Rise of Humanity

The Emperor-level Skill, 【Six Soul Banner】

The Emperor-level Skill, 【Six Soul Banner】

Zhong Yue mulled, sneaking into Hell and tamper alter the Book of Life and Death? It sure wouldn't be as leisure as a stroll in the park!     

Furthermore, he has absolutely no idea of the Hell, how should he sneak in? What danger are there?     

The Hell was a heavily guarded location of the Six Paths Reincarnations, it wasn't a random house one could easily sneak into!     

There would be strong guardians stationed over the place, not even the gods could stir any trouble there!     

Where was the place? How was the environment like? Through what way to sneak in? Where could the Book of Life and Death be found? What kind of dangers would there be? How would he get out?     

Questions flowed through Zhong Yue's mind, each of them was crucial enough to bring him death if any single issue arise while he was in his quest!     

Bi and An proposed a feasible idea, yet at the same time, a deadly one!     

However, Bi and An were Deity Emperors for their past 98 lives, if they had proposed the plan, they would have already taken every necessary considerations.     

"The Book of Life and Death is not a single book on its own as how it is often rumored to be. In truth, every race in the universe has a Book of Life and Death of their own; and in this Six Paths World, there are over 600 million Book of Life and Death in total, all classified under six volumes."     

An explained, "Heaven, Earth, Celestial, Myriad, Elemental, and Prison—These six volumes recorded the name, origin, sins, deeds, benefactions, and many other details of every single living being in the respective realms. Those who've done good will embrace a better life in the next reincarnation and those who've done evil will be punished. Thus, the Book of Life and Death is also known as the Book of Sins and Merits. All six volumes are well-guarded in the hands of six individuals. Among which, the Prison Realm's Book of Life and Death is the weakest; thus, giving a certain degree of feasibility to our plan."     

Bi nodded and continued, "The Prison Realm is a cage to imprison the evil ones so they would suffer eternally. It's a blindspot to those in power to think that someone would actually add their name into the Prison Realm's Book of Life and Death. However, great danger still persist to enter the Hell. Any presence of gods in Hell will trigger the alarm and the guardians will exterminate the intruders immediately. That's why, only the Qi Practitioners can go."     

"Yet, the guardians of Hell can easily notice the weak Qi Practitioners and kill them right on the spot." An said, "Fortunately, we had been given some items that can allow you to enter Hell in the guise of a Hell guardian. That way, you should be able to sneak into Hell and find the Prison Realm's Book of Life and Death. You can even dictate your own merit points and give yourself countless benefits!"     

"If it's really that good, then why didn't you brothers do it?" Shi Buyi suddenly asked.     

Bi and An exchanged a look, they smiled, "We did plan to do it. But since Junior Martial Brother Zhong is going to the Hell now, we can only give up our chance to him. However in return, we need Junior Martial Brother Zhong to complete our goal for us. Junior Martial Brother Zhong, do consider our suggestion."     

Jun Sixie furtively contacted Zhong Yue through her psyche, she said, "Junior martial brother, don't do it! We will find another way!"     

Qiu Jin'er also said, "Senior martial brother, I sense great danger."     

Rays flashed across Old Man Six Paths's eyes, "Careful of any subsist trap!"     

Shi Buyi shook his head, "There must be some sort of trickeries in their words! They don't look like good people."     

Zhong Yue hesitated, he replied them all, "I don't feel like they are bad at all. Think about it, with their power, their strength, and Granny Shan; if they really did want to kill us, we'd be dead already. They look quite kind, benevolent, and…"     

Jun Sixie nearly went crazy and she shouted with her psyche, "Would the bad guys tattoo "I am a bad guy." on their faces? Junior martial brother, you need to raise your guard over strangers!"     

Zhong Yue contemplated for seconds, he raised his head and looked straight into Bi's and An's eyes as he asked them, "What do you need me to do?"     

Bi's and An's eyes brightened up, they answered in unison, "In Hell, there is a place where only those who've committed crimes and sins unforgivable by the world will be held captive. They will be imprisoned in their cell for until their soul dies. There, you will find a senior with a tattoo "I am a bad guy." on his face, we just need you to free him."     

I am a bad guy?, Jun Sixie was bewildered, Did they hear our psyche-conducted conversation? No, no, although they were Deity Emperors in their past lives, their cultivation base in this life are not much stronger than me, they can't possibly eavesdrop on our conversations. Then, does this mean there is really someone who has tattooed 'I am a bad guy.' on his face? How is that possible?     

Zhong Yue was also stunned, amused by the maverick senior Bi and An requested to be freed.     

"I need to know everything about Hell, its environment, faction structure, geological features, the guardians, the changes of shifts, I need every information you have." Zhong Yue said solemnly.     

An laughed, "They are all ready for you. We have prepared equipments for two, other than Junior Martial Brother Zhong, is there anyone who intends to accompany him?"     

"No, none shall follow. I will go alone!" Zhong Yue said decisively.     

All of a sudden, a pair of hand curled around his arm as Qiu Jin'er said, "I will go with senior martial brother, we can take care of one another."     

But Jun Sixie shook her head, "Junior martial sister, it's a very dangerous trip, I will go with Junior Martial Brother Zhong, you stay."     

Bi scrutinized the two ladies from head to toe, and he abruptly said, "Bring her."     

He raised his finger toward Qiu Jin'er, and it puzzled Jun Sixie for his choice over her weaker junior martial sister.     

Then, Bi explained, "You may be stronger in actual power, but her spirit is stronger than yours. In Hell, it is the spirit that dictates one's strength, and her spirit is already on the brink of awakening while yours isn't."     

An nodded, "We've chosen Junior Martial Brother Zhong exactly because of his Sun Moon Twin Spirits. In Hell, that will grant him immense power, and he could even single-handedly defeat the two of us there. In addition to this young girl, they will be able to overcome most of the guardians."     

Rendered no choice, Jun Sixie could only nod and accept.     

Meanwhile, Zhong Yue asked, "What do you mean when you said the spirit dictates one's strength in Hell?"     

Bi and An looked at one another, they nodded and their psyche abruptly burst out into Zhong Yue's and Qiu Jin'er's mind as they transfer their knowledge of Hell to them. They said, "The young lady is just a hair's breadth away from awakening her Wood Innate Spirit. Once awaken, her strength will bloom exponentially. However, there is no star in the Prison Realm that fits the Wood Innate Spirit, thankfully we do have a past life who was a Wood Innate Spirit Body. Granny Shan, led her to our past Wood Innate Spirit Body and she shall cultivate three days beside it. Whether or not she succeed, she will have to leave for Hell three days later."     

Granny Shan nodded, and she left with Qiu Jin'er.     

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, what a shame, your Sun Moon Twin Spirits are too rare for us to even provide any guidance. However, even if the young lady's Wood Innate Spirit has awaken, she would still not be as strong as you."     

Rays flashed across Bi and An's eyes, they said, "Junior martial brother, the skills and arts cultivated in Hell are far different than those we know of. They mainly focus in the souls and spirits, allowing them to strike right on our weakest soul and spirit. Some of them even feed on the weaker souls to evolve themselves. Fortunately, we do know a thing or two about the Hell's cultivation system, so we will make use of these three days and get you used to their skills."     

"Hell's skills?" Zhong Yue was curious, he laughed and asked, "Senior martial brothers, you even know about it?"     

"A little, but far inferior than the authentic Hell guardians. Junior Martial Brother Zhong, be careful now!"     

Bi suddenly gave a deep groan that sounded as if it came from deep underground, and the groan alone struck Bai Canghai into a swoon, while Jun Sixie wobbled on the ground with a pallid face, Shi Buyi bending over while dry retching, and only Old Man Six Paths was struck by a light dizziness.     

"This is the [Cry of Soul]." Bi explained. When he saw Zhong Yue completely unaffected by the skill, he couldn't help but to praise in his heart while he said, "The Hell guardians can do much better than me. Their [Cry of Soul] can shudder even one's soul and cleave the soul and spirit."     

An was also shocked, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong, your soul is really strong. But you still have to be aware. The Qi Practitioners' biggest weakness is our weak soul, you mustn't take the [Cry of Soul] lightly."     

Zhong Yue was puzzled, he did not felt a single thing at all when Bi cast the [Cry of Soul]. However, seeing the reactions of his company, it seemed like the [Cry of Soul] was strong that even Shi Buyi couldn't take it very well.     

Little did they know, Zhong Yue's soul was even stronger than his Sun Moon Twin Spirit; even though Bi's [Cry of Soul] was strong, it couldn't affect him even by the slightest.     

With a thought, a metal chain dark like black ink whipped out from An into Zhong Yue's psyche ocean, and he said, "This is the [Soul Shackler]! If your identity is exposed, the Ox-Heads will pin you down and capture your soul. They never miss their targets!"     


The metal chain crashed on Zhong Yue's forehead and a loud noise resounded their ears, yet it couldn't penetrate through his mortal body.     

Bi and An were shocked, while Bai Canghai laughed and said, "Did you cast the wrong skill?"     

The metal chain was whipped out again and this time, it was cast on Bai Canghai. With a slight pull, Bai Canghai's soul was dragged out of his body and the young cultivator fainted yet another time.     

An quickly send Bai Canghai's soul back to his body, and as soon as he woke up, Bai Canghai didn't dare to utter a single word anymore.     

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, what kind of medicinal pellet did you eat? How is your soul so strong?" An frowned and asked.     

Zhong Yue shooks his head.     

Bi and An exchanged a look, they asked, "Then, try this skill!"     

The two yelled and countless totem patterns flew out from their body forming into a huge banner. On the banner, the totem patterns formed the Six Path Wheels and they waved the banner toward Zhong Yue!     

Zhong Yue muffled a groan, he could finally feel his soul fluttered slightly by the banner and he asked in shock, "What skill is this?"     

"The [Six Soul Banner]." Bi and An's face changed drastically, they mumbled despondently, "An emperor-level skill, a chief judge imparted it to us to repay the deed we have done. Even we have to gather our strength together to cast it…"     

"The [Six Soul Banner], it is truly strong." Zhong Yue praised.     

Bi and An exchanged a look, they thought, How in the world did he cultivate such a strong soul? His soul is almost on par with the Hell judges!     

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