Barren god shook his head, he said, "Two million, this is my last offer."     

"Nine million.", Zhong Yue shot a pair of eyes in greed at the god.     

The West Barren god broke into laughter, he said, "Trying to negotiate with me now? I said two million and it will be just two million."     

Zhong Yue scratched his head, he gave a last shot, "If that's the case, how about two million and nine hundred thousand?"     

The West Barren god laughed while shaking his head as he said, "Fine, another nine hundred thousand on top of the two million. After you accept this, you shan't speak of what happened here anymore, never bring up this matter and made a fuss out of it again."     

Zhong Yue nodded, the West Barren god turned to the heads of the races, he ordered, "Discuss among yourselves and hand out two million and nine hundred thousand humans to the Great Wilderness."     

Rendered with no choice, the heads could only nod their heads as they received the orders. Mister Kun Da braced himself and stepped forward, he asked, "Senior god, we Kun Peng Celestial Race doesn't have any human slaves with us, can we not…"     

The West Barren god glanced his eyes across him and said indifferently, "You Kun Pengs can exchange the human slaves with treasures from the other races."     

Mister Kun Da was left with no choice, he could only nod and step back down.     

Zhong Yue was satisfied with the deal. Suddenly, he asked, "Senior god, there are two gods that returned from the insect planet, one is Yanmo He and who is the other?"     

As he asked, those who were present tensed their hearts up.     

"I am the other one.", an old and hoarse voice answered. Zhong Yue traced the voice and saw an old man whose waist bent as if there was an invisible mountain carrying on his back. He strode in mid-air and descended on Swords Gate Golden Summit.     

When the whole world's eyes were focused on him, the Zhu Jian god was placid and his voice was clear as he spoke, "I am the one who returned with Yanmo He, it is natural for me to be suspected as well. My fellow Daoist brothers, please do kill me if I am proven to be infected by the insect race."     

As he finished saying, the old man has cast out his Pure Yang Primordial Spirit and opened all of his secret realms wide, exposing out for everyone to inspect.     

Then, the old man looked at Zhong Yue and asked, "Little friend Zhong, can I borrow your Swords Gate divine sword?"     

Zhong Yue took out the Great Boundless Divine Sword and said, "Senior, please."     

The old man took the divine sword and swung it across the top of his head, opening up his skull and showed the world his brain. He turned the divine sword around back at his chest and sliced a huge wound across the middle of his torso. He pulled his ribs to the side and showed them his beating heart.     

Slowly and yet steadily, the Zhu Jian god has dissected himself and showed it all to the world.     

This West Barren Zhu Jian god has exposed himself clear like crystal to everyone around. Zhong Yue and the others were still fine, they couldn't tell too much about it. But the other six gods could clearly see everything, if this West Barren Zhu Jian god was really infected by the insect god, he wouldn't be able to hide it from them at all.     

Moments later, a god laughed and said, "Senior Martial Brother Jiumu, please, keep your Primordial Spirit. It is too embarrassing for you to do so in front of the junior. There is really no need to do it so openly."     

The old man kept his Primordial Spirit and fixed his dissected body parts. He said, "Even the gods have to prove themselves, there is no reason for us to not be cautious in this matter."     

As far as the story is at now, only this Zhu Jian god really acted like a god. Others were just pricks honestly.     

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